Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated King To The Infinite World Chapter 160

Qilin saw the eclipse and Karen's little movements completely, but Alice Phil couldn't see it. She smiled and said: "Okay, you give the bill to the big brother over there..."

Finally, Alice Phil tilted her head and felt a little distressed, "I never bring money when I go out, but men should pay for women, right? sa viour~"

Qilin's shoulders collapsed and replied feebly: "I will pay..."

Karen nodded and stretched out her little white hand to Qilin and said blankly: "Cash is still a credit card."

The night eclipse looked at the dejected unicorn with some sympathy. Alice Phil must have money, even if there is no cash, there must be more than one credit card. In addition, her husband, Kirishu Uemiya and the family behind her want to talk about Alice. It is a lie that sfil cannot pay.

Poor unicorn...

"Hurry up and pay for it!" Karen said with a disgusting look at the Qilin who was constantly groping his pockets, "Even if you touch it, you can't make money."

Qilin, who was groping for his pockets, stiffened, and gave Karen a sorrowful look. What does it mean to change money!

You think I am willing!

Kirishu Weimiya didn't pay for going out!

I am also desperate!

You think I don't want to change...

Change... banknotes...

The originally grief-stricken Qilin was taken aback, but a very good idea flashed through his mind just now.

He seems to be able to change money...

Chapter 39 The True Identity of Kylin (Appears)

"It's so sweet, how could I be the dignified savior who would do anything like this!" Qilin raised his right hand to cover his forehead very arrogantly, "Feed the poor maid, even if you increase the amount by ten times, I will Pay it!"

"Really?" Karen added a zero to the back of Qilin's bill with a blank face, "so as to comply with the wishes of the guests, the amount will be increased tenfold."

After hearing that the bill was raised, Qilin couldn't keep his hand in a chic posture, "I will pay immediately..."

Eclipse sighed, don't look at Karen's expressionless face now, but as a servant, he can clearly feel the anger coming from Karen's heart.

Because it is said to be poor breast...

But ten years later, Karen is also a big beauty who wants a chest, a chest, a butt and a butt. The eighteenth woman has changed...

Seeing Karen Night Eclipse, who was expressionless, couldn't help but sigh.

A golden brick smashed in front of the wandering night eclipse, Qilin twisted his wrist and said with a smile: "Don't look for it!"

The night eclipse rolled his eyes instantly, this golden brick is 100% fake!Please, who can put a brick-sized gold brick in jeans!

Karen glanced at the shining gold brick, and threw it back blankly. "This shop only accepts cash or credit cards."

"Why!" Qilin couldn't accept the reality for a while, obviously there was a guy here who paid directly with gold bricks, but he couldn't do it for Mao!

Ye Eclipse patted Qilin on the shoulder speechlessly, "Don't you think you can buy things directly with gold..."

Please now it is not ancient times. It is not possible to solve the problem by bringing one or two gold bricks when you go out. If you dare to use gold to pay the bill, the seller will dare to accept it. No one knows whether the source of gold is clean.

At least what Qilin has on his hands is definitely projected. If the unicorn’s forefoot just walks away and the gold brick disappears, who will he cry?

"Then I have to change money directly..." Qilin shrugged helplessly.


The azure rays of light gathered in Kirin's hands, and rows of dense magic circuits appeared from Kirin's right arm, and soon a dozen thousand yuan bills began to take shape in Kirin's palm.

The corner of Night Eclipse's mouth twitched, and he vowed that he had never seen such a shameless person, not only forgeries, but also forged counterfeit money in front of others. If Night Eclipse can be used, I really want to use the gold brick just now to paste on Qilin's face, but consider To poor combat power...

It's not always true who is confused...

After discovering that the Qilin could no longer stop the fake, Night Eclipse gave up and said, "You are a crime..."

However, the eclipse's self-defeating sentence seemed to trigger some switch. Kylin's left hand that had been inserted in his pocket suddenly stretched out and grabbed the fake right hand.

The next moment the thick dozen of ten thousand yuan banknotes turned into a little bit of starlight, and Qilin's face began to twist and seemed to be struggling.

This scene surprised the night eclipse. During the communication with Qilin, he could clearly feel that Qilin was dismissive of the rules, let alone the so-called laws. Even the average traversers despised the law because they could not control them. What's more, this Fate is always bombing planes to kill individuals. Compared with the previous ones, counterfeiting bills is of conscience...

But the unicorn’s reaction made the night eclipse a little confused, just because he said that this was a crime, the unicorn’s left hand moved by himself. Seeing the unicorn’s expression, it seemed that he did not react, but there was a moment when the eclipse noticed. , Qilin's pupils changed.

At the moment when the left hand is activated, the pupil of Qilin’s left eye turned into a deep black, and the pupil of his right eye turned into a symmetrical strange shape of amethyst color. At the same time, the two eyes gave two completely different night eclipses. feel.

The left eye gives the night eclipse a sense of righteousness and awe, and it also reveals the gentleness of not wanting to hurt others, but the right eye is slowly full of greed and coquettish amethyst color that seems to suck the human soul together, and left The eyes are completely different, which makes the night eclipse even have a twisting feeling of not one person but two people standing in front of him.

But this feeling quickly disappeared as Qilin's eyes turned back to gray, because the time was too short and no one noticed it except for the night eclipse.

"Ooo, ooo ~ not deadbeats can not fake ......"

The unsuccessful unicorn squatted silently in the corner and drew circles. The background was dim, and his mouth was still talking quietly.

"Don't you just make a fake..."

"Yes, yes, partners of justice cannot sin..."

"But the righteous partner can't go wrong..."

"Don't let the account betray or fraud, please don't find the wallet and cut it out recently and didn't give the money what to do..."

"Go to TM's righteous partner!"

The night eclipse looked at the dark unicorn with black lines and wanted to comfort the inexplicably decadent unicorn, but a word in the faintly broken unicorn caught his attention.

Righteous partner!

Eclipse only heard this word but it reminded him a lot, especially in this Fate.

The only people who talk about the righteous partners here are only Eimiya Kirisu and Eimiya Shiro. It is impossible that the dog has not grown up yet, and the only possibility is the heroic dog, but... …

Eclipse recalled Qilin's frenzied performance at the dock...

Is the dog so fierce?It is still said that the unicorn crossed the body of the heroic dog. In this way, the sa viour is indeed in line with the preferences of the heroic palace, but the intimacy of the unicorn to Alice Phil appears so natural, as if Alice Phil belongs to him. Like a mother...

The thought of connecting was finally broken again, but Night Eclipse was unwilling to give up like this, so Night Eclipse walked gently behind the Qilin and leaned against the wall, and asked casually: "What is the relationship between Weimiya Kirin and you... …"

It's like a casual question but you can take out a lot of Qilin's words. If it is normal, the Qilin will laugh without saying a word. However, facing this casual question, Qilin subconsciously said: "He is my father... "

Qilin narrowed his eyes and obviously realized that he quickly closed his mouth and swallowed back, but it was obviously too late.

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