Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated King To The Infinite World Chapter 142

Saber gritted his teeth and shouted at the unicorn who was following them: "When are you going to follow us!"

"Ah, I was found," Qilin shook the potato chips in his hand, "Do you want a piece?"

"Oh thank you," said Alice Phil with a smile and took out a piece of curiosity from the bag in Qilin's hand: "Is this a snack for the common people? It's fun!"

"Wait Alice! How can you eat the enemy's food!" Saber watched Alice Phil put the potato chips into her mouth unconsciously and quickly stopped, but when her hand stretched over, Alice Phil had already put the potato chips Put it in your mouth.

Kaka Kaka




Eclipse walked back to his coffee shop with Karen in his arms, looked at the door of his coffee shop and exclaimed.

First, the original Lancelot changed from berserker to a venger of the eighth position, and then attacked him without attacking the saber, and another ninth position was added, which still looks very noble sa viour, plus Sa Viour itself makes people unable to see through and does not understand what he is thinking.

"Ah-the situation won't get worse, right." Ye Eclipse smiled bitterly and pushed open the door of the cafe.

However, what caught the eye was not Yan Ye with a tired face, but a young girl in a blue evening dress. Her long pale blonde hair was nicely curled up by her master, revealing her snow-white neck.

The young girl's Qianqian held a small silver spoon in her hand and kept stirring the coffee in front of her and had no intention of drinking, as if she was waiting for someone.

The corner of Night Eclipse's mouth twitched, really afraid of something. Although he changed his clothes, he was not blind yet, but...

The clothes are nice, like it!

At least it looks better than the old-fashioned suit.

But what the hell is going directly to someone else's base camp!

Where did the lady go!Wouldn't it be hiding?

Didn't Eimiya Kiritugu press explosives in my shop?

After all, how did you get to my shop!

Night Eclipse walked behind "saber" with suspicion and slapped her hand on her shoulder. The jade-like skin made Night Eclipse feel like a heartbeat, but when Night Eclipse pulled "Saber" over...

What caught his eye was a pretty face familiar to him, but it was not the emerald-like eyes he saw dozens of minutes ago, but a very cold and noble pale gold.


"Why! That kind of personality will appear! There will be traversers that I don't know!"

[Now] waving Xiubai's fist and shouting at Gaia Alaya.

"Woo woo woo~ don't shout at us! woo woo woo~ my hall of heroes! my hero! woo woo woo~ my legs are sore~"

At this time, the glorious Hall of Valor, as if it had been demolished, not only lost its former light, but also had traces of destruction everywhere.

Fist mark

Knife mark

Broken purple crystal

The owner of the Hall of Valor, Gaia Alaya, was crouching in front of a broken wall with his legs in his arms.

Of course they were not voluntary. Gaia was rubbing his calves while wiping tears. They had been squatting for a day, and all of this was caused by Lolicon but threatened them to squat here until he The returning traveler.

First, all the heroic spirits sent by Gaia and Alaya were completely wiped out by crushing. Now Gaia still remembers Hercules' miserable roar. He was forcibly killed twelve times without touching the opponent’s clothes. To.

Finally, after being informed by [Now] that he could dispatch out-of-specification heroes, Gaia once again saw despair, Galna's ultimate move was bounced back, and the other side only raised his hand.

In the end, Gaia and Alaya surrendered, but unexpectedly the other party did not intend to blackmail anything, only asking him to join the Fourth Holy Grail War, and then let them hold their heads and squat on defense until he returned.

Gaia didn't even think about agreeing to the first condition, but when Alaya was trying to bargain, the other party made them compromise with a condition they had to give in.

"Damn it! Don't let me know where the schizophrenic comes from!"

[Now] He has completely lost his calmness. A powerful foul traverser ran into the world of Night Eclipse. The key is that his breath does not belong to any of their sisters. If it is malicious, Night Eclipse is absolutely It's dead.

The key is that [now] greedily gave the Emperor Sword to the night eclipse ahead of time, causing the existence of the night eclipse to be completely embedded in the Holy Grail War. Okay, now the information and strength of the night eclipse have been exposed. I don't know if I die.

"Ah! I'm sorry for the night eclipse! If you die, I will commit suicide and accompany you! Oh oh oh~"

[Now] I didn't know where to take out a handkerchief and kept wiping tears.


[Future] slapped [now]'s head with a slap, but because of his height, slapped [future] on the upright Oupai.

I felt the amazing elasticity in my hand [Future] There were countless black lines across my head, and the film was changed to pinch her envy, jealous and hate Opie into various shapes.

"Um~ [Future] What are you doing?"

[Now] With a groan, he pushed away [Future] and said with a blush on his chest.

"Cut! Don't worry that nothing will happen to the night eclipse," [Future] grabbed and said without raising his hand: "I'm not worried about what you are worried about?"

"Because...because...night eclipse is my’s not my younger sister’s time!" Originally [now] I wanted to say that night eclipse was her first time, but I saw [future] puzzled expression He changed his mouth instantly.

"It's okay, that guy doesn't belong to this time and cannot change the past unless he is also a sword holder." [Future] waved his hand nonchalantly.

"But... but... he has the breath of seven sins, and there are two of them!"

[Future], who was originally indifferent, his face stiffened, and his face became pale with a brush, and said in disbelief: "Is it really created by them? The emperor star that rivals the emperor sword, this night eclipse is troublesome. !"

Author's message:

PS Say no one can see the mystery of the cafe's name?It's the author who made a wrong call~

PS moaning for Mao is also a sensitive word!

Chapter 25: Altria Pendragon

"Really! Why don't you let me drive! It's obviously my toy!"

Alice Phil was sitting in the back seat of the car with a dissatisfaction with her arms around her chest, her face bulging like a child who had been robbed of a toy and was losing her temper.

"Don't do that! As a man driving for a beautiful young lady, it's not you... No, my mother taught me," Qilin said without turning his head while holding the steering wheel with one hand.

"Mother? What is your mother like? She must be an excellent mother who can cultivate a hero like you! Nana! Tell me, okay~" Alice Phil's eyes lit up, and she rushed to the front seat, using her The little white hand poked Qilin's face unscrupulously.

"Eri! How can you approach other heroes casually!"

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