Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 875

"Yes," Lin Silei sighed softly.

"It's great~" Fei Yana quietly glanced at Feng Zaoshen who was holding the sauce and brushing the barbecue.

But the strongest sword dancer Jisan, the sauce is almost finished by you, can you stop...

"Hey! Why are you calling us here!" Claire stared at the night eclipse dissatisfied with her hands on her hips.

"Ah? Because I will soon send you the practice meal prepared for you in advance on the road," Night Eclipse waved his hand impatiently like sending a kid.

"Ha!!!" Claire's eyes widened, and the fiery red hair with ponytails behind him rose like a burning flame. Claire grinned his teeth and stared at the night eclipse fiercely, as if thinking about where to go. Eloquence won't be floppy.

"Huh," Ye Eclipse looked down at Claire with a disdainful look. "What a fierceness, do you think you are terrifying? To me, it's just a small milk cat!"

Then the little milk cat fried her hair-

Night Eclipse stretched out her right hand against Claire's head, and his left hand held her forehead and looked down disdainfully as Claire waving her short hand.

"Alright, Claire, don't make trouble," Feng Zao Shenren came to Claire with a plate of barbecue, patted her on the shoulder and passed the plate over, "Come and eat a barbecue."

"Shenren..." Kleier looked at the object in Fengzao Shenren's hand with an unknown aura in the plate with some horror, swallowed, and cautiously probed, "Are you okay?"

"Of course it's okay. Come and taste my craftsmanship. You should know that everything I make is delicious." Feng Zao Shenren looked at Claire with slightly hollow eyes, and at the same time passed the chopsticks over. .

Kleier, who was a little hairy, took the chopsticks and put a piece of barbecue into his mouth.

The strong flavor of sauce and the burnt flavor of too long test exploded in Kraer's mouth.

"Meow..." Claire fell softly on the ground with a mournful cry and fainted.

"Eh? Eh eh eh! Claire, are you okay!" At this time, Feng Zaoshen will be overwhelmed. After seeing the object in the plate in his hand that exudes a resentment, he was shocked and threw the plate out." What is that stuff!"

"This is the item you used to poison Claire," Ye Eclipse patted Feng Zao Shenren on the shoulder with satisfaction, "It's worthy of being my slave. Although it is not necessary, it successfully eliminated an enemy. ."

"That's it, hehehe... Why should I be happy!" Feng Zao Shenren patted his face vigorously.

Feiyana sighed softly, even the strongest sword dancer-Ren Asupel was a girl.

"In any case, eat as much as you want!" Night Eclipse raised the juice in his hand, "Although there are minors present here who can't drink, I'm disappointed!"

"Don't say your dissatisfaction so bluntly!"


I yawned and sat up in the morning at the night eclipse. In the morning, I found that there was a girl lying on the bed. It was not there, because I didn't drink, how could I be confused when I lay on the bed together, and there is only the floor.

As for when he gets up, it is impossible to find a muscular man holding him, because Monkey King sleeps very well and he gets up very early.

Eclipse grabbed some of the curled hair, and pressed it down with his left hand very casually.

Anyway, the morning benefits are not...


The night eclipse stiffly twisted his head to the lower left corner, a black-haired girl was curled up beside him, and his left hand was accidentally caught on her plump Opie.

"Master is really H," the dark wings spread out, Esther suddenly appeared kneeling and sitting in front of the night eclipse staring at him expressionlessly. The black wings behind her seemed to be constantly shaking like expressing her dissatisfaction.

"It's okay Esther, because it's the god of early wind," Ye Eclipse touched Esther's head.

"It's also true, because it's the god of wind early, so it's okay. Please feel more at the night eclipse," Esther narrowed his eyes as if he was waiting to be petted.

"Okay," Night Eclipse fondly stroked Esther's little head.

"It's too much! What is Fengzao Shenren? No problem!" The black-haired girl lying next to the night eclipse bounced and complained in a tone completely opposite to her ethereal appearance, "The most important thing from a spiritual to a physical girl I've been tortured by you."

"Anyway, you are used to it, right," Ye Eclipse shrugged indifferently.

