Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated King To The Infinite World Chapter 157

"Huh~ I'm not a kid!" Lena said with some dissatisfaction with her arms akimbo. She seemed to dislike the tone of the night eclipse, but her eyes floated towards Saber who was eating from time to time, and finally bit her lip. "Don't believe what this guy said!"

Then Lena jumped to the side of Saber, staring at Saber tightly without blinking, as if she wanted to completely imprint her appearance in her mind.

Eclipse breathed a sigh of relief and finally flicked her away, but I don't know if it was an illusion. When Lena ran to Saber, Saber seemed to stop moving for a moment and glanced at Lena...

"In fact, Lena's current state is a bit similar to the heroic spirit," Qilin said casually, as if she was unintentional.

"Huh?" Night Eclipse didn't react for a moment.

"At least in Saber's eyes, a strange spirit is watching her eating."

"I go……"

"I advise you not to call Lena back, anyway, Saber has no objection, so why should you embarrass Lena..."

"That's right." Night Eclipse rubbed his head with a headache. It is no longer rude now. Saber's ability to hold back his hands is beyond his imagination. After all, a heroic spirit looked at her eating with wide eyes. ...

"Okay, Silly Baitian, I'll continue now when I'm not here," Qilin patted the desktop to let Night Eclipse pay attention to his side. After Night Eclipse came back, Qilin cleared his throat and said, "I didn't mean the sword holder before. Will the cause of the past be cut off?..."

"Wait a minute, I still say why [now] stupid reason!" Eclipse couldn't help but interject.

" will understand when I finish talking."


"That's it. The Emperor Sword Emperor Sword King Sword begins to erase the past of the sword holder at the moment it is pulled out, but it will not erase it all at once, but will slowly fade away. The more deeply remembered people, the faster it fades. Quick, but this also causes the mental state of the sword bearer to become unstable, and it is easy to be invaded or bewitched by something..."

"So [Destiny] reached a consensus with many world wills to allow the existence of sword bearers to be embedded..."

"I seem to understand this a little bit. I seem to have inlayed it when I cut the Crimson Eye." Ye Eclipse frowned and said with some uncertainty while looking at Qilin.

"Um~ Now the protagonist of the Crimson Eye in the ordinary world has become a general named Night Eclipse," Qilin spread his hands and glanced at Night Eclipse with a very strange look, "and it is very popular, you He is even called His Royal Highness."

"It's inevitable to be popular!" Disregarding Qilin's disgusting eyes, he flicked his hair at night and narcissistically.

"Yeah~ Special~ Don't~ Accept~ Huan~ Welcome~"

The night eclipse's face froze, and Qilin's weird tone reminded him of something not so wonderful, something that all the protagonists of anime would suffer.


After discovering the change in night eclipse's eyes, the smile on Qilin's face became more brilliant, "For example ~ night eclipse × fashion, night eclipse × Will, night eclipse × orchid, night eclipse × little emperor..."

Ye Eclipse's face turned black, and the sword in his hand ran across Qilin's neck, as if he would wipe Qilin's neck at any time.

"Hand over the book!"

Author's message:

PS Ahhhhhhh!Not enough manuscripts!

PS The club that was patronizing the collapsed forgot to add the manuscript...Sang Xin~

Chapter 36 The First Traverser and the Unchangeable Future

"Book or something..." Qilin gently pushed the sword of the night eclipse away and said solemnly, "How can I look at such impure things!"

"You know the name clearly, do you think I will believe your nonsense!" Night Eclipse ran the sword across Qilin's neck again, exuding black air from all over his body.

Although the book is a beautiful thing, the eclipse does not resist the book, but if the protagonist is him, it won't work!And the subject is still a man!

" popular G...ahhh! Pure love! Look how good it is to be in love with your companion!" Qilin swallowed, slowly leaning back, for fear that the night eclipse would seal his throat with a flick of his sword. Up.

Pure love...

