Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 919

"It's useless, I don't think any wizard magic is useful," Udia shook his head, "and this is my sin, and this is also a punishment for me, I am willing."

"How is this! It's not fair!" Lin Axiubel looked unbearable, "Obviously you did nothing wrong, but you are just a victim!"

She is not willing to be invaded by the darkness of another world!

"If the magic can't do it, just leave it to the miracle."

"This world is inherently unfair, but sin is sin, but ah..." Night Eclipse raised his hand and stroked Udia's head, "If the law is formulated by the king, the crime is determined by the king..."

Lian Asupel's eyes lit up, and Udia raised her face.

"Then, as the devil, I declare you not guilty."

Night Eclipse raised the corners of his mouth and showed a gentle smile.

"Does not accept all rebuttals."

Chapter 137 The Dark Truth

"Big brother?"

Yutia, who was sitting on the bed, opened his eyes again. This time it was no longer the lonely darkness, but a dazzling but extremely warm light, and a smiling young man was sitting in the light.

"Can you see it?" Eclipse raised his right hand finger and gently tapped Udia's forehead, "Don't you say something?"

"Hmm...I can see it!" Utia cried out, tears falling down her face on the quilt.

What is willing, what is my own sin, but for the people around me not to be sad, it is such a cruel fact that for a child under 13 years old, he can only live in the dark in the future.

"Ah~cry, cry out all the grievances and fears you have suffered over the past four years," Night Eclipse gently leaned on the back of the chair and glanced at the door, then turned to stare at the crying Udia. "I'm listening here."

"I'm so scared! It's dark! It's cold!" Udia clenched the quilt tightly, "What the hell is it, why is the angel coming out of it, why is it eating me, why is it me, alone? so lonely……"

Night Eclipse narrowed her eyes, and Lian Ashbel, who was standing not far away leaning against the wall, turned unnatural. Obviously Udia's words reminded her of something.

"It's okay," Night Eclipse sighed and reached out to take Udia into his arms, "because I'm here."

After crying for a long time, Utia finally fell asleep deeply. The Night Eclipse gently put her down, helped her to cover her with a quilt, and winked at Lian Ashobel. Lian Ashobel gave her a wink. Nodded and followed him and left the room.

"Already gone?" After Eclipse left Udia’s room and looked around, the crystal clear crystals on the ground attracted his attention. Night Eclipse stooped to pick it up and smiled helplessly, "It will be weak. While hiding it, I obviously don’t mind hearing your complaints."

"What did you say?" Lian Ashubel asked curiously behind the night eclipse.

"No, nothing," Night Eclipse smashed the crystal in his hand with a chuckle.

"Well, I remembered the angel Utia said," Lin Axiubel didn't ask too much, because there are more troublesome things now.

"Don't tell me that the darkness of the alien world is actually the so-called angel." The Eclipse leaned against the wall with his arms around his chest. "In the beginning, the darkness of the alien world was not defined as having no intention. The world will be destroyed only because Is the Elf King mad by being infected by the darkness of another world?"

"It was like this at the beginning, but this time the darkness of the other world voluntarily invaded Udia and controlled her to want to summon the darkness of the other world," Lian Ashubel said with a serious face, "Although I don't know their purpose, but It’s great not to succeed."

"This is not the time to rejoice. If the darkness of the other world is not conscious, at least there is no need to worry that they will take the initiative to attack, but now it is confirmed that they not only have consciousness, but also want to invade the world. Do you know what this means? ?"

When Lin Axiubel's face turns dark, she will understand if she is not stupid and thinks about it carefully.

"Even the Elf King can't bear it. You can easily make the elves madly attack their contractors. With such power in the darkness of the alien world, have you resisted it?" Night Eclipse lowered his eyes, "After all, the darkness of the alien world How did it come, where it came from, even Isalia herself can’t tell, right?”

"Hey, what is your indifferent reaction that has nothing to do with you!" Lian Axiubel rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction.

"Anyway, when I punch it down, there is nothing left," Ye Eclipse spreads out his hands indifferently, "After all, it's your own trouble~"

"So unfeeling!"

"this is the truth!"


At night, Lauren Frost's territory is still snowing, but the city gate is extremely lively.

"So... let's celebrate!" Standing on the high platform, Lin Silei raised her glass aloft.


Under the high platform are the people of Lauren Frost and the Elfi tribe who have been hiding in the Ice Forest. At this moment, they are talking to each other without any ills.

"I always feel very happy every time I see this kind of scene," Utia smiled softly in the wheelchair.

"Really? Ah~ that's what I said," the night eclipse pushing the wheelchair gave a chuckle, and he thought of the group of problem children who didn't make things uncomfortable, and had to celebrate after finishing things.

I always think I miss them...

"You look very happy, do you think of something?" Udia turned her head and tilted her head curiously, "Did you think of sister Lian?"

"Why should I think of her?" Ye Eclipse curled his lips.

"Because... Sister Lian looks beautiful, doesn't it? I will definitely be happy to be with her, right?" Udia looked at Lian Axiu, the strongest sword dancer standing behind Lin Si Lei on the high platform. Bell, looking at her long hair fluttering in the snow and her cold expression, Utia showed an enviable expression, "Unfortunately I missed her sword dance twice."

"There must be a chance in the future," Night Eclipse patted Udia's head, "Actually, all you see now is her appearance. Don't worship it too much, your dreams will be broken."

"Oh..." Udia nodded seemingly.

"Do you really don't need me to help you recover? Now you should be able to control the power of the medicine, and soon you can walk on the ground again," Night Eclipse squeezed Udia's face and continued to push her Walked towards the high platform.

"No need, my eyes are already very happy to see me again. I really don't want too much." Udia shook his head and raised his hand to catch the falling snowflakes. "I have waited for four years. Now, what about waiting for a while?"

"It's really open-minded," Night Eclipse narrowed his eyes. "Sure enough, the girls from the Lauren Frost family are very good, and I really want to see your parents."

"Are you and sister ready to see your parents!" Udia blushed.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Ye Eclipse looked puzzled.

"No, that means..."


At this time Linselei waved her hand and ran over, and Udia subconsciously held back the words behind.

"Ah Qiu! Ah... It's cold! Obviously it's so cold after using the fire spirit's care!" Lian Ashubel ran over while rubbing her hands.

"No way," Night Eclipse rolled his eyes.

"It's really cold! Especially at night!" Lian Ashbel shuddered and shrank her slender neck.

Utia was sluggish.

I always feel that the image of the ethereal fairy Ji just now collapsed...

Sister, you can't win!

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