Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 903

"I'm right behind you."

"It's really reliable!" Lin Axiubel rubbed her nose with a confident smile, "Then let's move forward!"


At the end of the huge staircase is a gorgeous throne surrounded by shining lights.

Lian Asupel quietly held the Sword of Penetrating Reality, knowing that the night eclipse was behind her, she planned to do something big.

Free all the Elf Kings!

All the Elf Kings were infected, and liberating only one wouldn't have a particularly big effect. All that could be done was relief. It would be too long to wait for the next sword dance festival.

And he won't wait until the next sword dance festival.

Lian Ashubel took a deep breath and walked up the stairs towards the top throne.

——Your sword dance is really admirable.

The Elf King on the throne said, his calm and slightly admiring tone did not seem to be contaminated and crazy.

——What is your wish?

"Our wish is--" Lian Ashbel lifted up the sword of reality in his hand, and a bright light flashed by.

"Death of the Elf King!"

At the moment when Lin Asupel's voice fell, a darkness that was completely opposite to the wish erupted from the throne.

Lian Ashubel's eyes moved. She had seen this kind of thing three years ago, and now she will not be confused anymore.

Wish is a miracle brought about by the darkness of another world, so is it feasible to make a wish for it to disappear?Obviously it is impossible, but even the Elf King will enter a short pause to revise her wish because of this desire to destroy herself. This idle time is the time for her to create miracles.

Lian Asupel pierced out against the darkness, and the sword of truth penetrated the figure on the throne.

At the same time, the darkness of the alien world completely enveloped Lian Ashbel and the throne.

"Come out, Fenrir!" Lin Silei raised her hand, and the snow-white wolf rushed out and opened her mouth. In the blizzard, a blue-haired girl in a witch costume appeared.

"[Elf King] Oh, if you still have a trace of rationality, please listen to my voice!"

Isalia Xiwa, the incarnation of the Water Elf King, called.

However, the gushing darkness still shrouded Lian Asupel.

"Why! Consciousness should have been pulled back!" Isalia whitened.

"Because Lian has already succeeded, this darkness has nothing to do with the Elf King," Night Eclipse appeared in front of Lian Ashbel.

"Are you the culprit?" Eclipse raised his eyes and opened his right hand. The translucent golden dragon head instantly covered his right arm. "Let's disappear quickly!"

Author's message:

PS Regarding Zio’s speculation, everything Woz said that started with a shooting star, and there are pictures of shooting stars. Everyone subconsciously would think of the shooting star Erqi who once killed the four boys with a squeak, but not Is there another meteor?The beginning of 555, Meteor School!

Chapter 121 Then the assassination is over

"What's that, is it just that level?"

Night Eclipse raised his hand, and the darkness of the otherworld that even the Elf King could not deal with was instantly eliminated.

"Then you will be the next one!" Lian Ashbel drew out the sword that penetrated the truth, turned and rushed towards the location of the Wind Elf King.

"Wait a minute! We only need to liberate the fire this time..." Isalia who didn't expect Lin Axiubel to attack again so boldly, stretched out her hand anxiously.

"No problem!" Lian Ashupel smiled, "Wake up, the Wind Elf King!"

The dark magic sword pierced through the body of the Wind Elf King.

At the same time, the gushing darkness rolled towards Ren Axubel, who quickly drew the sword of reality.

"True and bold behavior, but I appreciate it," it was exactly the same as before, when Lian Ashbel was about to be covered in darkness, the golden dragon head protruded from her head and let out a loud roar.

The darkness that did not belong to this world was eliminated without resistance.

"Then the next one is!" Lian Ashubel exhaled and looked at the position of the last Elf King.

"This is already a positive killing," Claire looked at the menacing Lian Ashbel silently.

"It's a head-on kill from the beginning," Alice murmured to herself.

If you don't dodge or rush over, it is a knife. After the stabbing is finished, you will immediately stab the other one, very simply and neatly.

Then the last Elf King was stabbed.

Facing the gushing darkness, the night eclipse yawned and squeezed it.

"A big victory in the assassination!" Lian Ashupel carried the sword of piercing truth on his shoulders and showed a hearty smile.

"It doesn't mean anything at all, you can't even resist," Night Eclipse curled his lips. He also hoped to try his hand with the Elf King who claimed to be part of the world, or the darkness of another world.

As a result, both the Elf King and the Darkness of the Other World were very random. The Elf King sat there waiting for Lian Axiubel to poke, and the darkness of the Other World also spurted out as if it meant it.

"Doesn't it become very troublesome if you resist?" Lian Axiubel stuck out his tongue, "By the way, the trouble is those of the Shenyiyuan."

"It's so easy to solve!" Isalia looked sluggish.

The world is saved...

The consciousness of all the Elf Kings has been liberated. Although they will be incarnate and sealed somewhere like Isalia before, there is no doubt that the Elf King will no longer be crazy anymore. All that is left is eliminated by the night eclipse. Most of the alien world darkness and the power of the Elf King.

In short, she is enough to suppress the situation.

It's as easy as joking.

Of course, she didn't want things to be troublesome, but it was so easy to solve it, wouldn't it seem that their Elf King was very wasteful.

"Don't be entangled, anyway, your purpose is to liberate the crazy Elf King to avoid the situation that the world will be destroyed," Night Eclipse spreads out, "Now the Elf King can't get mad anymore, how good, is the process? Does it matter casually?"

"That's what I said," Isalia scratched her face and sighed helplessly. "Anyway, the elves thank you for your help. You saved the world."

"No, no, your Royal Highness is so polite," Fijana waved her hands with trepidation.

"This is our duty," Alice scratched the back of her head.

"I think we just left a cutscene, it didn't work at all," Claire held her forehead helplessly.

"That's what I said," Lin Silei also looked helpless.

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