Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 928

"I don't need to remind you!" Fijana yelled with a blushing face, and then pulled one of the twins away as if running away.

"It can be said to be sexual harassment just now~" Lian Ashupel looked at the night eclipse faintly.

"I'm just telling the truth," Night Eclipse shrugged.

"This kind of trivial matter will be discussed later, what we should consider now is what happens after we arrive at Doragonia," Rubia waved his hand.

"About this~"

The sword of reality that pierced Lin Asupel's waist disappeared, and Restia fell gently to the ground instead.

"Don't worry at all."

"Huh?" Lian Ashbel was stunned.

"Well, if you are indeed there, the Dragon King should be easier to talk about," Lubia nodded, "After all, the Dragon King and you are both of the Dark Elf King Fang."

"I've never heard of it!" Lian Ashbel raised her voice.

"Didn't I say it?" Restia blinked.


"It doesn't matter how little things are," Night Eclipse waved his hand, "I have a wealth of professional experience for the guy who calls himself the Dragon King."

Professional Dragon Slaying at Kassel College!

"Sounds so unreliable," Lian Ashupel stuck out her tongue.

"How is it possible? Although I haven't graduated yet, it's already a certainty," Ye Eclipse rolled his eyes, "Kill the Dragon King simply and neatly."

"This is the only thing, please don't do it!" Rubia also persuaded this time.

The Duchy of Dolagonia can be said to be her biggest trump card in the battle with the Holy Kingdom. If the night eclipse is really allowed to rush to kill the Dragon King, then she really can't play.

"Of course it depends on the performance of the Dragon King~"

"Don't worry, she will talk very well with me," Restia patted her chest confidently.

"That's really exciting," Night Eclipse raised his mouth, "Then let's go!"

"Wait a minute... that... I have a request," Claire looked at Rubia hesitantly, "Sister, can we go and bring Linsley together?"

"We didn't..." Rubia frowned and decided to refuse without even thinking about it.

But Ye Eclipse stretched out her hand from behind and covered her mouth before she finished speaking, and blocked her words back.

"Yes, if you let her know that we will leave her to play alone, she will definitely be angry," Night Eclipse gave a thumbs up, "Turn around, target Lauren Frost!"

"Really a rough man, obviously I am the owner of this ship," Rubia helplessly took off Night Eclipse's hand.

"Do you want me to use my mouth?" Talking about Eclipse, he pinched Rubia's chin and moved his face closer.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Lian Axuber grew up with a meaningless strange cry.

Restia squinted her eyes, and Claire's eyes widened.

"Hmph, you think this level will affect me... Wait! This is the first time... Um..." At first Lubia still looked indifferent, but when the night eclipse got closer and closer to her Panicked, his face became redder, and finally closed his eyes trembling.


Ye Eclipse smiled and let go of Rubia and backed up a few steps, "What kind of coldness is it?"

"Cough cough cough, I just wanted to cooperate with your boring behavior," Rubia coughed a few sophistry, but her red ears and flustered eyes still exposed her true heart.

"Then I'm really here this time," talking about the night eclipse, he took a quick step towards Rubia.

"I went to watch the wind!" Rubia turned around and ran away.

"Sure enough, the elves are all the same," Night Eclipse retracted the feet that had stepped out and looked at Rubia running away with a smirk.

"You seem to be very happy," Lin Ashbel's mouth pouted with her hands around her chest seemed to be able to hang things.

"Yes," Night Eclipse raised his finger and poked Lian Ashbel's forehead. "Alright, it's just a slave."

"That..." Claire looked at the night eclipse hesitantly.

"What's the matter? It's not like you," Night Eclipse raised his brows.

"Thank you," Claire lowered her head respectfully.

"Thank me for what? Do you molest your sister?" Ye Eclipse curled his lips silently.

"No, I always feel that the distance between my sister and me is getting farther and farther, but just now..." Claire covered her chest, "I can feel my sister there."

"She's been there all the time, but she's only confined by a chain called Dayi," Night Eclipse puts her hands in her pockets, with a complicated tone, "Even if you ask, the only answer you might get is that Rubia is dead in the past. Answer it."

"It's really cruel." Lian Ashbel sighed.

"Then change," Night Eclipse raised the corners of his mouth, "If you sigh in the same place, reality will never change."

"Well, I see," Claire nodded and became extremely firm.

"But you'd better let the cat's power fully come into play first," Night Eclipse waved his hand. "It's obviously a personal elf but I haven't seen you once to restore her."

"That..." Claire scratched the back of her head with an embarrassment on her face.

"Hurry up and practice! At least now your sister agrees with strength!"

"I... I get it!"

Author's message:

PS I thought about Xiao Ming and Queen Shi carefully, always feeling that Shi Wang is really not as good as Xiao Ming. After Xiao Ming uses other knights' cards, he can use the special abilities of the original knights, such as using 555 super acceleration, and can also compete with other knights. Linkage, for example, press their heads into their stomachs, but when the time comes, the king... the only function of the knight armor is to pinch and fight the corresponding knight weirdos, and get one armor and one knight is gone. Then the king is real. Destroyer of the world, destroy all the knights one by one. The most embarrassing thing is to see the weirdo not fight, and I would rather pinch the second ride than to fight the monsters. The most silent thing is the treatment issue. Counting the follow-up dials, force the grid to be high. The watch is his, and there are also shrimp dumpling plates. Well, the main rider will definitely die in the future.

PS If you continue with this plot, Faye will not appear on the stage~

Chapter 147: Some Exciting Customs

I thought that Lin Silei would hesitate to consider the issue of territorial management. After all, her parents were not there for the time being. Surprisingly, Lin Silei agreed without saying a word and said that she would hand over the territory to Miliu.

That's right!It is to Mi Liu who is under ten years old!

However, Mi Liu showed her excellent leadership ability in just one sentence.

"The territory is not managed by me, but by everyone."

Okay, are the Lauren Frost kids so good?

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