Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 900

"Do you need me to do anything?" Isalia raised her head, "But as you have heard, I am an incarnation, and even if you really have a goal that can only be achieved by the power of the Elf King , Isn’t there a more suitable person here?"

After speaking Isaliya pointed to the night eclipse.

"Uh, the only thing you can't ask him about this matter," Lian Ashbel curled his lips, "I want to liberate the remaining Elf King, but if I ask him, he will take the rest without hesitation. The Elf King will be liberated forever, isn't it, my beloved master~"

"I'm just helping them supersede," Night Eclipse spread out, not intending to deny it at all.

"Please be sure to rescue my compatriots," Isalia stepped back and bends towards Ren Ashbel, "If it were you, it would be possible."

"Wow! Don't be so sudden!"

This time, it was not only Lian. Ashbel was taken aback. Everyone besides the night eclipse looked incredible. The Water Elf King, the Water Elf King, who has always been one of the rulers of the elemental Elf world, would bend down. Pleading for a human, even if it's just a clone, it's impossible to do this.

"If this continues, not only the elemental spirit world, but also the human world will be destroyed," Isalia said sincerely, "if it was you three years ago, it would definitely be possible!"

"You remember," Ren Asupel frowned, "but it was just good luck that time, and it caused me to almost lose Restia."

"I'm sorry about that."

"What did you do three years ago?" Lin Silei asked curiously.

This should be a question that most people are curious about. What kind of wishes did the unidentified Lian Asupel made after meeting the Elf Queen and where he went after winning.

"Uh, it's a little hard to say," Lian Ashbel scratched the back of his head.

"Len has seen the body of the Water Elf King," Restia smirked.


For a while, various elven magic outfits aimed at Lian Axiubel.

"Wait a minute! She was naked when I saw it!" Lian Ashubel shook her head desperately.

"You still watched it! This is disrespectful! Tenchu! Tenchu ​​must be!" Feiyana angrily raised the altar.

"Sure enough, you are still the god of wind early!" Alice raised the wind wing gun.

"You choose fully cooked or coke," Claire pulled the whip in his hand with a smile.

"Sure enough, it will be frozen forever!" Lin Selei shook her hair.

"Restia!" Lian Ashupel stretched out her hand towards Restia.

"Ah~~ I'm sorry I'm resting today~" Restia stuck out her tongue.

Chapter 118 Redemption Does Not Exist


In the warehouse, Lian Asupel smeared his arm with ointment while grinning.

As long as it is not a one-shot kill, as the degree of injury increases, the resilience will also increase dramatically. At first glance, it is a very shameless gift, but this is limited to recovering from the injury.

This gift will not eliminate negative effects, such as continuous blood loss, such as poisoning.

And what it repairs is that the injury is not exempt from pain.

So it hurts or it hurts, but it's not bad to play.

"Ah~Len, how about let me rub the medicine for you?" Restia, who was kneeling in the corner with a book on his head, said with a smile, "I used the medicine for you when you were injured. ~"

"You can reflect on it a little bit," Lin Ashuper glared at Restia dissatisfiedly, and raised her bruised arm. "If you don't talk nonsense, those guys won't beat me up on the spot! "

"Isn't I telling the truth?" Restia looked aggrieved, but her unconsciously squinted eyes revealed her true heart.

"Well...I will be attending a celebration banquet tonight. How can I wear a dress like this?" Lian Ashupel rubbed the bruise on his arm in distress.

God knows her bruises on her arms were rumored by those cheating intelligence groups.

"Don't you really need to care about the collar around your neck?" Night Eclipse was a little speechless.

The strongest sword dancer—Len Ashbel turned out to be a slave or something. There is no need for rumors at all, because this is a fact.

"Collar?" Lian Asupel touched the very conspicuous black collar on her neck and looked confused, "Why should I care?"

"Uh, um, yes, there is nothing to be concerned about," Lian Ashbel's straightforward reaction caused the night eclipse to be choked for a while, took out a bottle of potion from the treasure of the king and threw it over, "but as mine If the slave loses face at the banquet, I will lose face."

"Well, thank you so much, so that you can avoid the tragic story of a woman who is rumored to like SM," Lian Asupel caught the potion with a touch of expression.

"It's great, lotus," Restia said with a smile. "It's great to be particularly slow sometimes."

Lin Ashbel's action of applying the potion paused, and then rolled her eyes, "Your last sentence is superfluous!"

"Now, what are you going to do after you liberate the Elf King?" Night Eclipse asked casually, lying on the bedding and staring at the dark ceiling.

"Uh... I didn't think so far for a while," Lian Axiubel put down the medicine bottle, with a complicated tone, "In the beginning, I just wanted to realize Restia's wish, and later it became to find Restia. , I just want to cough, cough, cough...It seems that I have always been moving towards one goal, and then moving towards another goal after I arrive. I have never thought about what I will do afterwards? Maybe I will follow you to find a way to redeem my body~ "

Before she knew it, Lian Asupel's tone became a lot easier.

"Well, I found the next goal, just keep going!"

"Really speaking boldly," Night Eclipse raised an eyebrow, "I'm afraid you won't even want to redeem you in this life."

That's great...

So that you can always...

Lin Axiubel squinted his eyes and shook his head.

Restia sat in the corner with a knowing smile.

It's so good Lian, so that you can always fulfill your wishes for yourself.

"Then what do you want to do after the sword dance festival is over?" Lian Axiubel asked curiously, leaning on the side of the night eclipse, holding his chin.

"Who knows, but it's definitely not a boring future," Night Eclipse stretched out his hand toward the dark ceiling as if to hold something.

"Hey, it sounds so unreliable," Lian Asupel curled her lips and buried her face in the bedding.

"It's better for a slave to worry about your bleak future," Night Eclipse closed his eyes, "You know I'm a very funny person."

"Yeah, I've experienced it firsthand," Lian Ashubel said muffledly.

"Don't worry, you will experience more in the future," Night Eclipse laughed lightly.

"That's really scary," Lian Ashupel raised her upper body, "Aren't you going to wear formal clothes to the banquet this time?"

"I never wear formal clothes," Ye Eclipse curled his lips.

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