Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated King to the Infinite World Chapter 162

But Saber has no money...

"It's really too much Sa Viour to bully girls," Alice Phil was almost crying when he saw Saber, and said angrily with her waist and cheeks stuck in her cheeks.

"Eh-she herself said that she is not a woman of the king, so she has to solve it by herself," Qilin looked innocent, but there was a black-bellied smile that made Alice Phil very familiar, "right? saber~"

"Yes..." Saber had no choice but to bite the bullet and agreed.

"That won't be enough! Master, let's watch it by the side...Ahhhhhh! Soy sauce!"

You just wanted to talk about watching a theater!Night Eclipse stared at the Qilin with dead eyes.


Saber slowly lowered his head, the aura on his body began to change into confusion, the computer on his right hand screamed that it was about to disintegrate, and his left hand slowly stretched out to the dull hair on the top of his head.

The night eclipse and the unicorn’s eyes changed at the same time. As the travellers, they knew that Saber had been unable to withstand the provocation of Gilgamesh and eventually pulled out the dull hair on his head and became the black king. Now it seems that Saber cannot accept the unicorn’s run. Planning to pull the dull hair off his head.

The night eclipse is a big change in expression. Now there is a black king here. If the saber becomes black again, who knows what will happen, it looks much calmer than the flustered unicorn of the night eclipse, and it even makes the night eclipse have a kind. Kylin caused this situation on purpose.

In order to prevent Saber from really pulling off the dull hair on his head, Eclipse grabbed Saber’s left hand and stopped her. Saber also recovered his eyes, and he didn’t know what happened just now. She found that the night eclipse was holding her left wrist and her face was red and then pale.

"Assassin, I will never leave the responsibility and go"

Saber’s voice became smaller and smaller, and his head became lower and lower. The aura on his body became chaotic again, which made the night eclipse big for a while. In his opinion, Saber would definitely be wrong. His tone became soft, and he gently touched Saber's head with his hand.

"I believe you."

The simple words made Saber's face flushed instantly and his body began to struggle. It seemed that he wanted to get rid of the palm of the night eclipse, but it gave people a coquettish feeling.

"Assassin don't say anything that is misleading," Saber made his expression serious as much as possible, and finally broke his work under the ambiguous eyes of Alice Phil and Kirin.

"The relationship is really good..."

Ignored Karen pulled Altria's arm, who did not know when he appeared, and said quietly.

Author's message:

The PS archive has been burned out...

Chapter 41 Measurements...

"The relationship is really good~"

The unicorn stood beside Alice Phil and repeated what Karen had said, but the tone became more ambiguous.

Night Eclipse almost spewed a mouthful of old blood. This guy was definitely before revenge. Night Eclipse pretended to take back his hands easily and pretended to be stupid, "What are you talking about? Why don't I understand..."

Karen snorted and stopped pursuing it. This made Ye Eclipse relieved, but the matter was still not resolved. The penniless Saber was stimulated by Qilin to his pride, but he had no money...

Just when the night eclipse was distressed about what to do, Qilin smiled, "How about letting Saber stay here to work for Assassin?"

"No!" Saber righteously rejected Qilin's proposal. Although his face was full of entanglement, he seemed to want to do that, but he insisted on not serving the second master and refused.

The night eclipse nodded as if, Saber's refusing too fast made him a little disappointed, but after seeing Saber's tangled expression, he was relieved, and he already had a knight king here, if you come again It's weird to flip here!

"Doesn't the knight serve the second master?" Kirin touched his chin and glanced at the tangled saber with a playful look. "Anyway, why does Eimiya Kiritsugu didn't take you seriously?"

"Sa Viour! As a knight, I will never betray the master!" Saber frowned and said with some dissatisfaction, seeming to dislike what Qilin said.

Listening to Saber’s declaration of loyalty, Night Eclipse frowned. It is true that Saber, as a hero or an upright knight, can tolerate the behavior of Kirishu Eomiya, largely because of the rules of the knight, but the level of Saber can already be regarded as rigid. Now, so stiff that Altria frowned.

"Why? Although you are much better than Saber, Sa Viour can't push her to someone else's camp!" Alice Phil said with a dissatisfaction, "Kirushi will be angry!"

