Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated King to the Infinite World Chapter 14

Esdes looked at the movement of the night eclipse amused, and whispered softly: "Go to fashion first, the emperor has new orders, it seems to be related to you."

"Emperor Capital?" Ye Eclipse frowned, saying that he didn't seem to have too much intersection with the minister.

And the fashion who ran to the night eclipse looked at the night eclipse frowning figure began to daze again.

Ah, the frowning Lord Ye is so handsome!

—————— I am the scene dividing line——————

"Now I solemnly introduce the ultra-fashionable props made with the blood of Lord Ye!" With a full face of excitement, Fashion opened a heavy iron box, and a burst of cold air erupted.

The three tubes of liquid are noble gold, eerie red, and pure white.

"First of all," Fashion proudly picked up the test tube containing the golden liquid, "[Crazy Dragon Coming] Purified by the dragon's blood after Lord Ye relies on his own will, it can give a person a year ago. Although his fashionable physique may appear deadpool, it is my proud work! However, because purification requires a lot of blood, people are reluctant to suffer damage to Lord Ye’s body."

While glaring at the night eclipse, fashion picked up the test tube containing the pure white liquid, "This is [Blood Reducing] can lower the blood line concentration. It was originally prepared for Lord Ye."

"The last one!" Fashion held the last test tube with both hands, the light in his eyes was shining like never before.

"[Deadpool is coming] maliciously increases the concentration, only inject three seconds to instantly become Deadpool!"

The night eclipse squirted out the tea suddenly, not because of the effect of the liquid, but because of the name.The front two and the back are completely two styles.

"Well, it's pretty good, but the final change is [The Temptation of Power and Power]." Night Eclipse put the test tube back in the box and patted fashion on the shoulder. "Get ready, it's probably time to return to the emperor."

After speaking, Ye Alter turned his head and left.

"Why does Lord Ye call it that way?"

The footsteps of the night eclipse paused, but then left and continued to walk outward.

"The power of dragon blood is to exchange power and strength with human nature. You will understand it someday."

"Master Ye..."

———— I am the scene dividing line——————————

"So you want to return to the imperial capital?" Asides played with a strand of hair lightly, looking at the teenager in front of him, a trace of affection flashed in his heart.

"Probably because I robbed you of your military merit." Ye Eclipse squeezed Esther's soft cheek nonchalantly and chuckled softly, "Now I am better than you, so try to become a general."

"I am waiting for you in the imperial capital."

Esther was stunned for a moment, raised both hands to hold Night Eclipse's right hand, and gently rubbed his cheeks, the cute movement made Night Eclipse a daze.


"Hmm! It's agreed!"

Chapter 13 First Encounter with Najita (a bit of water)

Imperial Palace.

The night eclipse yawned while walking in the corridor.Political diplomacy really left him speechless. If Bud hadn't been staring at him, he would have found a reason to slip away, otherwise he shouldn't explain what happened in two years in such detail.

The tranceful night eclipse didn't notice the figure coming out of the corner, and the two people directly ran into each other like this, because the night eclipse body was stronger, of course, the other party was knocked down by him.

"It's okay." The self-conscious night eclipse pulled the opponent up, and then looked at the opponent carefully.

The casual tights showed her figure vividly, and the black hot pants showed the girl's long white legs, and her clean silver hair was tied behind her head into a neat braid.

"Who are you? Why haven't I met you? (Bullshit, I haven't been in the imperial capital for two years, I know there are ghosts!)" Ye Eclipse looked at the girl's eyes and made the girl feel unhappy, but when she thought that she had just arrived in the imperial capital to accept the position , If it provokes some supernatural beings in the imperial capital, I’m afraid they will...

"I'm here to serve." The girl stepped back without leaving a trace and lowered her head to explain to the night eclipse.

"Have you just arrived in the imperial capital?" Ye Eclipse tilted her head, her long hair pouring out like a milky way, and her delicate face full of curiosity.

"Yes, I will take up the post of general."

"That's amazing, so young can be a general."

Perhaps it was the sincere compliment of the night eclipse, and the girl's wariness of the night eclipse also faded, with a curve of pride hanging from the corner of her mouth.Just when the girl was about to say something, it was disgusting and came with a lewd voice.

"Well, the girl over there is quite punctual."

A wilted body with a hollowed out body, white hair soaring to the sky, plus a look at night eclipse and a girl's obscene expression (why there is a night eclipse? When you see a slender figure that is sent to the ankle, you miss that person Is it a male or female?), the night eclipse feels a little flat, even though he didn't look back.

"Who are you, why do you speak so badly?" The girl who was stimulated by the voice of the incoming person lost her calm.

"I'm the one who succeeded the general, and I can't be molested casually"

Upon hearing this, the night eclipse immediately covered his face speechlessly. The current palace is not about who is the most useful official, but who is behind. And the two people in front of the girl are the two most powerful in the palace. people.

"A mere general." The boy smiled disdainfully, "I am the only son of the minister! Sheila."

The girl's face turned pale, even if she was not born in the imperial capital, she had long heard that the emperor was a minister in the world, and she actually hit the minister's son.

Obviously seeing the jealousy and pale expression in the girl's eyes, Sheila couldn't help but laugh proudly, "The capital is the world of ministers, it provokes me, the general don't want to do it! Unless..."

Speaking, Sheila looked up and down the girl's bumpy figure with her wicked eyes, especially on the girl's beautiful appearance and long white legs.

"If you are a general, it should be a playable toy. I haven't played with a general yet, so I'll name you Toy One."

Listening to Sheila's unscrupulous speech, the girl couldn't help clenching her fists, her teeth clenching her red lips.When I first arrived in the imperial capital, will my dream come to an end before it develops?Even if you refuse now, you will definitely not get the seat of general, and you will eventually become a doll. It might as well...

Just as the girl was fighting between heaven and man, a hand patted the girl's white tender face.

Raising her head, she saw a pair of dazzling gold vertical pupils, and her eyes full of pressure gave her an inexplicable sense of security.

"Hey!" Sheila, who was ignored, was suddenly upset, and directly raised his leg to walk towards the night eclipse with his back facing him, "Toy Number One, come over to me!"

He raised his hand and patted it on the shoulder of Night Eclipse. Before saying anything, Night Eclipse held Sheila's wrist with his backhand and threw him out like a large garbage.Sheila, who had never been treated like this before, yelled at the night eclipse after relieving her breath: "I am the minister's son. Do you dare to treat me like this? "

"Oh~" Night Eclipse turned around and opened the golden pupil completely, and the turbulent Longwei directly applied to Xi La at close range.

"Interesting, dare to talk to me like this." Ye Eclipse walked over to Sheila with a playful expression.

As if seeing an evil spirit, Sheila reversed her previous arrogance, and moved backwards with a pale face, and a fishy smell came from under Sheila's crotch.

Sheila peeed in shock.

Ye Eclipse stopped with a weird face, looked down at Sheila's soaked pants and said silently, "I was scared to pee."

The girl behind her also pressed her mouth to prevent herself from laughing, but her blushing face made Sheila run away completely.

"Damn it!" Sheila rushed towards the night eclipse unreasonably, and the fast approaching figure told others that he was not so simple on the surface, but in the eyes of the night eclipse and the girl, he was so simple.Night Eclipse raised his leg and kicked, Sheila immediately flew out at a faster speed than ever before, threw the dog on the ground, and probably knocked a few teeth away.

The girl looked at the night eclipse with bright eyes, and she could do it with one kick to let the apprentice fly out, but she couldn't make a casual kick like the night eclipse, at least the night eclipse was better than her on the leg.

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