Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 877

The broken shape is the strongest blow she can release until now, but the power of this blow is now concentrated on Grevas' sword.

"Absolute sword skill, the final form—"

Grevas stabs the Exhaler in her hand, and stabs Ren Asupel's chest with a flashing sword, and the feeling of immobility that once made her desperate appears again.

Can't avoid it?

Lian Asupel's pupils shrank fiercely, the movement of the world seemed to slow down, and the night eclipse and the battle of the night eclipse were once again recalled in her mind.

Put aside the unnecessary distractions, there are no unavoidable attacks in this world, only the attacks you think you cannot avoid!

The drooping right hand lifted up, and his body, unable to move due to the biting chill, moved again.

If you are afraid, give up thinking, if you are afraid, entrust everything to your body, and if you want to win, just swing this sword!

A ray of light flashed by, and the exhaler fell from the sky and stuck in the grass on one side.

"What's this?" Grevas looked at her right hand, how many years, no, never had it, someone could fly the sword in her hand.

"This is..." Lian Ashubel gently waved the sword of the penetrating reality aside, and the breeze rolled up the grass on the ground.

"The sword that opens up the future!"

Author's message:

The story of PS Gundam Shape Builder has made me completely desperate, but I still have to open the hook to win!Most of the battles are dangling with two rays of light. The output of the inexplicable ghosts and animals on the last two sides depends on the roar, and the roar is won!emmm...I chased after twenty-four episodes and felt fed to the brain fragments of twenty-three episodes

Chapter 93 The more innocent the more H, and vice versa

"The sword that opens up the future..." Grevas smiled contentedly, and fell to the ground with a sway. "It seems that I don't need to worry about it."

"Because, I have a reason to swing a sword," Lian Ashupel turned and looked at the night eclipse, "I have expectations that I must respond to!"

That's right, the people you love are all around. She is satisfied, she has nothing to extravagantly desire, isn't there still someone who can respond?

Present him the best sword dance in the world!

It's really something that only the strongest sword dancer Jilian Ashbel can do!

"I thought this world was boring, but! Sure enough, where there is life, there is a possibility. I have to admit that now your sword is worthy of my praise," Night Eclipse clapped his hands and came to Ren Axiubel, "Hope. You can perform the same sword dance in the finals."

"I said, this is just a prelude," Lian Ashupel blinked playfully.

"But why do you feel that Grevas has only the breath that comes out but no breath that can enter?" Night Eclipse looked at Grevas who was lying motionless on the grass.

"Wow! Witch, don't seems to be out of breath!" Lin Axiubel talked about Grevas' nose and looked horrified.

It is too unscientific to be knocked out by the strongest elf in the mainland!

"Her body is already in tatters. Even if you don't fight with you, you won't be able to live long," Night Eclipse squatted down and pinched Grevas' chin, "but in the decay and burns everything out. Between the rays of light, she chose the latter and passed the flames to you at the cost of everything she had. This realization..."

Golden ripples appeared beside the night eclipse, and a bottle with a soft light fell into the hands of the night eclipse.

"You must be rewarded."

Eclipse opened Grevas' mouth and poured the liquid in the bottle.

"What's this?" Lian Ashubel blinked curiously.

"The magic medicine that can make her hang up without pain and peace," Night Eclipse threw the empty bottle back to Wang Zhibao, jokingly.

"Oh, I know it is a potion that can heal her injury," Lin Axiubel was not fooled, and looked at Grevas, whose expression gradually became softer, with a sigh of relief.

"Although the injury is cured, some things have to be removed first," The Eclipse turned Grevas over and grabbed Grevas's towering chest with his right hand.

The white hands grasped the wrist of the night eclipse, and the slender fingers tightly bound the night eclipse, and Lian Asupel was watching the night eclipse with alert.

"What are you doing!"

"Don’t think that a slave can do whatever you want by showing me some good things," Night Eclipse raised her brows, and Lian Ashupel’s palms were not as soft and silky as girls of the same age. The calluses left behind made her hands abnormally rough. I'm afraid she didn't think of herself as a girl in the past...

Although it is almost the same now.