"It's okay~" Kylin lazily took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a certain call. After turning on the hands-free speaker, he said loudly, "What do you think of Saber who wants to stay in Assassin to work for him!" "

"Wait a minute, I didn't..." Saber was taken aback when she heard Qilin's words. Although she really wanted to stay, it was impossible!However, the subsequent development surprised her even more.

"If she wants to stay, let her stay."

Saber and Alice Phil were still familiar with the unwavering tone, but what he said made them unresponsive for a while.

Seemingly because she didn't get a reply, Keiji Uemiya on the other end of the phone said again, "Saber wants to stay as she pleases."

"Great!" Saber cheered subconsciously, and then found that Alice Phil looked at her pitifully and turned her head away in embarrassment, but her heart was cheering. For the first time, she felt that Keith Uemiya was a good one. People.

But Night Eclipse doesn't think so. How could Yiemiya Kiritugu's character say such empathetic words!Moreover, there was a sense of decadence in Eimiya Kirito's words, as if something important was missing, and Alice Phil's worried eyes confirmed the thoughts in his heart.

In fact, Kiritugu Eomiya was really hit, and he hasn't accepted the reality until now, so he didn't even think about saber...

And there are not many things that can make Uemiya Kirin hit, nothing more than his daughter, wife, and the Holy Grail. After considering that someone has a spoiler, Kylin rolled his eyes and glanced at the smug Kylin...

This guy definitely talked about the Holy Grail, and he succeeded in convinced Keishu Eomiya. As for the lip service, it is impossible. At least the night eclipse is not sure to convince him that the Holy Grail is poisonous. Because there is not enough evidence.

"The problem is solved, Saber asks you again, do you want to stay?"

"Stay!" Saber replied to Qilin very simply this time. Even if her master agreed and refused, wouldn't it be against the master!Saber stood before the night eclipse while thinking so.

"Woo~saber~" Alice Phil looked sadly as her knight plunged into someone else's arms and immediately took out a napkin and wiped her eyes.

"Alice..." See Alice Phil "heartbroken"

Saber raised his hand reluctantly but quickly put it down again.

"Ah~ The problem is big..." Night Eclipse had some headaches and scratched his hair. Naturally he was very happy that Saber could come, but afterwards, such as eating, not to mention two more...


Some people are sad and some are happy, Lena belongs to the happy side. She is still a bit resentful about only seeing Saber open and shut his mouth. Now Saber stays, she is naturally very happy, so she shouted out happily.

However, just after she shouted, the girl who was exactly the same as Saber gave her a cold look, which immediately made her feel like a fierce beast staring at her, scared her instinctively to shrink behind the night eclipse, revealing only one He looked at Altria with his head.

"It doesn't matter if it's good or not, just buy one more piece of clothing," the night eclipse shook his hands like abandoning himself. When things got to this point, he couldn't rush Saber to leave. This would be retribution!

"Clothes?" Saber tilted his head and was a little unsure, "I can directly use magic to condense."

"That won't work!" The Eclipse used two arms to make a big cross in an instant, "Besides, I don't lack a maid outfit."

Of course, the night eclipse was just afraid that Saber would always use magic power to condense his clothes to destroy the hard-to-correct Altolia.

"But I can't have no one in the clothes shop, so I have to..." The night eclipse glanced at Saber and Altolia in an unforgettable way. Naturally, I needed something to buy clothes, but I wouldn't be regarded as a pervert if I just opened my mouth. ?Night Eclipse said with difficulty, "Could you tell me..."

"What about your measurements?" Qilin said with a serious face to help Night Eclipse finish the words that made Night Eclipse embarrassing.

The eyes around the unicorn suddenly became cold, Saber and Altria's eyes were particularly cold, and even gave people a feeling that they would do something without saying a word. Alice Phil looked at the unicorn in a bit embarrassed way, and used a lesson. The child said in a voice, "sa viour is not allowed~ how can you say such things to girls?"

"I'm sorry," when Alice Phil said that the Kirin instantly lowered his head and admitted that he was wrong, and its simplicity made the night eclipse a bit ruined.

"Cough cough cough ~ that..." Night Eclipse looked away, and the reaction of Saber and Altria made him a little at a loss.

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