Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 845

"Sure enough, don't play any sword dance and directly hammer the Elf King to death," Night Eclipse buttoned the wall with a little weary.

"Well, boss, I listen to you anyway," Monkey King scratched the back of his head.

"Forget it, it makes me feel like I have to sleep in such a good place," Night Eclipse sighed, "just take a few quilts and spread it."

After talking about the night eclipse, he really took out a bunch of quilts and spread them down like a decent one, and then opened the quilts to get in.

"Wait for the boss! You just sleep like that!" Monkey King looked dumbfounded.

"Otherwise?" Ye Eclipse asked with a question mark.

"Isn't there a banquet tonight? Boss, don't you prepare for it?" Monkey King gestured with joy.

"Aren't you going to go there for a fast meal, why don't you care about so much?" Night Eclipse rolled his eyes, indicating that I knew exactly what you were thinking.

"Well..." Monkey King scratched his face a little embarrassedly, "Anyway, those banquets are all there and they don't eat food. It's better to let me solve them."

"That's not enough. I don't have any appetite for banquets like this kind of smirk. It's not as good as Caesar's pudding party. At least everyone is happy." Night Eclipse sat cross-legged on the bedding. Face sighed.

"Yeah, everyone in the equipment department can always conjure up a bunch of KFC. It's clear that they don't go out. Could it be that KFC's takeout can be delivered to the ice cellar!" Monkey King looked terrified, as if he had discovered something extraordinary. .

"Don't mind what the gang will do if they want to prove that KFC is a healthy food," Night Eclipse waved his hand.

"That's it~" Even the honest and loyal Monkey King after contacting the equipment department and understanding their surface layer could not find evidence that their brains were okay.

"Well~ it's only Professor Manstein that will be troubled by them. The old guy in Angers would only be surprised when he saw the sky-high bill, and then asked the school manager to pay for it," Night Eclipse stood up. He clapped his hands, "So let's explore Xintiandi!"

"Eh~ you obviously didn't have the energy just now, boss."

"Because I just remembered that there is a strange setting here. You have to take a bath before the fight, otherwise the combat power will drop." Night Eclipse touched his chin, "Maybe you can see Sakura's swimsuit..."

"Cher's swimsuit..." Monkey King's eyes lit up.

"Then head towards Xintiandi!" Night Eclipse raised his right hand excitedly.

"Oh oh oh!" Monkey King also raised his hand excitedly.

"No, we don't have contract elves that don't need to take a bath at this time," Yae Sakura blinked and looked at the inexplicably low morale of the two people with curiosity, "What's wrong?"

"No, nothing..." Ye Eclipse looked disappointedly at Vercelia whose hair was a bit damp, "Why didn't you go to the riverside to cleanse with Alice."

"Obviously there is a bathroom, why do I have to go to the river to wash it with cold water?" Vercelia raised her brow and looked puzzled. "And what if someone sees it?"

"That's right, it's Vercelia after all," Ye Eclipse sighed with regret, "I thought you didn't dare to be alone with Alice."

"Why... why are you afraid of this kind of thing!" Verseria turned her back to the night eclipse a little awkwardly, "We can be said to be enemies now. Being too close will only make her unable to do anything."

"Eh~ really a good sister~"

Chapter 58 I Poke——

After molesting a wave of Vercelia, Night Eclipse and Yae Sakura discussed a little bit about the evening banquet, and then pulled the collar of Monkey King who didn’t want to leave and planned to leave, looking dismayed. Xue'er, the night eclipse suddenly felt like he was a bad person.

In the end, the night eclipse compromised under the double-line pleading of Xueer and Monkey King...

Watching and holding hands to watch the entire floating island, Sun Wukong and Xue Er Ye Eclipse helplessly scratched the back of their heads.

"I hope they don't play too late."

"Don't worry," Yae Sakura walked behind Ye Eclipse and gently re-arranged the hair that had been messed up by Ye Eclipse.

"By the way, Sakura, do you have a dress?" At this time, Night Eclipse thought of the key question.

"Uh... can't it just be like this?" Yae Sakura was taken aback for a moment.

"Well, very beautiful!" Eclipse gave a thumbs up unceremoniously.

Yae Sakura blushed and pushed Night Eclipse out of the room, and then quickly closed the door.

"Ah~I'm shy~" Ye Eclipse knocked on the door with a smirk.

"No." Yae Sakura replied pretentiously.

However, Vercelia who was still in the room could clearly see that a faint blush floated on Yae Sakura's white cheeks.

"Then I'm leaving," Ye Eclipse curled his lips, but Yaezakura was so shy that she didn't even show it!

However, after speaking, the night eclipse did not leave, but stood at the door and waited silently. He believed that Yae Sakura would quietly open the door and watch him leave, even for a moment, he would catch it with his sky-defying dynamic vision. Amazing scene!

Thirty minutes later...

Lost in the night eclipse, returned to the room.

The door... didn't even open!He waited at the door for a full twenty-nine minutes without opening the door. He was even sure that he had eliminated his breath completely, but the door was not opened. So in order not to continue hurting his self-esteem, he took a minute to return. When he arrived in the room, he squatted directly in the corner of the wall with his left hand hugging his knees and his right hand clasping the corner nonstop.

However, what he didn't expect was that it was just such a minute that he fled back to the room, the door opened and a small head poked out to stare at the already empty corridor.

Just as the night eclipse believed that the Yae Sakura would bloom, the Yae Sakura also believed that the night eclipse would definitely squat at the door and wait. It turned out that the night eclipse was completely defeated in terms of patience.

"That one……"

Just when the night eclipse was about to dig through the corner of the wall with his nails, a weak voice sounded in the direction of the bed.

"My soul has been hit hard now, so I don't want to care about you for the time being," The Eclipse turned his knees 180 degrees in an unscientific way, lying on the bedding with a pale face. , "I don't want to spit out if you were beaten as a result of fumbling."

"You have already complained!" Feng Zao Shenren said helplessly, "and why should I fumble!"

"Who knows about you?" Night Eclipse lowered his head, "And I'm sad, can I just be quiet for a while?"

Feng Zao Shenren's mouth twitched, and he resisted the pain and walked to the front of the night eclipse, "I'm still hurting my ribs! Master, I beg you, is there any special medicine? I'm going to die of pain!"

"I poke--" Night Eclipse raised his right hand and poke Feng Zao Shenren's injured rib very accurately.

"It hurts! You actually aggravated my injury!" Feng Zao Shenren grabbed the place hit by the night eclipse and knelt directly.

"Isn't it painful to die?" Night Eclipse had no eyes on it, "Don't cry, it's all right."

"You just want to prove this... eh? Doesn't it hurt anymore?" Feng Zao Shenren quickly lifted his clothes and touched the injured place, but it turned out to be really fine.

Feng Zao Shenren breathed a sigh of relief and then she realized one thing, she actually lifted her clothes in front of the night eclipse!

Will be treated by ghosts and animals!

Feng Zao Shenren closed her eyes in despair, she simply gave up her plan to cover her lower abdomen again, because her resistance would only make the night eclipse happy.

Ten seconds later...

"Huh?" Feng Zao Shenren blinked, the night eclipse still looked listless.

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