"Well, don't look at her like this for this witch. In fact, she doesn't know how old she is. It's probably sagging and sagging there. It doesn't feel good at all!" Lian Axiubel's face is not red and heartbeat. After a wave of Grevas, looked at the night eclipse with some twist, "If you really want to touch it, anyway, I'm also your slave, you can do whatever you want..."

To be honest, after witnessing the beautiful sword dance just now, the sword-dancing girl blushed and said that she can do whatever she wants. It can be anything for a man, but is Night Eclipse such a man!

"It's a pity that you haven't fully bloomed yet," Night Eclipse reached out and tapped Lian Axiubel's head gently, "And I just want to get rid of the things in Grevas' heart, what are you thinking? ?"

"Uh...hmm! I think so too, really...really! No...don't look at me like that!" Finally, Lian Axiubel held his gaze under the eclipse of your mind. She rolled her face on the ground, but Lian Asupel was also very clever to change her appearance back to the appearance of Fengsao Shenren. It seemed that she had already regarded Fengzao Shenren's appearance as a special mode for shame.

"Don't mind, I know all the kids of your age have this problem," Night Eclipse waved his hand, and the golden dragon head passed through Grevas' chest to eliminate the wizard spell suit.

"No, no, no! I'm not that kind of immature kid!" Feng Zao Shenren patted his flat chest, raised his chin proudly, "At least I never read that kind of messy book, nor It will be like those pure ladies who are thinking wildly every day!"

Night Eclipse blinked, "You seem to understand."

"Eh... I'm telling you," Feng Zao Shenren looked around, and said quietly in front of the night eclipse, "I saw a lot of shocking death books in Claire's luggage before. What kind of candles, hemp rope and other heavy-tasting things, Fijana brought some clothes with a few pieces of cloth. Alice was talking with Claire before, which really surprised me. Up."


The night eclipse is silent, what should I say, the more innocent people are actually the more curious about that kind of lust, don’t look at Alice’s usual stodgy appearance, a little bit of it may be mentioned by her Knight Sword was chasing a few streets, but the underwear she was wearing was sensational. On the contrary, the old Siji like Fengsao Shenren was not involved in lust, and was wearing very disappointing underwear.

"Is it you after all?" Ye Eclipse sighed and patted Fengzao Shenren on the shoulder.

"I always feel that my value as a woman has been rubbed on the ground several times by you," Feng Zao Shenren said slowly after a moment of silence.

"After all, you always wear men's clothing, and you still have this kind of special earthen suit," Night Eclipse did not conceal your dislike, "and you don't have the characteristics of a menswear beauty, and you only give me a piece of it when you restore it to the original state. It’s an unkempt feeling."

Not everyone can wear a suit like Altoria is so handsome, but it always feels a bit miserable...

"Didn't you just say that you are very satisfied! Why are there so many opinions now!" Feng Zao Shenren patted the ground with dissatisfaction.

"Ah, people will always pick and choose after the event," Night Eclipse waved his hand, "You can't say that your sword dance is really good, so I can only find some room for improvement from your clothes."

"Do I have to bounce around in that chilly skirt? Wan...what if the skirt is turned up by any chance!" Feng Zao Shenren blushed in protest.

Because of wearing trousers for a long time, even Lin. Ashupel didn't wear a skirt during her period. She feels inexplicably ashamed of wearing a skirt. She always feels that wearing it is the same as not wearing it.

"Alice and the others have never lifted it before," Night Eclipse curled his lips. Yae Sakura was also wearing a short skirt, but he was stunned that he had never seen the skirt rise more than thirty degrees for an instant. This is not scientific at all!Not every skirt has the perverted design of Bai Yasha, so you can see it, but you don't want to see it.

", my master, are you the kind of superficial person who is satisfied as long as the thighs are exposed?" Feng Zao Shenren persuaded the night eclipse painfully.

"It's a pity that most people in this world are superficial. Of course, I prefer to appreciate the brilliance of the soul, but..." Night Eclipse gave a light cough, "Your clothes really don't match your original appearance."

"Um..." Feng Zao Shenren pulled his clothes with an injured look, "I still think it looks pretty."

"It's okay for the gods of Fengzhao, but it's not suitable for Lian Ashbel at all," Ye Eclipse rolled his eyes.

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