Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 830

"Eh, isn't it? I just wanted to say that your elf really wants to protect you, but when it reaches your mouth, it turns into an unscrupulous elf," Night Eclipse held his chin and looked at the pale green face with some pleasure. Fijana, "Human..."

Want to yin me?

"Um..." Fayana knew that there was no night eclipse, so she looked at Yaezakura next to the night eclipse, but Yaezakura only took a sip of tea and ignored her.

Isolated and helpless, Fijana lowered her head feebly and stuffed the puffs into her mouth as if she was self-defeating.

Night Eclipse proudly raised the corners of his mouth, but did not continue to make up the knife. It was more careful than Feyana, but mostly belonged to the childish thoughts of children. Night eclipses can still be tolerated by children, and they are most mouthful. Up blow, but...

Night Eclipse glanced at Vivian, who was hiding not far away and looking at them from time to time.

For those who have grown up...

"Cough, cough, cough, you should almost have enough to eat," Lin Silei tossed her hair, "give you a chance to travel with this lady."

Alice frowned. For her, Lin Silei was still a problem student in the crow class, and her mood immediately became unhappy when she was said to be so arrogant.

Eclipse rolled his eyes helplessly. At this time, Carol was not there, and no one helped translate the meaning of this awkward young lady. The rare party was about to be disturbed again.

"Lin Silei means you are willing to accompany her to go shopping together," Night Eclipse translated very simply.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! , His head lowered, his hands held the skirt tightly, and his legs moved a little uneasy.

As long as you are not blind or stupid, you can understand, Alice patted her forehead with some anguish, "You said it earlier!"

"I'm the eldest daughter of the Frost family," Linsley looked away, not daring to look at Alice.

"It's really shameful," Claire looked at Linselei silently.

"Huh? Don't forget who asked me in the forest..." As if Claire was a toggle switch, Lin Silei immediately became domineering and raised her head.

"Ah!!! Don't say anything that doesn't matter!" Claire jumped up and covered Linselei's mouth, and just stuffed her back, "Isn't it going to go shopping? No problem!"

"I'm suddenly curious about what happened just now," Night Eclipse narrowed his eyes with interest.

"This is the secret between girls!" Claire blushed and shouted, her hands tightened, and Lin Silei waved her hands as if asking for help.

"Then I should also be considered a girl, can you share it with me?" Feiyana was rejuvenated as if she had returned to the light. She remembered very clearly that Claire had simply made up for her before.

Claire glanced at Fei Yana, her eyes looked at Fei Yana's chest unconsciously, her gaze became a lot more fierce for a while, "Shut up, you dirty cow princess!"

"Another prefix! You flat cat!"

"Huh!? Want to fight!"

"Fear of you!"


Claire and Feyana squatted on the ground, clutching the smoky big bag on their heads.

"It's really peaceful!" Night Eclipse retracted his right hand and stretched out.

"Yes," Yae Sakura smiled lightly.

Esther watched the two perfectly matched men tilt their heads and grabbed the clothes of Eclipse.

"Ah~Does Esther want to act like a baby?" Night Eclipse held Esther on his knees and gently stroked Esther's head, "Yes~ we are family."

Yae Sakura looked at Esther tenderly, as if looking at her own daughter.

Lena looked at Esther with some envy, but it was a pity that she couldn't act like Esther to such a degree.

"Hey... Lolicon!" Claire looked disgusted.

"No!" Feiyana rightly denied Claire's judgment, "It's a young girl!"



No one saw how the night eclipse did it, but Fiana and Claire squatted on the ground with a scream while they were very neat.

The bag on the head is bigger...

Chapter 44 It’s not good to skip classes~

"Thank you for your patronage," Vivian and the other waiters drooped their heads listlessly and sent away the night eclipse and others, their hands were so numb that they might not even be able to carry the plates.

"Next time... we will only accept cash!" The manager rubbed his wrist and looked at the gleaming pile of gems on the table. At first, he might feel that he had earned it, but when he thought of the other person throwing it out like marbles, it was inexplicable. I feel very bad.

"I definitely don't want it next time!" Vivian has made up her mind, she will flash people as soon as possible, and she will almost forget what she does anymore.

"How about Alice's dealing with the business of cursed costumes?" After walking out of the silver eel hall, the group of them went shopping. In theory, shopping should be equivalent to instinctive activities for women. However, Esther turned into a sword form directly after finding the trouble, Lena seemed to have disappeared too, and the King Arthur trio seemed satisfied and disappeared. As for Gilgamesh...

"This king is not interested in these little girls..."

Enkidu and Athena are back armed again.

Yae Sakura was originally interested, but was entangled by Lin Si Lei and the others and had to go together. Originally, she wanted to go back to appreciate the night eclipse of Fengzao Shenren tutoring and had to follow it.

"Ah? Well, how should I put it, these people are too cunning," Alice scratched her hair in an annoyed manner. "Moreover, the door has expanded recently, and the attacks of Warcraft have become more frequent than ever. , I really hope that tomorrow’s Valentine’s Sacrament can end safely."

"You can rest assured at the door, I have asked the forest to help," Night Eclipse touched the chain on his hand, showing a mysterious smile, "I have a very reliable companion."

"Um... I just believe you once," Alice first looked at the night eclipse suspiciously for a while and nodded suspiciously.

"The little devil should be like a little devil," The Eclipse hit the knife on Alice's head, messing up her blue hair under the latter's somewhat dissatisfied gaze.

"I'm not very envious of them, go," Ye Eclipse pointed in the direction of Yaesakura, "You have been looking over there since just now."

"Who envied it! I'm a knight of the Wind King Knights," Alice blushed with a guilty conscience.

"Go, this is the command of the captain," After Eclipse reached out and pushed Alice's back, Alice, who didn't react for a while, rushed directly on Yae Sakura's back.


Alice wanted to apologize in a panic, but Yae Sakura only smiled gently, and gently helped her tidy up her hair messed up by the night eclipse and took her hand.

"Let's go together."

"Well," Alice lowered her head blushing.

"Ahhhhhh, our majestic knight is not shy anymore~" Fiyana once again played the little demon attribute.

"Hmph, if you want to join me so sincerely, you don't agree," Lin Silei shook her hair, making incomprehensible arrogant remarks as always.

"Humph," Claire, who has a bad relationship with Alice, just snorted coldly.

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