Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 931


"Yeah, Lotto~" Restia also jumped out in time.

"you guys……"

Originally, she wouldn't feel too embarrassed if she didn't say anything to take off together, but the sad reminder was that she didn't take off, and now she is about to take off her underwear while others are watching.


Chapter 149 Dragon King

"Hmm...I feel so used to it," Lin Ashupel pulled her clothes awkwardly, always feeling cold between her legs, and her chest was always rubbing against her clothes, which made her feel super concerned.

"Go slow!" Alice moved forward almost step by step, pressing her skirt.

"Don't you?" The night eclipse stopped and turned to look at the people who were drowsily behind him, "Don't you usually wear this way? You should not jump when you should jump, you should run. When I ran, I never cared about the problem of underwear exposed."

"This is different! Usually there are girls around, even if you accidentally show it, it doesn't matter, but this can't be revealed!" Lin Selei was crying, and at this moment she did not have the usual calmness.

"How on earth can I master such a technique!" Claire stared at Leola who came back again.

"It's not that hard~" To prove, Fijana jumped down.

"is that a lie!"

"this is the truth!"

"After seeing the Dragon King, you can't be so presumptuous. The other party is the strongest dragon elf anyway," Rubia reminded.

"Okay," Claire lowered her head very well.

Before they knew it, they came to a huge door.

"But it's really a big platoon~" Night Eclipse looked at the huge door in front of her, "It's a bit like the Death Church of the Dark Elf King."

"This is the throne room of the Dragon King," Leola raised his hand and pressed it on the door, chanting a few elves in a low voice.

Soon the door slowly opened.

"It's a bit like the hall of the Elf King," Night Eclipse stepped directly into the dim Throne Hall and walked towards the big stairs.

"Wait a minute! You can't be so rude!" Leola quickly grabbed the night eclipse with quick eyes.

"Eh~" Night Eclipse gave a somewhat exaggerated eh, but still stopped.

"——People with limited life expectancy, welcome to you."

The door closed automatically when Alice, who was standing at the back, stepped into the throne room, and a dazzling light radiated upward from the throne, and a huge shadow appeared in front of them.

The big curved horns, six arms like hooks, and huge violent wings appeared at the end of the stairs like a giant demon god.

The overwhelming power of just sitting there caused Claire and others to kneel down unconsciously.

However, when everyone was kneeling, the only night eclipse stood in place very conspicuously, and even yawned, as if the terrifying sense of oppression of the Dragon King was completely absent.

"Uh...emmm..." Lian Axiubel looked at the night eclipse a little entangled. It stands to reason that if the night eclipse does not kneel like them at this time, maybe it will make the dragon king above think that they do not respect her. It was unhappy, but she was sure that he would be 100% unhappy and even mad on the spot if he let the Night Eclipse kneel.

"——What do you mean?" The Dragon King's voice echoed in the space.

"Can't you tell me what you mean?" Night Eclipse lowered his eyes, "I don't have the habit of kneeling to anyone, not to mention that I'm not weaker than that."

Ah... it's over.

Lian Ashubel lowered his head feebly. As long as the elves with a little temper will definitely be irritated by the night eclipse, let alone the strongest dragon elves.

Sure enough, the Dragon King let out a roar.

"——Are you provoking!"

"As a dragon, you should be very clear," Night Eclipse raised his chin, "the strong dominate the weak!"

The cross golden pupils in the eyes of the night eclipse gave out a dazzling light, and the dark shadows spread around to form huge wings.

The power that can only be possessed by the pure-blooded dragon species, which is only separated from the assembly body called power in the evolutionary tree, the shadow of the dragon!

"Now you are the weak, the strongest dragon elf [Bahamut]," Night Eclipse raised the corner of his mouth.


After a long period of silence, the Dragon King spoke, but this time it was no longer an angry tone but very plain.

"You are right, now you are strong."

Leola raised her head in astonishment. She always felt that the night eclipse was very strong, but she felt a deep sense of astonishment when she heard the Dragon King admit that she was not as good as the night eclipse.

Rubia quietly wiped the cold sweat from her forehead. When the Dragon King uttered an angry roar, she felt cold in her heart for a moment, but the Dragon King's reversal attitude made her sigh of relief.

"Then what are you asking for," the Dragon King asked suspiciously, "If it is you, even if you want to help the second princess of Odyssia over there, it will be very easy to gain power."

"I'm not an all-purpose wishing machine," Ye Eclipse shook his head, "If you want, you can take it yourself. All I will do is not let their efforts go to waste."

"Indeed, just asking blindly, then there is no value," the dragon king nodded in agreement, "then the second princess of Odyssia, I can help you, but before that, I must let me see how much you can do. The value of Laguna’s alliance with you."

"I understand, how can I prove my worth?" Fijana asked respectfully.

"It's very simple. Recently, the religious state has fallen into civil strife. You only need to stop the civil strife, or at least not let the religious state become a puppet of the Holy State."

simple?Simple is a ghost!At any rate, the religious country is also a big country, so how could it be possible for a few of them to quell civil strife casually.

Fijana glanced at the night eclipse quietly, and the expression that the night eclipse gave her only meant something, you do it yourself.

"Can I ask me to think about it, please?" Fiana asked tentatively after pondering for a while.

"No, you must answer immediately," Dragon King raised his voice.

"Then-follow your will," Fiyana lowered her eyes.

"Very well, you can enjoy the scenery of Dolaguna before going to the country."

The closed door opened by itself when the Dragon King's voice fell.

"Then Lord Dragon King, don't mind talking to me a few more words," Ye Eclipse laughed playfully.

"Yes, I am also quite interested in you," Unexpectedly, the Dragon King agreed very readily.

"Len, you stay too," Ye Eclipse grabbed the back collar of Ren Asupel who was about to sneak away.

"Huh?" Lian Ashbel was stunned.

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