Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 849

However, the appearance of Feiyu Maru did not shock the group of nobles, but made their eyes more enthusiastic.

"This beautiful lady, can I invite you to dance with you?" At this time, a young noble who looked barely handsome but with a very frivolous tone stood in front of Yae Sakura.

And behind him followed several followers who seemed to be used to flatter.

"No," Yae Sakura indifferently rejected the young nobleman.

"Do you know who you rejected!" One attendant was a little angry.

"It's okay, girls like this are what I like more," the young nobleman waved his hand and grabbed Yae Sakura's hand directly, "beautiful girl, please allow me to kiss your hand."

Yae Sakura narrowed her eyes, and the people of the Scarlet team behind her showed angry expressions, and Vercelia clenched her fist and took a step forward.

Kissing can be said to be an extremely sacred act for the elf, and the behavior of young nobles can be said to be rude to the extreme.


A piece of butter cake hits the young nobleman's face at a very fast speed, perhaps because the young nobleman's cheek is stronger than butter cake, and the butter cake became a paste directly on the young nobleman's face.

"Who... Uh!"

As soon as the young noble opened his mouth, the angry questioning sound just raised his head, a fist hit his face, and the wind pressure around the fist even blew away the cream on the young noble's face.


The next moment the young noble flew out like a cannonball. After knocking away a bunch of people, he smashed into a table where food was placed. The poor table smashed into two joints, and the food of various colors crashed and fell. A young nobleman.

"Ah? I'm sorry, the fists come faster than thinking," Night Eclipse apologized insincerely as it kept swinging its left fist.

"When!" The disheveled Feng Zao Shenren sat up from the ground with a dazed expression. The night eclipse that had just pushed her on the ground and picked her clothes disappeared and then punched a person.

That person is not dead, right...

"Ahhhhhhhh! You know what you did!" At this time, the young nobleman who seemed to be starting to cool down in Fengzao Shenren suddenly sat up and shouted angrily, "I am the crown prince of the Kingdom of Barustan. ."

Eclipse walked blankly to a deacon who had been completely sluggish, took the wine on the tray in his hand and drank it.

"Hey! Are you bastard listening to me!"

"Borrow it," Night Eclipse took the tray from the deacon and threw it away.

The next moment the tray flew out at a very fast speed, directly hitting the middle of the thigh of the young nobleman, and it seemed that the force was too great. The tray did not stop rotating after hitting the target. The high-speed rotating round tray was like a tire. Generally rubbing the ground and bringing the young nobleman directly into the wall.

The male agent who was present suddenly broke down.

"How dare you!" It seemed that the young nobleman guarding the general elves directly summoned the elves to surround the night eclipse.

"These idiots actually irritated him!" Feng Zao Shenren reluctantly covered his face.

"Kneel down."

The cross-shaped golden dragon pupil in the eyes of the night eclipse glowed with dazzling light as if it was burning, and the Taikoo Longwei that he had deliberately hidden pouring out unreservedly. It was not a command or any emotion, it was just a simple statement. After only two words, the elven magic outfits in the guards uncontrollably recovered to become elves and crawled on the ground, and the people around them knelt on the ground with a thud. The only one who survived was Feng Zaoshen. The Scarlet team behind Ren and Yaesakura.

"I can't stand it! Fight with me now!"

With red eyes, Leola held the big sword and slashed directly towards the night eclipse. The boiling dragon blood in her body seemed to be called upon, urging her to exhale the blade to the strong.

"That idiot!" Feng Zaoshen's face turned dark, and he could see that the night eclipse was not meant to be joking with people at all. Without the cold eyes and almost actual killing intent, the night eclipse was already in At any time, it is possible to start the killing stage.

"Now I am not in a mood to make trouble."

Night Eclipse took a cold look, and the actual murderous aura directly caused Leola's boiling dragon blood to almost freeze. It was no longer challenging but dying. It was just the dragon blood that kept Leola fighting. Backed down once.

"Lie down for me."

Night Eclipse grabbed Leola's big sword with her bare hands and threw it aside. Leola, who had never reacted at all, slammed into the wall and fainted.

"I don't want to play anymore. Let the sword dance festival end today."

"Of course it was the result of the death of all contestants."

The dark light condensed in the palm of the night eclipse, and the shadow under his feet quietly covered the banquet floor.

It's over...

Feng Zao Shenren walked to the table with a desperate look and began to eat special food. This is not the meaning of the last meal, but there will be a very bloody picture later, maybe I can't eat it.

No one can extinguish the anger of the night eclipse.

"Don't you ask me to dance?"

Yae Sakura said softly as she watched the back of Night Eclipse who wanted to kill.

The dark light was smashed in an instant, and the unknown shadow quickly shrank back.

The moment before, it was a night eclipse like a tyrant, but at this moment, he seemed to be a shy big boy, blushing and holding Yae Sakura's hand extended to him.

So the two people with the most mismatched costumes in the entire banquet started a dance that made people think they matched the most.

Author's message:

PS If both sets of Huajiao can live, let alone who dares to say that the planning scum saw the hatchet in my hand?

PS If you want money...Did you see the bazooka in my hand?

Chapter 62 The Invitation to Dance of Lian Ashbel

"Dancing once~" Night Eclipse held Yae Sakura's hand and refused to let go.

"No~ OK~ I'm a little tired," Yae Sakura chuckled lightly.

"Why is this!" Eclipse sat on the ground desperately and hugged his knees.

It's hard to see Yae Sakura's evening dress, and finally can dance with Yae Sakura, but the result of the superposition of these two joys is that the night eclipse has entered a state of self-defeating and self-defeating again.

"Eldest sister! There is no oily tofu here," Feiyumaru, who hadn't found oily tofu, walked around at the banquet at this time, aggrieved.

"That's a shame, let's eat something else," Yae Sakura said softly, touching Feitamaru's head.


Every dish here can be exchanged for a table of oily tofu.

Feng Zao Shenren glanced at the reluctant Fei Yu Maru silently.

"But this banquet is ruined," Feng Zao Shenren sighed helplessly. The only thing that counts is that the nobles here are more stupid than she thought.

Feng Zao Shenren glanced around. Almost all the people looked at them with stiff movements like robots. Obviously they were completely scared by the night eclipse. The most intuitive feeling is that of Doraguni. The ace dragon daughter of the Asian country was killed with one hand while the dragon blood was awakened. The wind early gods believed that if they could, these people would have run away from this banquet.

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