Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 872

"Huh?" Leola was a little startled, some of the surprises were too sudden and didn't know how to answer.

"Wait a minute! How can we surrender without a fight!" The upright knight Alice directly expressed her dissatisfaction without even thinking about it. "Moreover, letting her come to fight us in Eclipse is our trust in us!"

"Yes! This young lady doesn't think we will lose!" Lin Silei shook her hair.

"Well, not long ago, you also thought that he believed that we would not interfere in our duel. As a result..." Claire rolled his eyes, "He dug a big hole there and buried our opponent alive."

"Uh..." Alice and Linselei retreated.

Fayana looked at all this with a smile. As for surrendering without a fight, why, wouldn't it be better to save trouble?

"It always feels like he is throwing the pot to us," Feng Zao Shenren scratched his face.

"That's what our side thinks," Claire looked at Leola.

"Thank you so much!" Leola nodded and then clenched his fists. "So I can win the blood of the night eclipse for Doragonia!"

"Ha!!! What do you mean!" Feng Zao Shenren was dumbfounded.

"If I lose this duel, I will give birth to Night Eclipse, and if I win, Night Eclipse will have to let me inherit his blood," Leola said straightforwardly.

"Isn't this shameless!" Feng Zao Shenren shouted in dissatisfaction, "As a result, you have achieved your goal regardless of whether you win or lose. He didn't get anything!"

"What do you mean, you Beast Demon King! Lord Leola also sacrificed a lot," the deputy head of the Dragon King Knights shouted in dissatisfaction.

"It doesn't matter, they have already given up anyway," Leola waved his hand.

"Wait a minute!" Feng early God yelled, and then twisted his neck, "Sure enough, this sullen result is not like my style at all without fighting! Let's duel Leola!"

"Huh?" The others were shocked by Feng Zao Shenren's sudden words.

"Just you and me one-on-one! Bet on their respective magic stones!" Fengzhao Shenren stretched out his finger and pointed at Leola, "How dare you dare to Doragunia's dragon daughter."

"Oh? Although my boiling blood continues to urge me to go to the night eclipse, it is undoubtedly a worthy opponent in battle. If it is you, I don't mind hunting you off first!" Leola narrowed his eyes. His right hand was pressed on the big sword at his waist.

"God," Claire grabbed Feng Zao's clothes, "What are you thinking about!"

"Sorry, I always feel that if I don't do this, I will leave the sanctuary, and I will be killed by that unscrupulous master before I leave the sanctuary!" Feng Zao Shenren smiled bitterly.

Although it is reasonable and well-founded, it is indeed in line with what the night eclipse will do, but she lied. This is just a "explanation" that she just came up with just now. After hearing Leola's night eclipse no matter what After talking about giving birth to her, her heart was inexplicably grasped, and then she spoke subconsciously.

But even now she does not regret it!

" are our partner!" Claire took a serious look at the eyes of the gods before Feng Zao, then turned to look at Leola, "Modify the rules, your duel will be the same as everyone in our two teams. Magic stone!"

"Really confident," the deputy head of the Dragon King Knights showed an inexplicable smile. She knew exactly what Leola was in now. The dragon maiden of Doragonia had the dragon blood in her body at this moment. It's an awakening state. If you really fight, it will affect your own people. Instead, they will have the advantage in the team's one-on-one singles. Moreover, the opponent is still a person without a fairy costume.

This is stable!

"You...really, there is another reason not to lose," Feng Zao Shenren shook his head helplessly after taking a look at the others, and gently pressed the back of his left hand.

Restia, sorry, I want you to be wayward with me again...

Chapter 87 A Team Must Be Tidy

It is true that Leola is very strong, especially after the dragon blood awakens, it is even stronger and messed up, even the wind early gods can not guarantee that they can win her intact, before witnessing the battle.

The battle between the night eclipse and the dark night eclipse seems to be like apocalypse, so that the wind early gods understand what a real battle is like. The magnificent swordsmanship is meaningless, the dashing steps are all burdensome, and every blow is a kill For the purpose of the opponent, don't think about how the opponent will defend and counterattack. Entrust everything to your own body instinct. You only need one idea in your mind!

Annihilate the enemy in front of you!

Of course, the Elf Sword Dance Festival is forbidden to kill the opponent, but the Elf magic is equipped with a very magical place. You can choose whether to cause physical damage or mental shock. Therefore, the early Fengshen dare to attack with the purpose of annihilating the opponent unscrupulously.

And Leola's dragon blood awakening also has a very obvious shortcoming. As the power speed increases, it will become mentally retarded... Oh no, she will only think about fighting and think about what will become dull.

