Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated King To The Infinite World Chapter 136

"Lancer! You trash! Quickly attack me the master of assassin!"

Facts proved that Kenneth was not stupid, but his voice became extremely flustered at this time, as if he had seen a natural enemy.

After hearing Kenneth's words, Dilumudo stopped his advancement abruptly, and struggling appeared on his face. It was fortunate to say that Karen was sitting in the arms of the night eclipse, even if he attacked. By the way, Karen blocked half of Night Eclipse's chest, but even then Di Lumuto never attacked Karen. Now Karen is sitting on Night Eclipse's shoulders. At this time, if Di Lumuto shoots...

The knight and loyalty collided in Dilumudo's heart, making his handsome face a little distorted.

All this was seen by the night eclipse, and the night eclipse sighed. There would have been no such entanglement situation for Dilumudo, but I don’t know why Karen has become a little strange recently, not only did not act very rationally, On the contrary, he asked the Night Eclipse to take her with him very willfully, causing Dilumudo to become the current situation.

"It's alright lancer! Just attack! I will definitely guard it!"

The words of the night eclipse dispelled Dilumudo's entanglement, and Dilumudo smiled and said:

"Then I'm not welcome!"

Speaking of Di Lu Muduo raised a sprint and appeared in front of the night eclipse, the demon-breaking red rose in his right hand pierced Karen on the shoulder of the night eclipse, facing the closer and closer gun point Karen. She didn’t panic, because she knew...


The silver-white spear collided with the red rose of Dilumudo's Demon Breaker, directly separating Dilumudo.

It's safer than anywhere else!


"I didn't expect to meet him! This Holy Grail war is coming!" The rider slapped Webber's head with a smile.

"I want to go home." Although the abnormal Webber was slapped on the head by the rider, he did not yell and grabbed the rider's clothes tightly and burst into tears.

"Eh~ I still want to say hello to him." The rider scratched his head in embarrassment.

"No, no! I don't want it! Go home!"



Tosaka Shichen had completely lost its original elegance at this time, pacing repeatedly in the magic workshop, his face full of distress.

"Unexpectedly, it still appeared!"

"It's okay teacher! Archer will know how to deal with it."

Compared to Tosaka, who was at a loss, Yanfeng Kirei looked much calmer. After spending more than a year with the night eclipse, he learned that night eclipse has the power of a dragon, which is not a weak point. In front of other heroic spirits, this is not a weakness at all but an extremely powerful attribute, but it is unintentionally the worst in the face of heroic spirits with dragon-slaying treasures, so...

"Kiri, you are right, the archer should know what to do," Tosaka Shitatsu said with a sigh of relief, "She who has the treasure of the king is enough to deal with assassin!"

Seeing Tosaka Shichen starting to talk to himself alone, Yanfeng Kirei's mouth raised a very strange arc, and said in a voice that only he could hear: "You are not the only people who know this."


"Lancer work harder! Otherwise, you will have to die here!" Eclipse laughed and stabbed Dilumudo.

Di Lu Mudu's mouth twitched. To be honest, he is very disgusting now. Huang Qiangwei, who is not going to be extinct in the night eclipse, casually stabs him in the body. There is nothing at all. Hong Qiangwei encountered various aspects of the night eclipse, but he couldn't face it head-on.

Di Lumudu took a shot to avoid the night eclipse, and backhand sent the inevitable yellow rose into the night eclipse's chest.


The inevitable yellow rose did not make even a mark, but instead made Dilumudo's arm numb. Dilumudo couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "Your armor is too hard!"

Seeing Di Lu Muduo dodge his attack with a bitter face, Night Eclipse laughed and slammed his punch at Di Lu Muduo.

Di Lu Muduo's pupils shrank, and a shot hit the fist of the night eclipse, but a huge force bounced him away, and the huge force made Di Lu Muduo slide out dozens of meters.

"Lancer should get you on the road!"

The night eclipse inserted the red-backed shrike on the ground, spreading both hands, palms up into claws, and arcs flashed across the dark arm armor.


Dark clouds blocked the moonlight and darkened the entire pier, while the cross pupils of the night eclipse became dazzling in the darkness.

A sense of crisis permeated Di Lumuduo's heart, and his instinct told him that he would be dead if he let the night eclipse complete this trick!

He must be stopped!

Di Lu Muduo rushed straight towards the night eclipse, trying to stop it, but watching Di Lu Muduo getting closer, the night eclipse hidden in the armor showed a smile.

too slow!

The dark clouds in the sky chopped down two lightning bolts and gathered them on the palm of the night eclipse, and then the night eclipse raised his hand and pointed it at Dilumudo who was rushing over.

"Yad Miller!"

Thunder and lightning gathered in the palm of the hand, a large amount of magic power began to evaporate, and the corner of the night eclipse's mouth was twitched, and the magic power seemed to be consumed more than expected, as if playing off!

But Di Lu Muduo's heart was cold. No matter how the night eclipse's current posture looked like he was about to make a long-range move, if Di Lu Muduo was confident to get out of the way before, but now he is in a sprint state, it is his The speed is also very fast, his face is almost close to the night eclipse's hand, watching the thunder and lightning gathered in the palm of the night eclipse, Di Lumuduo is desperate and can't avoid it.


"Wow haha! Stop it! The King of Conquer is here!"

"Rider elegant butterfly!"

Chapter 21 The Unknown Kylin

"Hahaha! I am Alexander Iskandar, the King of Conquerors. Are you interested in joining my army and sharing the Holy Grail with me!"

The red-haired man waved his hand, completely ignoring Webber's unlovable appearance.

"Sorry, I will only be loyal to my monarch!"

Although he was very unhappy that the red-haired man in front of him interrupted his duel with the night eclipse, he escaped, and coupled with the other party's upright behavior, Di Lumuduo's tone was not bad.

"Eh~ the treatment is good to discuss!" The rider scratched his head and gestured with his radish-thin fingers.

"I am the king of Britain, rider please stop making such jokes!"

"Oh? The famous Knight King turned out to be a little girl!"

"Then do you want to take the little girl in your mouth?"

Saber, who was already back in the armor, raised an invisible weapon in his hand, his face full of ill-will.

Rider scratched his face awkwardly and looked at the night eclipse, and said loudly, "Assassin, would you like to join my army, and give me your loyalty!"


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