Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 879

"Because I am a person wearing a banner of evil, and since everything I do is evil, then I can sacrifice everything for you," Ye Eclipse rubbed Yae Sakura's neck, "sacrifice for justice, for To me, you are righteous."

"Then for righteousness, for me, you must come to me," Yae Sakura pushed open the night eclipse and retreated into the light gate, "It's an appointment."

"Well, this time, I won't... well" Ye Eclipse stretched out his hand and wanted to touch Yaezakura again.

But unexpectedly, Yae Sakura, who was about to disappear, suddenly rushed out, grabbed the hand of Night Eclipse, pulled him over, and kissed Night Eclipse on his lips.

Five minutes later...

"Sure enough, make another mark!" Even though his face was full of blushes, Yaezakura still stuck out his tongue and walked into the light, pretending to be all right.

Night Eclipse dullly looked at the direction in which Yae Sakura disappeared. Even if he was able to move at the speed of light, he still did not react. After a while, Night Eclipse touched his mouth and his eyes suddenly became extremely serious.

"Sure enough, I won't brush my teeth anymore!"

"Please don't do such a terrible thing!" Leticia kept her loli form and emerged from the shadow of the night eclipse.

"But ah! Didn't you see it just now! No! Did you record the peak moment of my life just now!" Night Eclipse lifted Leticia up with excitement.

"No, if you don't brush your teeth, master will cause bad breath. It's horrible that this may be the last time the master," Leticia said sourly.

"Emmm...then I have decided!" Night Eclipse's eyes lit up, "I won't eat anymore!"

"This is not the key to the problem, right!" Leticia murmured.

"Yeah! What really matters is the feeling! Ah...what did you feel just now, no! Come on, your brain must remember that feeling!" Ye Eclipse blinked, but just now because of too much excitement. It was short-circuited, so I have forgotten it now.

Restia looked helplessly at the night eclipse that rolled around after putting her on the ground. As he himself said, it was extremely reliable in the eyes of everyone. Even problem children such as Sixteen Nights would unconsciously rely on it. In front of Yae Sakura, he was a fool who couldn't be reliable.

Because of this, only Yaezakura can rely on in this world.

"It's okay to master, anyway, there will be opportunities in the future," Restia was somewhat unwilling to comfort.

"That's right!" Night Eclipse's eyes lit up and immediately got up from the ground and patted the dust on her body. "Thank you, Leticia. Thanks to you, I am calmer now."

"It's really a thank you," Leticia sighed helplessly. After all, it was because of Yae Sakura, which was really unwilling.

"So I should take you away now," Night Eclipse clapped his hands.

"Huh?" Leticia's head tilted and didn't react.

"Ah, it was my waywardness to call you to the outside world. The sun here is no different from a deadly poison for you. Even the maid's physical condition is not considered to be unqualified," Night Eclipse shook his head and snapped. With snapping fingers, the door of the heroic spirit opened behind Leticia.

"Master, I don't care at all!" For the first time, Leticia didn't follow the orders of the night eclipse.

"Uh... I always feel guilty for leaving you alone at night," Ye Eclipse scratched his face.

"No, no! I don't feel guilty at all, it should be a reward!" Leticia looked at the night eclipse seriously.

Seriously, the night eclipse feels a bit scary.

"Master Eclipse said to let you come back!"

Like a horror movie, two hands stretched out from the door to firmly grasp Leticia's shoulders, and Brunhild, who was full of resentment, leaned out his upper body.

"It's too much. You can enjoy the unsuspecting sleep of Master Eclipse every night!" Brunnhild gritted his teeth and said, "It should be me! It should be me!"

"You guy, let go!" Leticia immediately untied the ribbon and returned to her royal sister's form and resisted, "This is the honor that a vampire maid can have."

The corners of Night Eclipse's mouth twitched and looked at the two people who were fighting together. Now he knew why Leticia's clothes were a little messy when he came over, and his face still felt scratched.

It feels terrible, but Sakura is the best...

"Anyway, you two are too embarrassing! As the chief maid, as a secretary, give me a good reflection!" Eclipse held his forehead and raised his hand and waved the door of the hero and directly slammed into Leticia and Brensey who were fighting together. Erde.

Leticia and Brunhild, who hadn't reacted yet, were directly sent back to the box court.

"Ah~ I suddenly became much lonely," Ye Eclipse sighed and looked at the empty warehouse with only two quilts left.

"It's okay, I, no, we are still by your side," Lena appeared beside the night eclipse, together with Enkidu, Athena, Gilgamesh, and King Arthur trio. Finally Esther also returned to his human form.

The warehouse that was silent for a while became lively again.

"Really, can't you let me pretend to be a little deep?" Night Eclipse smiled helplessly.

Chapter 96: Abandoned Capital

The small pre-templar Scarlet team in the forest is allocating each other’s luggage. Linsley’s Fenrir’s belly is equivalent to an extra-dimensional space that can directly take away the luggage, which can be said to be an innate advantage.

"It's really convenient," Feng Zao Shenren threw a small package on his back.

"God, don't you take this package away?" Claire pointed to Fenrir who was yawning.

"This is my change of clothes," Feng early Shenren shrugged.

"I will never let Fenrir eat this kind of dirty stuff!" Lin Silei hugged Fenrir's neck with a watchful look at Feng Zao Shenren.

"It's too much..." Feng Zao Shenren collapsed, and walked into [door] with the package, "See you over there."

As a ray of light flashed, Fengshao Shenren shook his head and looked around vigilantly. After confirming that there was no one, he opened the package. There was a witch costume full of exoticism neatly stacked inside. If Kleir If they are still there, they will definitely exclaim that this is not the clothes worn by the three-year-old Ren Asupel?

"Well, the size change is okay," Feng Zao Shenren, like a thief, grabbed his clothes and got into the grass.

After a while, an ethereal girl with beautiful black hair came out of it.

"Miss Lian Asupel is resurrected!"


"Emmm...are you two?" Ji Miao looked at the two standing in front of her hesitantly.

"Yes, hurry up and hand over the extra magic stones," Night Eclipse stretched out his hand impatiently.

"It's okay, but are you really the two of you?" The witch Ji hesitated and put the remaining three magic stones in Night Eclipse's hands.

"I am enough," Night Eclipse threw away the magic stone in his hand with a disdainful smile. "You are right, Vercelia."

"Yes, yes," Vercelia stood awkwardly.

It should be said that it is a common problem of every elf. As long as you think of being alone with a man, you will feel an inexplicable feeling.

"Hey, hey, although I can do it alone, but you don't just get rid of it casually," Night Eclipse handed a magic stone to Vercelia, "You probably won't use it. ."

"Don't worry, I will never lose," Vercelia's eyes condensed and directly caught the magic stone that Night Eclipse handed her.

"Good luck, then," Night Eclipse waved his hand and stepped into [door].

"Good luck." Looking at the eclipse's fading back, Vercelia clenched the magic stone in her hand and stepped into the [door].

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