Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated King to the Infinite World Chapter 16

"That's right," Bud touched his chin, took out something from the armor around his waist and threw it directly toward the night eclipse, "then pick it up and deal with it yourself."

After Night Eclipse caught the waist card in a hurry, he was dumbfounded.

Mother!I just said casually, you really copied a waist card, and you are sure that this iron bump, which is a lap larger than my hand, is a waist card, it is a breastplate!Or is this waist card made for you?

Looking at the stunned night eclipse, Bude said casually: "This is a custom made by the emperor, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Big problem!This is also customized!

Night Eclipse shook his head and hurriedly ran out after saying goodbye to Bude, leaving Bude alone.

Bud was meditating, feeling there was something wrong, and finally stood up and quietly followed the eclipse's fast running figure.


Empire, Gifunola tree sea.

(In the manga, this is the first test for Chi and Black to become assassins, and it is also the place to separate the two sisters. However, the specific time is not described in the animation, and the description in the manga is vague. For example, Crimson is still in a state of empire brainwashing. And when the best seven of them died, Chi pupil had a dream. The dream was when he passed the test eight years ago. Although it is very likely that eight years means eight years before the plot began, at most Chi pupils had a dream. Hitomi is only sixteen years old, and in the comics Chih Hitomi has been an imperial assassin for at least two years, plus imperial assassination troops training for at least ten years, conducting social practice of [make money] for half a year, plus time for final testing, co-authored Can the red pupil and the black pupil be able to defeat the dangerous species when they are three or four years old? And they are still a group! So decisively change it, otherwise, how can the little night stand as a dead house be worthy!)

Recently, the situation in the imperial capital has changed. The sudden emergence of a night eclipse made the minister's brains awkward. Therefore, as the minister's confidant, Gozzi resolutely shared his concerns for the minister and developed a trump card-the imperial assassination force.

However, there was an accident this time. Not only did the first person to walk out of the sea of ​​trees broke the record, but also was a pair of sisters. Gozzi, who did not understand the charm of the sisters at all, said that the assassination of the troops does not require family affection!

So, he decided to throw his poor qualifications based Friends, bald dead rest in peace metamorphosis nameless bald (bald guy: Hey bully bit-part player not human rights ah! Author: Lolita give light to you to send you an aphrodisiac sentenced to euthanasia It's a death sentence. Your friends are at most ghost fathers, and do you discriminate against bald heads? Tell the Saitama clan which is not a blow to break everything, all bald heads. If it is not for the sake of water, I will send you to the west now!)

Therefore, Gozzi opened the camp, waved his hand, and announced the decision to separate the two. Of course the sisters disagreed, but the two were too weak and were easily pulled apart.

Gozzi looked at the thin black pupil being carried out, and smiled at the red pupil with a ghost father's smile, "From today you can call me father, ah!"

Before he finished speaking, Gozzi felt a huge force coming from his butt, and he swooped out, passing the red pupil and hitting the ground, his face on the ground.

"A pervert who wants to be a ghost father!"

An arrogant voice came from outside, and at the same time, a person opened the curtain and walked in, holding the black pupil who had just been carried out in his hand.

"Black pupil!" Xiao Chitong jumped out of the bed nervously, ran to the night eclipse, hugged the night eclipse's body tightly, and pleaded in a low voice, "Don't hurt my sister, what do you do to me? ."

Hearing Chitong's words, Heitong hugged Ye Eclipse's neck tightly, and whispered, "Don't hurt my sister." Chitong who saw Heitong crying also began to chuckle, making Ye Eclipse feel a little headache.

"Who! Dare to attack me!"

Gozzi, who finally came out from the feeling of breaking his tail bone, jumped out.You dare to kick me, you want you to look good!

Then Goz looked intently and withered.A shining waist card is hanging on the chest of the night eclipse (Night eclipse: blame me, who made this broken brand so big.), the highest commander of the imperial capital, the waist card of General Bud.

"who are you?"

"Huh?" Night Eclipse was immediately unhappy, put down the black eyes, and let the two sisters hug each other, "You know the uncle's belt in the armor, but you don't know the imperial general!"