Of course, if you are an ordinary person, you may be directly hammered by Leola's terrifying intuition. Unfortunately, Leola's opponent is the strongest sword dancer Jiren Ashbell, and he is still full of firepower to destroy the opponent. The first assassin of the teaching institute.

Without any suspense, Leola was blown up by the wind early god...

"It's so dangerous, it's almost cut," Feng Zao Shenren patted the dust on his clothes with a sigh of relief and cast a glance at Leola, who was already lying down. Just now, she was trying to kill him with the opposite. After a sword, Leola chose to avoid it because of instinctively feeling dangerous, and was taken away by the wind early god.

"Let's lie...Lord Leola...lost..." Yuli, the deputy head of the Dragon King Knights, looked at the unharmed Feng Zao Shenren dumbly, "by this nasty guy!"

"What do you mean by the last sentence!" Feng Zao Shenren shouted dissatisfiedly, "Where am I?"

"Shut up! You beast! Destroy you humanely now!"


"You don't want to regret it," Claire unfolded the elf outfit and looked at Yuli coldly.

"Um... don't worry, we won't do such a shameless thing," Yuli's face stiffened at first, but she shook her head and took out the magic stone.

The main reason is that the gods of Fengzhao seem to have a narrow victory on the surface, but in fact they managed to solve Leola with ease. Obviously, there is something hidden. If they continue to fight, they will only be defeated. It is better to simply surrender.

"Humph! We won't let you do what you want!" Yuli glared at Feng Zao Shenren, "You want all the elves to become your harem, and someone will stop it!"

After talking about the Dragon King Knights, they disappeared because the magic stone had gone beyond time, leaving only the Scarlet team with a dull face.

"That's why you participated in the sword dance festival!" Claire sneered and pulled the whip.

"I'm wrong!" Feng Zao Shenren looked at Claire grievously.

"Then explain the sword dance you just took and the fairy costume in your hand," Claire narrowed her eyes.

When I heard Claire’s words, Feng Zao Shenren's heart sighed. Her biggest secret is that she is the strongest sword dancer Jilian. Ashbel herself is the most loyal fan of this group of Lotus Ashbel. Hiding in front of you is extremely difficult.

One of the two greatest characteristics of the strongest sword dance girl-Lian Ashupel is Wushuang's sword dance.

She once saw Alice holding a crystal ball with Linsele and Claire constantly watching Lian. Ashupel’s sword dance and constantly discussing Lin’s sword dance. At that time, the first thought of the gods of the wind was that once they used the superb sword skills in front of them, they would be found to be the same sword skills as Ren Axiubel, and then they would be embarrassed.

For this reason, Fengsao Shenren has always deliberately refrained from fighting head-on, and avoided seeing her fighting by others as much as possible. Even just now, she did not use the unique sword skills that she used to often use three years ago, but more imitated. Eclipse is a simple but flawless way of fighting.

As for the second characteristic of Ren Asupel is the dark magic sword, but it is a pity that my penetrating and real sword in the hands of the gods of the wind is now due to the heavy damage of Restia. It's a lot smaller, and it's hard to tell that it was the sword of Lian Asupel three years ago without looking carefully.

"Then... I don't think there is any problem with my sword dance. As for my fairy costume, haven't I told you before? For some reason, I can't use it temporarily. Now my partner is back, but there is no way to show up. That's it," Feng Zao Shenren blinked his eyes and looked confused, as if he didn't understand why Claire asked.

"No, I just think your strength has risen too fast," Claire thoughtfully looked at Fengzao Shenren, "Obviously, he was still a weak chicken who could only sneak attacks before, but now it can blow up frontally. Leola, the candidate for the victory."

"I was so sorry that I was a weak chicken who only attacked before," Feng Zao Shenren rolled his eyes, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. As long as she didn't guess that she was Lian Ashbel herself, there would be no problem.

"Don't you..." Claire was full of suspicion, "Is it another deal with the night eclipse, he helps you improve your strength, you pay some price and so on."

"Deal..." Feng Zao Shenren turned his head with a guilty conscience. Although Night Eclipse didn't help her improve her strength and only helped her lift her curse, she did have something for Night Eclipse that night.

"Sure enough!" Seeing Feng Zao Shenren's reaction, Claire immediately jumped her feet with anger, and yes, she really jumped up and kicked on Feng Zao Shenren's knees.

"Hmm! It hurts!" Feng Zao Shenren screamed and knelt down on his knees while holding his knees, "I feel like my knee has been hit by an arrow!"

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