Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 827

"No, no! I just think that being able to get along with men so harmoniously is really great!" Lin Silei kept waving her hands.

"Me too! I just think Miss Yae Sakura can make such a wayward head obediently admit that he is super powerful," Alice also kept waving her hands.

So Yae Sakura smiled and pinched the weakness of Night Eclipse's waist.

Author's message:

PS Kamen Rider is really a gay fan!In the new world, the heroine doesn’t even remember the hero, but it’s okay!Because there will always be dragon me around the war rabbit!I rub!

PS think of a terrible thing, it’s not that the male protagonist exploded the original world, and then I came to a parallel universe with the dragon. In that so-called new world, the war rabbit and the dragon do not exist, because there originally You Qiao and Dragon Me, so maybe they didn't save the world at all, but they blasted President E and blasted the original world... right...


Chapter 41: Fiana


Night Eclipse fell silent as he watched the dazzling menu before him.

"What does Esther like to eat?"

Finally, the night eclipse, which was about to lose his eyes, handed the menu to Esther next to him.

"Can you order anything?" Esther blinked.

"Whatever you want," Night Eclipse leaned back in the chair, "just you are happy."

"Then I want to eat this!" Esther pointed to the special Big Mac Parkway on the menu with glowing eyes.

"Guest, it will be fine if you can't finish it~" A cheerful voice sounded after the night eclipse.

"Heh, do you think..."

Three identical knights appeared at the table out of thin air, and the holy cyan eyes gleamed with the light of the superior.

Alice was in awe at once, after all, this was the masters who taught (traveled) her.

"Who are you talking to?" Night Eclipse turned to look at the waiter with green hair and pointed ears behind him.

"It's me who crossed over," the waiter's face froze, but he soon returned to a cheerful smile, "Is this all you need?"

Eclipse took the menu from Esther's hand and looked at Yaezakura. The latter just shook his head slightly, and Eclipse shrugged his shoulders and threw the menu into the waiter's hand, "Give all the above."

"Thank you Hui...Huh!?" The waiter first smiled, and then shouted in disbelief.

"Wait a minute, we can't finish ordering so much!" Alice stood up, "Waste is wrong."

"And these things add up to a huge sum of money," Claire was a little worried.

"A lot?" Lin Silei blinked.

Although some people in the college often say that Linsley’s family, Lauren Frost, is a country family, most of them are out of jealousy. People with money and power can give Linsley the privilege of taking a maid. This maid is all taken care of by her.

But this is enough to prove that Lin Silei is a horribly rich lady!

"You don't want to order a bunch of things and then say everyone flat," Feyana looked wary, there is a way that if you dare to nod, I dare to run to the meaning.

Ye Eclipse glanced at Feyana disgustingly. The princesses of other people's families are very simple, but every action can reveal a kind of anger.

For example, this apple is so delicious, can I exchange it with this gem?

When it came to Feyana, it was completely the other way round. Not to mention the black belly, and the gestures were not as lavish as a normal princess should have.

Although he would throw out the expensive elven ore at every turn, Eclipse was sure that the origin of these ore was similar to that of the blood of the elven king, and it was definitely not bought.

"What look in your eyes!" Fijana patted the table uncomfortably, "The moment I chose to join Aresia, I was destined to miss the royal family. Naturally, it could not be so generous."

"Cut, it turns out to be a poor ghost princess," Night Eclipse spreads out, "Relax, I won't drop the price to say evenly."

Because most of the things must fall into our stomachs, if you can snatch food from the Red Dragon and Lion King of Great Britain, just try it!

"Alice, I'm hungry, so I'm sorry."

This is Alto Lili who is still pursuing the ideal king.

"Alice's dining table is a battlefield, and I will be as usual and will never show mercy."

This is Altria who was once lost.

"Are you ready to be abused by me!"

This is the heaviest absolute tyrant Altolia.

"I'm ready!"

Then Alice ignited inexplicably.

"Hmm!" Esther held the fork, her eyes gleaming, making her expressionless face full of force.

"It feels like it's burning up," Ye Eclipse smiled pettingly, and looked at the waiter standing motionless behind him, "Why are you still still?"

The waiter took a deep breath, and then said seriously, "You take the liberty to ask if you know a long and strong young man and a gentle girl who has been smiling."


"I don't know!" Night Eclipse said very positively.

"Why do you want to be silent," the waiter twitched.

"In order to compare the people in memory, the range you said is too vague, and..." Night Eclipse narrowed his eyes. "You have been looking at the people on our side since just now. Wouldn't you be the one ..."

"Mixed into the merchants of the Alicia Academy curse costume, right?"

Several eyes were locked on the waiter in an instant. Although the night eclipse still looked lazy, but the sky lock on his body had been wrapped around his arm to his wrist, and the sharp lock was aimed at Waiter's head.

"How is it possible? That's illegal," the waiter replied very calmly.

Alice took it back after staring at the face of the waiter for a while, at least the waiter did not show a guilty conscience.

"It's breaking the law~ If there are more people like you who know that they are breaking the law and won't do it, the world might become more gentle," said Night Eclipse faintly, "and if you don't take the menu down. I'm going to complain to you."

"I'm really sorry," the waiter walked to the kitchen holding the menu with a smile on his face.

"Night eclipse is wrong for you to speculate randomly," Alice sat upright, "I know that you, as the leader of the Knight Order, are unreliable, but you have always cared about the comfort of the Academy. You want to get those prisoners out as soon as possible, but you can't just wrongly innocent people."

"Innocent~" Ye Eclipse squeezed the lock of the sky with interest, "Is that person really qualified to call it that way?"

"That person gave me a Morgan feeling," Altria said seriously.

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