Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated King To The Infinite World Chapter 57

"I am Teigu, but I didn't play a role, so I only have the value of being an abandoned son."

Susanoo showed a difficult smile, and just with such an action, the fragile body collapsed more quickly.

"I have lived for a thousand years and it is enough. But at least one person will be saved in the end, including Najta who won't lose her life due to secret skills. It's enough."

"is it?"

The Eclipse was silent for a moment, and then took a deep breath.

"Then, give you the death of a soldier, the death of a human being!"

The silver-white spear appeared in his hand, and the changes in [Evil-ridden] also acted on [Red-backed Shrike], turning it into a monotonous silver-white spear.

The tip of the gun was turned and aimed at Susanoo's core.

"I will remember you, Susano!"

The silver spear pierced hard and easily penetrated Susanoo's body, nailing the body that was about to collapse to the ground.

But Night Eclipse touched his breastplate instead. There was a gun mark in that place, and a big hole appeared in Susanoo's chest, and the bright red Gouyu was dug away.

"Have you taken that step too, Brand?"

Not far behind the night eclipse stood a person who could be said to be human.

The dark dragon scaly pattern covers every part of the body, and the right arm beats the left arm in a circle, and the dark bone spurs shone with a cold light.The pitch-black vertical pupil has a light similar to a night eclipse.

"Yes," Brand lifted Gouyu in his left hand. "Abandoning the identity of human beings for the sake of his companions, then what is General Ye for, this empire? For this empire that is no longer worth protecting?"

The night eclipse was silent, and then turned around, the silver armor turned into white gas and dissipated, and the long night hair slowly dispersed with the movement of the night eclipse.

"That's it, you are different from me, you are still nostalgic for human identity, but I am different from you."

"But you are a nice person, I don't allow you to become this kind of inhumane (monster), so next time..."

Eclipse turned around abruptly, raised his right hand into a gun shape and aimed at Brand.

"I'm here to kill you. Before that, don't lose to that dead garbage."

Brand nodded, then turned around, leaving room for his old friend who hadn't seen him for several years.

"Night Eclipse." Najeta yelled softly. She had a lot to say to him, but when she really met, she found that she couldn't say anything.

"Hair cut." Ye Eclipse sighed lightly, revealing a smile that could not be polluted even if the empire was in the dark. The golden dragon pupils were like cat eyes at this moment.

"Do you like long hair?" Najeta touched her neat short hair, thinking she wouldn't cut it next time.

"Next time," the voice of the night eclipse became a little low, "the next time there may be casualties."

"Ah~ of course," Nadetta nodded, "the ideal is still far from being realized."

"Next time, next time we will checkmate (general)."

Eclipse turned around and waved to Nadette, "Then, goodbye."

Liming's figure gradually disappeared, Tazmi looked at the figure of the group of people, and said in a low tone, "Why, it is clear that everyone is working hard for the same purpose, are we wrong?"

"What are you talking about!" Bran, who was restored to its original state, tapped his strong chest muscles hard, "We are working hard to be ashamed of our hearts, to run through our justice, even if everyone's justice is in conflict, this is us Perseverance."

"Also, Tazmi, you said something wrong." Nadette took a cigarette and took a sip.

"We are faced with darkness and walk on the road of Shura. The fate of when we will be killed is also the same, but what we ask for is different.

What we seek is the end of the empire, and the night eclipse seeks the dawn of the empire.

Keep this in mind, Tazmi!"


The Way of the King 95%

Dragon blood purity 56%

[Evil Haunted] 50% erosion

Chapter 50 The Holy Sword and the Future

"time is limited."

The silver-haired girl sitting in the pure white space sighed sadly.

"It's fast, but it's still not enough. Only accept how you become a king in the dark, and in the final analysis, the emperor is just a pirate, pirate that guy."

"It's better to pull out the seedlings." As if making a major decision, the girl abruptly stood up, her slender hands dancing in the air, "Just send her over, I hope I can persuade her!"

"Please, Lena!"


[Host, after a great update, we decided to deliver the task reward in advance, are you happy?]

The sleeping night eclipse suddenly sat up, and then he saw the flashing announcement.

"It's so annoying!" Ye Eclipse grabbed his hair with some annoyance, sat up, reached out and clicked the receive button.

The moment he pressed it down, the vision happened.

The pure white light with the breath of green life enveloped the room of the night eclipse, and the golden altar emerged in the center of the room, and countless young seedlings grew from the floor, enclosing the altar.

A luxurious golden sword was inserted in the middle of the altar, but the eyes of the night eclipse were attracted by something else.

Pure white as snow is probably not enough to describe it, only angel wings are matched.With this color, the girl in a white dress was curling her body, sleeping soundly against the altar, her fairy-like face with a lovely sleeping face, which made the night eclipse uncontrollably bend down, and their faces gradually approached and approached. Each other can feel each other's breathing.

The long hair of the night was scattered, intertwined with the white hair of the girl.Ye Eclipse stretched out his hand towards the girl and held... the long sword on the altar behind the girl.

Night Eclipse stood up, raised her leg and stepped over the girl, as if this beautiful girl was just a stone blocking the way.

"Is this the sword?"

Night Eclipse looked at the holy sword carefully and found that in addition to its gorgeousness, the holy sword also had an aura that matched the gorgeousness.

"It's a good sword." Night Eclipse stretched out his hand and flicked the sword. The crisp sound of the sword echoed in the room, and Night Eclipse nodded, "It's you."

After all, the right hand holding on to the hilt of the sword slowly exerted force, and unexpectedly, the holy sword was easily pulled out by the night eclipse by an inch, and it simply seemed to be really just inserted there without any seal.

"This feeling is good, it saves me effort." Ye Eclipse shrugged, lifting his right hand casually, and the holy sword was pulled out an inch again.

But the light movement quickly stopped, as if a huge force was holding the holy sword.

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