"That's right~ a ghost!" Fengzhao Shenren hugged his head with a look of despair, "Why! That inexplicable sense of identity in my heart! Am I really that kind of shameless person!"

"Have you not given up? But you really want to take a look at your sword dance three years ago," Ye Eclipse curled his lips and looked at Esther, "Has Esther's new power been used to it?"

"Well, it feels like power is constantly pouring in," Esther shook his wings.

"That's Restia's power, right," Kazezao raised his chin and looked at the familiar wings behind Esther, then sighed and looked at the engraving of the wizard on the back of his left hand. "I don't know Restia. When will it be able to recover."

"Don't worry, she is more anxious to recover than anyone else," Night Eclipse smiled softly, "but she is still surprisingly tough."

"I won't give Restia to you!" Feng Zao Shenren looked at the night eclipse warily.

"Huh? How about you first touch your neck to see who you are?" Ye Eclipse raised his brows, "Or you want me to remember it for you?"

"Did I come at the wrong time?" The door was pushed open, and the tall gray-haired sister stood at the door with a weird look.

"Is this door unlocked? Anyone can open it!"

Chapter 91 There is no reason to swing the sword

"So?" Night Eclipse tilted Erlang's legs and looked impatiently at Grevas, who was sitting opposite.

"I always think you are very impatient with me," Grevas smiled bitterly, "I almost doubt the charm of being a woman."

"Cut, it's just an old woman... I'm sorry! I didn't say anything! Please don't look at me with the kind of eyes that you want to reminisce about the ultimate sword skills!" Feng Zao Shenren curled his lips, but saw Grevas With murderous eyes, he hid behind the night eclipse.

"Don't worry, I just have no patience for people who like to calculate," Eclipse held his chin and looked at Grevas faintly. "Say, why is the head of Alicia suddenly coming here for you?"

"It seems that I am really not very good in your impression," Grevas held his forehead helplessly, "but you can rest assured that I only want you to participate in the sword dance festival from beginning to end, and I will not ask for more. That's it."

"Then what are you doing?"

"Uh... I want to ask you something." Grevas rolled her head in embarrassment, the feeling of slapping herself in the face for a second is exciting.

"In fact, it is more accurate to say that I hope I can use it by the early gods of the wind!" Grevas coughed slightly and his eyes were full of determination, "I want to teach her the ultimate secret of the ultimate sword skill."

"I refuse!" The Eclipse hadn't even spoken before, and he refused very decisively.

"Hey! This is the true meaning of the extraordinary sword skill. It was not taught to you at the beginning. Now it is taught to you. Are you dissatisfied with it!" Grevas looked at Feng Zao Shenren with some angrily.

"Of course you are dissatisfied! You have to dare to teach! Say all the tricks to me again, and it is also called using the body to experience, using the body to remember, making a joke, you think I was almost beaten by you How many times have they died!" Feng Zao Shenren shrank behind the night eclipse, as if he had a backer, and protested with Grevas without fear.

"That's the fastest way," Grevas looked at Fengzao Shenren with a good expression for you, "I also made a lot of determination. I quickly passed the experience, cough and cough, come and learn from me. one move!"

"No! I will die! I will definitely die!" Feng Zao Shenren's head shook like a rattle, even though she is the strongest sword dancer, but Gravas in front of her is the real strongest elf. If she is called the strongest sword dancer because she won the sword dance festival with Wushuang's sword dance, then Grevas can be said to be her fully enhanced version. Wushuang's sword dance is inherited from Grevas. She is also the victor of the sword dance festival, and Grevas is still a witch who can use the demon spirit.

It feels that if the ultimate secret of Grevas came, the wind might have directly GG.

"You weren't so afraid of death before," Grevas looked at Fengzao Shenren with dissatisfaction. She, the witch of twilight, taught sword skills and other people would kneel down and wait for death, ah!Kneeling down to ask for advice, but Feng Zao Shenren was very resistant, if it weren't for the night eclipse, she was already preparing to force the teaching.

"Please, I don't seem to have a reason to win if I was killed before the finals," said Fengshao Shenren helplessly, "and I have other reasons not to learn the last trick."

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