Night Eclipse took a deep breath and took the sword back with a blue veins, looking at Qilin with a smile, "Then why Borus is not in the range of pure love."

To be reasonable, Borus's kind of strange guy who seems to be attacking at first glance is actually the target of many rotten girls, but the Kirin reported a bunch of names and did not appear, why!

But unexpectedly, the Qilin's eyes on the night eclipse became very contemptuous. Finally, when the night eclipse was too much to bear, he looked at you wrong and said, "Fortunately, you are happy and the family, you want to dismantle them. !"

Ye Eclipse's face stiffened, he forgot, Polus is already married, has a gentle wife and a lovely daughter, and is the only one in their team who is married...

Feeling heartache inexplicably...

Obviously there are a lot of good girls around Mao who are all male in the name...

As if seeing the reason for the entanglement of Night Eclipse, Qilin started talking nonsense seriously.

"Heterosexuals don't watch it now."

"Then why don't you go find a man..." Ye Eclipse replied silently.

"Huh? I don't need others to watch."

Ye Eclipse silently covered his face, looking at Qilin as expected, Ye Eclipse had completely given up the treatment, he also understood the character of Qilin, such as the evil taste...

"Let’s continue to talk about inlays."

"Eh~Don't you continue to talk about the book?" Qilin looked at the night eclipse with regret, as if there was something he had planned to talk about.

After seeing the look in the Qilin's eyes, Night Eclipse refused to talk about the book with the Qilin any more. In case of Night Eclipse × Big... it doesn't necessarily happen that there will be such things!

"No talk! Talk about business!"

Qilin licked his mouth with regret. To tell the truth, he really wanted to explode, but seeing the eclipse never listen to him, Qilin also gave up this interesting idea.

"That's the reason why the mental state of the sword bearer is unstable is because the past bonds are forgotten, so the idea of ​​[Fate] is to create bonds to fill the void in my heart, but..."

Qilin paused and glanced at the contemplative night eclipse vaguely, then continued.

"It seems that [Destiny] underestimated her Emperor Swordsman, who was also the first traverser to cherish her fetters. When she found herself forgotten, her first thought was to create more memories, and she succeeded in her. The lover thought of her but was once again forgotten. The power of Emperor Sword was beyond her imagination. She thought about suicide, but [Fate] stopped her and let her enter a world, giving her a younger sister , So that she would not die easily, but in the end... Without the power, she watched her sister being sacrificed because of a little rain. She fought desperately but was defeated by the destiny that had been set long ago..."

Listening to the unicorn slowly telling the night eclipse somehow, his eyes are a little wet, especially the inexplicable pain in his heart when the loved one is forgotten again. This makes the night eclipse want to cover his ears but there is another voice in his heart saying You must listen, or you will regret it!

Seeing Ye Eclipse's ambivalence, Qilin smiled. This is the correct way. If there is no response at all, it will embarrass him.

"In order to prevent her from becoming a walking corpse, who was on the verge of collapse, [Fate] tried to maintain her heart by other means. It is precisely because of this that [Fate] miscalculated, the power of the world itself invaded her body, that power... …But with the terrible power that twists people’s hearts, she committed suicide as a result. In order to protect others, she chose to end her life..."

"She won't just end like this, right?" Night Eclipse asked impatiently.

"It's over? How could that be possible!" Qilin smiled mockingly, "How could the Emperor Swordsman who was selected after hard work let her die like this? [Fate] saved her life, but she also refused to go to any world. , The way to resist destiny is to stop joining any destiny. This is her way..."

Although still...

"Really?" Ye Eclipse breathed a sigh of relief. After hearing that Qilin had her life saved, Ye Eclipse suddenly relaxed, which also caused him not to see a flash of gloom in Qilin's eyes.

"Don't think about how your situation is getting better right now!" Seeing the eclipse looked relaxed, the Qilin smiled bitterly and shook his head and knocked on the table to make the eclipse return to his mind.

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