Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated King To The Infinite World Chapter 72


The first group, Najeta, Susano, Leona and Tazmi, are responsible for attracting Esdes's attention and attacking directly from the main entrance.

In the second group, Red Eye, Mayin, Lubbock and Hill attacked in the air by flying dangerous species.

The third group is Brand, who attacked from the side alone.

Finally, Chelsea, free assassination.

In the current situation where all the members of the night raid attacked, the dawn of the lost night eclipse also made a response posture.

The first defensive group, Polus and Dottya.

Air defense, Lan.

Ground defense, black eyes and fashion.

Core defense, Seleu and Asides, one of the strongest in the empire.

Finally, Will patrolling around.

Today may be the final day of the decisive battle, so they choose to bet on everything they own.

There is a stable life in the village.

For the people of the Empire to be happy.

In order to be able to help.

For the justice that I believe in.

Some were stained with blood for their families.

To protect the people of the empire.

There are those seeking relief.

They gave up their ordinary life for this and made all the preparations.

Maybe they will die here today.

But they were already mentally prepared to become the loess that silently disappeared into the world.

So just today, make a conclusion.

Different justice will prevail today!

Above the sky, a huge dangerous species crossed the sky, and the wind blew the hair of several people sitting on the back of the dangerous species, revealing their determined profile faces.

Sitting high in the air is undoubtedly the safest, but it is also the most dangerous.At this time, the danger came, and it came from the front.

The pure white snow-like wings stretched slowly in the moonlight, and the feathers floating around carried holiness and death.The scattered feathers mean that the attack begins.A white light shot from the back of the dangerous species, drew a ditch in the sky, fighting with all-out effort from the beginning.

Lan to Chitong, Mayin, Lubbock, Hill.

A fierce duel is about to begin in the sky, and the same on the ground.

Borus, holding the Emperor's equipment, was like a city wall, blocking the revolutionary soldiers who attacked here, and the small Dotya shuttled through the crowd, reaping his life.

On the other side, the black pupil and the fashionable flying dangerous species quietly watching the sky, are ready to respond to the orchid at any time.

Finally, Will walked to the side. His enemy was...

Night attack, Brand!

Chapter 64 Defensive Failure

In previous battles, dawn suppressed night attacks, but this time the situation reversed!


Lan kept dodge the laser shot from the back of the dangerous species, and at the same time counterattacked with feathers, but was all shot down by the red pupil and Hill guarding Ma Yin. Not only did he cause no damage, but because it increased the crisis, it caused [Pumpkin]'s firepower. It's stronger again.

Lan Bujing gave a wry smile. Without the cooperation of other people, the battle against the night attack became very difficult.

"I'm going to play at this time!"

Seeing that the dangerous species of night raid is one step closer to the ceremony site, and Lan seems to be in danger, fashion has finally taken action!

Covering half of his face with his left hand, his entire body was tilted back 30 degrees in the standard Lulu Xiu's second-degree posture.


Fashion opened his hands at the sky, as if to embrace the sky in his arms, of course he would not do this, because only his great night master can own this sky!

"My fashion flying troop!"

Countless golden pupils spread out behind the fashion, like a beast that chooses people and eats them.Of course, this is true from a certain perspective.

There was no expression on the face covered with cyan scales, only the desire for flesh and blood could be seen in those golden pupils.The body, which is larger than the fashionable humanoid dangerous species, is full of great power that can tear the enemy with bare hands, and the wings on the back give it the ability to fly.The most frightening thing is that it has no legs, only a slender tail, and metal knives instead of hands.

The dragon-shaped deadpool, surpassing the existence of the past, the bloodline is infinitely close to the dragon but always unable to approach, the product of failure.

The combination of angel and devil!

"You made this strange thing with your brother's blood again."

The black pupil on the side looked at the dragon-shaped Deadpool flying into the sky, complaining a little dissatisfied.

"Strange!?" Fashion covered his chest angrily, "Miss Heitong actually despised the artwork made with the noble blood of Lord Ye!"

"You mean," Black pupil turned his head to look at fashion, "Brother will become like this in the future."

There was a trace of anxiety on his expressionless face.

"How come?" With a disdain and a cold smile on Fashion's face, "It's just some rubbish that can't withstand the power of Lord Ye. Does this kind of rubbish-like existence still want to encroach on Lord Ye's ultimate? A work of art that is only distorted because of failure, this kind of thing combining angels and demons..."

There was a trace of enthusiasm on Fashion's face, and his voice became louder unconsciously.

"How can it be compared to Lord Shang Ye, Lord Ye will eventually become an existence beyond God!"

"Oh." Black pupil replied indifferently, she doesn't care if the night eclipse will become a god, she only cares about night eclipse and red pupil can be with her forever!

"Hey~" Fashion slumped his shoulders feebly, and it was a waste of feelings to express his enthusiasm to a Sanwu girl with blood, but fortunately, there are other ways to vent.

He looked at the dangerous species surrounded by dragon-shaped deadpools, and smiled sinisterly.The dragon-shaped deadpool will unconsciously release the dragon's power, and the cry of the dragon-shaped deadpool is like a baby's crying, which will give people very great mental pressure, and even scared death inmates to death.

"Night attack, you guys..."

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