Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated King to the Infinite World Chapter 8


Esther's pretty face directly touched the ground at zero distance.The tragic posture makes people sad when they hear it, and tears when they see it.

But the person involved stood up without paying attention and patted the dust on his body.After it was cleaned up, as soon as he was about to leave, Esdes's shout came from behind him.

"Do you still have strength?"

"That you shouldn't be able to get out of here!" Asides clutched her red nose, the soreness from it constantly stimulated her tear ducts, making Asides' eyes look teary.The powerful little queen suddenly appeared pitiful and inadvertently made his heart beat faster.

"Girl, the so-called strong are the ones who make the impossible possible!"

Asides watched the eclipse with his back to the sun saying these things, his heart beat faster.The veiled expression in the shadow made Esders yearning.

"Cut, it's just a little girl who is underdeveloped!" Esdes, who recovered his senses, murmured while pressing his hat.

The night eclipse's deep expression froze for an instant, and then sat on Esther's waist with a gloomy face, holding Esther's white thigh with both hands, and then...

"Feel the capital of my pure men ((()

"Ah! It hurts! Stop it, stop it! Get out of me!"

"Hey! Hey! My uncle first say yes, my uncle has always been in MAX status, and I won't stop if you don't cry and beg me."

"I won't beg for mercy, one day I will also make you feel the shame of being pressed under your body!"

"Ha! Still stiff, it seems that if I don't work hard, you won't admit defeat!"

"Ah! It hurts!"

—————— I am the location boundary————————

On the viewing platform, everyone looked at the minister and General Bude with weird faces, and wanted to laugh, but they were held back deeply by their power, but their faces turned into pig liver.

The minister was embarrassed, while General Bude was full of clouds, and the imperial tools on both hands had electric currents flashing from time to time, and the thunder was full.

"Let your majesty laugh, I will take him back to practice!" Bude finally couldn't help but jumped directly from the observation platform, and walked behind the cheerful night eclipse, and saw Ai with Bude's expression. Sters stopped screaming subconsciously.

The night eclipse, who was breaking Esdes’s legs, stopped subconsciously. At some point, a huge human-shaped shadow enveloped him (wow, the human-shaped shadow arm is so thick QAQ). It's sparse.

The following is the perspective of others: a 13-year-old girl lying on the ground, her face flushed with tears in her eyes, but her lips were tightly pressed, with a stained but still strong expression.(Don't admit defeat if you die!)

And the teenager who insulted the girl was sitting on the girl’s waist with a nasty smile (smiling but not smiling), and at the same time a pair of salty pig's hands were gripping the girl’s snow-white thighs and making a "hey, hey" sound On the one hand... test the flexibility of the girl’s waist (bend in the opposite direction, girl! (⌒′) will never forgive you!)

(Author: So in the end I want to become readers misunderstand what le But having said this is really very painful?)

The night eclipse only felt a big powerful hand stretched out from the shadows and pressed against his head, lifted him up, and at the same time slowly turned his body towards the devil, oh no, it was the great general Bud (say, Is it okay not to use a grip strong enough to hold a broken rock? I can hardly feel my head.)

Bud showed a terrifying expression at the night eclipse, then led the night eclipse and turned around and left.There was a puzzled face left behind, as well as the screams that spread throughout the arena.

"Help, the general used his power to commit murder, ah ah ah! _"

Chapter 8 So this is what it feels like to like someone

Host: Night Eclipse

Stamina: A

Strength: B

Agility: A

Lucky: A

Magic: D

Skills: Bloodthirsty Rage (B): The instinct to penetrate the soul.

Combat intuition (A): Nearly predicting the future.

Violent Blood (Passive Skill): Forcibly improve the purity of the blood, 26% deadpool.

Props: Gold Treasure Chest×1, Silver Treasure Chest×12, Bronze Treasure Chest×13, Random Treasure Chest×10.

Redemption point: 48000

The night eclipse riding on a horse manipulated the screen with his mind, while perfunctory words from the soldiers next to him.

A week has passed since the last battle with Esdes, and he is now on his way to the battlefield against aliens in the north.The reason is to accumulate meritorious service. In Bude's words, you can't go to jail without a meritorious general.So why would Bude use this tone of speaking to his son?That would be a piece of dark history.

———— I am the beginning of the memory dividing line——————

It is said that after the day and night eclipse and Esders duel ended, Eclipse was educated by Budd with a gloomy look, and he was dragged to the small courtyard, as if he had something to say to him.

Bud was exceptionally tall in the moonlight, and his eyes looking up at the night sky were full of depth that night eclipse could not understand.

"Twenty years," Bude sighed, the vicissitudes of the middle-aged person's unique tone made Night Eclipse feel sour."I have inherited this emperor for 20 years, and I have guarded here for 20 years. I have never married a wife, so I have no children. And the empire has reached its limit for thousands of years."

Night Eclipse lowered his head in silence, he had already guessed Bud's purpose.

"I have a hunch that when I die, the empire will truly be destroyed. The empire that has been passed down for thousands of years and the duty of protecting the empire will end in my hands."

Bud's firm face was full of darkness, and his clenched fists let people know that he was not at peace at this time.

Eclipse raised his head and looked carefully at this middle-aged man who had been guarding the empire in the past and will die in the guarding empire in the future.From the beginning to the end, he always insisted on his duties, and he knew that the empire was decayed and had to guard it.Just like Master Wen Tai during the Shang Dynasty, he was foolish and loyal.

But it's unpleasant.

"So, I think..." The majestic general hesitated. He didn't know if his idea would be accepted by the child he saw at first glance.

"Hey, I know, I got it." Night Eclipse grabbed his hair impatiently, and turned his back to Bud. "Everything has its ups and downs, people and empires are all in the end. loess."

"That's it." Budd's expression was a little declining, as if he was a teenager.

"So! Don't show such an expression, old man." Night Eclipse mumbled uncomfortably, "You have to be like seniors in front of juniors."

"Then you are..." Bud looked at the boy with his back to him in surprise, waiting for the boy's answer.

"Cut, with me, the empire will not be destroyed! The old man will go back and cut the potted plants!"

"Humph, let you be rude tonight." Bud snorted softly and returned his usual majesty with his arms folded.

Both of them were tacitly agreeable, but they kept this scene firmly in their hearts.

"Oh, yes." Ye Eclipse turned around abruptly, with a curious expression on his face, "You don't have an heir because there is no way, right? Your Emperor is still so thick with two pipes."


According to the palace guards, thunder and lightning flashed for three hours in the general's palace that night, accompanied by a screaming scream.

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