Gozzi immediately relieved his mind. He was just a general. He thought how high his status was. Even if the general was rubbed by the rain, he would die.

"So, what does the general do here?"

"I want to adopt these two children."

"This..." Gozzi hesitated, and nodded in agreement. After all, Mura Yu is not invincible. After all, the opponent is a general, and there is Bud's waist card, so he can't offend him too much.

Hearing a satisfactory answer, the night eclipse patted the little heads of Chi and Hei Tong, and smiled and said, "From today, I am your brother, understand?"

Chi Tong and Hei Tong stared at the night eclipse blankly. Although they didn't know what happened, they knew they didn't need to separate.

Seeing Gozzi, who had already begun to interact with the two sisters, heaved a sigh of relief. When he just wanted to send the night eclipse away, the eclipse's random words angered Godzzi.

"Leave the village rain, and then you can go."

"What are you talking about!" Gozzi immediately grabbed Murakami's knife handle and stared at the night eclipse with a grim face. He who lost his imperial equipment would be worthless in the eyes of the minister, but the casual words of the night eclipse were meant to be taken away. Gozzi's happy life.

"Oh~" Ye Eclipse said amusedly, "Do you want to resist Bud's will?" While speaking, he took a step forward, blocking the red pupil and black pupil behind him.

"Huh, I'm under the minister, so it's hard to be forgiven!"

"Are you trying to explain something?" Night Eclipse slowly opened his narrowed eyes, and the dazzling golden pupil made Gozzi chill.

"Tell you, it was Uncle Bud who asked Murakami, so," Night Eclipse raised the waistband on his chest to Gozzi, laughed and said, "You are fired!"

Gozzi shook the handle of the knife forcefully, and cursed the soldier for uselessness, and he has not come in yet.

I really don't blame the soldiers, because a tall figure is standing at the door of the camp with a distorted expression.

"It's impossible for me to hand over the rain to the village!" Before the words were over, Gozzi had already started drawing his sword. As the purest assassin, he would not be able to defeat the general head-on, even when he was young.

It's a pity that Gozzi's night eclipse means that you are still too tender.As soon as Mura Yu had taken the sword an inch, one hand pressed the hilt and pushed the sword back.

The high-speed wind blew Gozzi's hair roots.The Night Eclipse that suddenly appeared in front of Gozzi smiled (fog) and said, "You, won't you take action against the Empire General."

The cold sweat instantly soaked Gozzi's back, and his face was pale with a strong smile: "Why, I want to kill you!"

The arm that forced to get rid of the night eclipse stepped back a few steps, his eyes fixed on the night eclipse.

"That feeling is good," Night Eclipse cracked the bones forcefully, "You can teach you bear kid without any scruples!"


Gozzi drew his sword and rushed at the moment he spoke at the night eclipse. He was confident that he could only win by pulling out Murakami and hitting the opponent.

Unfortunately, it was about to hit, and the blade just took away a strand of long hair.Leaning back and avoiding the dangerous blade, Eclipse lifted its foot and kicked Gozzi's wrist. The huge pain made Gozzi subconsciously let go of the hilt, and the moment when Murakami flew into the sky, Eclipse's eyes lit up.

[Speaking Spirit·Suna-Tier Six!

The body that leaned back instantly pulled back, one hand grabbed Murakami's scabbard, and one foot kicked Gozzi's face unceremoniously.

"Fly, old ghost!"

Gozzi's body flew upside down like a broken kite, smashing into a pile of medical supplies.

Eclipse was very handsome and pointed the mouth of the scabbard upward, and the rain from the sky just inserted into the scabbard.I just want to say, this forces me to give full marks!

Unfortunately, it takes less than three seconds to be handsome.

A giant hand grabbed the head of the night eclipse from behind.The familiar feeling makes the night eclipse go wild without cold sweat.

"Oh, yo uncle is a coincidence." Ye Xiqian laughed twice, trying to hide the village rain in his hand, but it is a pity that Bud stared at Teigu early in the morning, so while holding Ye Eclipse with one hand, he grasped with the other. Lived in the village rain.

"Didn't you take my order to retrieve the emperor?"

Let me go and listen with you outside!

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