Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated King To The Infinite World Chapter 51

"Don't you deny that you are eating dangerous seeds everywhere?" Will covered his face with some speechlessness.

"The target has appeared." Night Eclipse's eyes opened slightly, and a few white humanoid monsters were standing beside a small carriage not far away. The right hand was made of machines, and the fashion style was full.

"Borus, Will and Seleu go first, and the rest are on guard!" After saying that the night eclipse took the lead, like a monkey, rushing to a nearby tree flexibly, his golden eyes slowly sweeping around.

If he remembered correctly, it was the guy who stole the fashion experiment. If it was that guy, it would be difficult to catch with that troublesome Emperor Gu.But as long as he appeared in his perspective, he could take off that guy's hand at the moment that guy started Tegu!

Borus, who received the order, rushed up immediately, because he was concerned that his Emperor's attack range was too large, so Borus chose to fight melee.

Although the night eclipse once mocked that most of the people in the night raid lost Tegu and even the ministers could not beat it, it does not mean that Dawn is also.

Before taking any money [Noble Chariot], Will used to be the apprentice of a general who even Asides felt good, even if he didn't have Emperor Gear, he could fight dangerous species.

Lan's skill may not be as strong as Will, but he is someone who can resist Esders head-on for a while.

As for Seleu and fashion, fashion is a support type, and people who are surrounded by a bunch of deadpools really have nothing to fear.Seleu?That girl was taught by Eclipse, understand?

Dotya and Black Pupil?Smile without talking.

In the end, it was Polus who rushed to fight the dangerous species, and his muscles weren't white.

I saw Polus rushing forward, aiming at the dangerous species closest to the civilians with a fierce straight punch, and the human-shaped dangerous species, which was only slightly larger than normal, immediately flew out.

But dangerous species with intelligence will learn lessons.When he found that he couldn't beat Borus from the front, he immediately surrounded Borus consciously, and then attacked from behind, trying to bite Borus' neck.

Unfortunately, Polus is not a vegetarian either.It reacted when the bad wind came from behind.The body deflected, and the moment the dangerous species passed by, stretched out his hand and grabbed the dangerous species' ankle, and then slammed the dangerous species up.Suddenly, the dangerous species spun around like a windmill, and at the same time turned into a weapon in the hands of Porus, knocking all the dangerous species surrounding him into flight.

The belated Will stood aside with his arms in his arms, staring at the surrounding vigilantly.

"Are you all right!" Polus, who had finished fighting the dangerous species, turned around, and while walking towards the civilians, he extended his right hand with concern, "Don't be afraid."

The already nervous civilians saw this unarmed defeat of the dangerous species, and Polus, wearing a mask like an interrogator, stretched out his hand to them and hugged them in fear.

Borus saw their horrified expressions and immediately stopped. In the end, Selius stepped forward to comfort him, and the civilians who were attacked calmed down.

"Is it okay, Polus?" Will leaned over to Polus who bowed his head in silence, a little worried.

"Those people..." Poros, whose voice was slightly low, raised his head suddenly, and said clearly in a very happy tone, "They seem to have calmed down, it's great!"

"Porus." Will looked at Porus in a bit of astonishment, but soon a wave of unwillingness emerged in his heart, unwilling to see Porus being treated fairly.

"Forget it, Will." When Ye Shi did not find the target, he walked up to Will to help me and patted Will on the shoulder. "Go back first."

Upon hearing this, Will loosened his clenched fist and nodded.

"Dawn, close the team!"


The leisure time after the mission ends is Will's favorite.There is no captain’s scary eyes, no fashion and hairy expressions, just sit quietly while reading the night eclipse, and the fashion doctor who reports.

However, Will is very unhappy today.And it was already obvious that even the black pupil was aware of it.

"What's wrong? Will Jun." Porus offered a cup of tea and asked with some worry, "Where is it uncomfortable?"

"No," Seeing such a gentle and considerate Polus, Will finally couldn't help but express his dissatisfaction, "Why is Polus so gentle but hated by others? It's just a look!"

"It's as if you weren't like this at the beginning." The black pupil, who sat obediently by the night eclipse, said suddenly, directly giving Will a fatal blow.

"Yeah, I do too~" Will squatted on the ground with a frustrated expression.

"Will," Porus put down the plate in his hand, slightly lowered head and tall figure, the huge shadow is just like his current situation, "I am not gentle at all."

"I once burned to death the entire village hit by the plague, as well as all the people in it. The first thing is just retribution to me."

"But, that's just an order from the superior!" Will waved his arms excitedly and said loudly, "It's not your fault!"

"No, Will." Eclipse slowly put down the book in his hand, his golden eyes showed no trace of emotion, "This is not an excuse."

"Porus," Will said as if he had made a big decision, patted his chest vigorously, "If you have anything to do with Polus, please come to me!"

"Actually..." Polus just wanted to say something, a knock on the door accompanied a shadow walking in.

Long golden hair is slightly fluttering, her pretty face has a gentle smile, and she is holding a petite and lovely girl in her arms.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Porus was startled by those who came, "why did my dear come here?"

"Because you forgot the love bento we made." The visitor handed the bento in hand to Polus.

"It's so careless!" Polus knocked on his head, and the lovely daughter on the side rushed into Polus's arms a little playfully, and touched Polus' slightly hideous mask affectionately.

"Will, thank you very much, but," Polus turned his daughter around and looked at Will who was dumbfounded. "My family knows what I'm doing, but they all support me, so I……"

"very happy!"

The happy ray of light flashed to Will instantly, and the eclipse closed his eyes in time.

"Is this the legendary love?"

Borus is a typical good old man, and his current happiness is exactly what Will they want to bring to the people.Therefore, they will not be jealous of Porus, but will only offer a faint smile of blessing.

"This is the smile I want to protect."

Night Eclipse turned his back, not wanting to see the happy smile of the Polus family, because it would remind him of their original fate, a fate that would make him want to destroy the empire.

Therefore, before he has completely finished everything, he will not accept happiness, because what he is carrying is the happiness of them and even many people in the future.


Royal Road 80%

Dragon blood purity 53%

[Evil Haunted] Corrosion rate 26%

Chapter 45 The Coming Darkness

There is a large courtyard on the east side of the imperial capital. Several hillsides are divided into courtyards, and people who have passed away live in it.A cemetery proposed by the night eclipse for soldiers who died for the country.

Today, this cemetery has three more white tombstones, one of which is familiar with the night eclipse.

The wind gently picked up the girl's long hair standing in front of the tombstone, and the girl's military cap blocked her expression, and she could only feel that the girl's heart was a little heavy.

"Huh~" The girl sighed lightly, "You are dead because you are too weak, but you are my subordinates. I will take down this account."

The three beasts were not qualified to be placed here, because their deaths were meaningless, and none of them were left behind during the night attack. Even the imperial equipment was taken away. If it weren't for the reputation of Esthers, there might not even be a tombstone. Right.

A slightly sad sound of the piano came from behind, as if sad for the departure of the three.

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