Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 934

"I am the cardinal secretary of the Holy Lukiah Kingdom..."

"Mireniya Sanctus, I know, your name~"

The curtain was lifted, and the dark shadow wings spread out fiercely, and the night eclipse supported the chin while looking at the pale Mirenia below with a smile.

"It's not the first time we met~"

Author's message:

The more you look forward to the PS, the more disappointment you will bring. When I first saw the trailer, I started to wait. Although the purpose of the boss in the trailer seems to be very brainy (optimize all mankind!), there is no deep meaning, but... Okay, I can’t make it up... I look forward to it, but there will still be a contrast. Of course, Kamen Rider will not be compared with the hunting armor, because it is meaningless, whether it is the actor's acting skills or the script (starting from the third Nawa Younger age), but at least don’t go downhill. Yanlong Xingtian is so good, especially Haotian in Xingtian has always given people a mysterious but reliable feeling. When the protagonist in the arrest, Xinyi, I am from start to finish. There is a feeling that he will roll over at any time and is full of personal heroism. The protagonist of the hunting armor...Let’s take a look first

Chapter 152 The Enemy That Can't Be Killed

Throne Hall.

Eclipse sitting on the Throne of the Dragon King happily admired Mireniya, who was pale on the stairs.

"Do you know? Every time I see the expressions of your self-righteous guys when they find that all their plans are unsuccessful, I can't help but want to cover their heads and laugh," Night Eclipse raised the corners of his mouth, the dragon behind The shadow of the shadow stretched wantonly.

"Why are you here? How could the Dragon King be willing to let you unlock the seal!" Mireniya took a step back, her face in disbelief, "My lord has clearly said..."

The Dragon King would never let that person unlock the seal.

This was what the adult said to her himself, and it was also the most critical part of this operation.

Their actions are very simple. Use Grevas who has recovered to the peak to lead the night eclipse and Lotus Asupel away. As for whether the night eclipse can be led away... it is inevitable in their plan, and the best proof is before. It can be seen from the attack on the Aresia Academy that the night eclipse rushed over almost the moment the attack occurred.

And Lian Asupel almost follows where the night eclipse goes, and as long as Grevas can definitely lead the night eclipse away, because Lian Asupbel can't defeat Gravas, in Gray The time Vasi was blasted by the night eclipse hammer was long enough for her purpose.

Killing the Dragon King, she can be said to be all the elf nemesis with the darkness of another world, not to mention the state of the Dragon King being cursed and sealed by the earth elf king.

The premise of all these plans is that the night eclipse is led out by Grevas as they expected.

As a result, the Dragon King who was supposed to be trapped there disappeared, and Night Eclipse, who was supposed to be led away, was sitting there waiting for her.

All the premises have been seen through.

"My lord? So that's it," Night Eclipse lifted Erlang's legs and looked down at Mirena, "Name the person behind you."

"" Before Mireniya could finish her words, the dark shadow blade cut the space and penetrated her belly.

"But now I'm very unhappy!" Eclipse raised her left hand to Mireniya who was held in mid-air by the shadow blade, "So at least use your miserable way of death to ease my anger."


Countless shadow blades erupted from Mireniya's body, and the petite figure turned into a pile of minced meat in a blink of an eye

Eclipse glanced indifferently at the dead Mireniya who couldn't die again and said coldly, "I know you are not dead, or do you think I can't find it?"

"Really, you really deserve to be you. I smashed me without hesitation," Mireniya Cong walked out of the darkness as if he was split from the darkness, and stepped past her without hesitation. flesh.

Night Eclipse's fingers lifted lightly, and a cold light flashed past Mirena's head and fell on the ground.

"Kill me again, your character is really as decisive as the legend," Mireniya walked out of the darkness again as expected by the night eclipse.

It is not an immortal body. There is no doubt that Mireniya has died just now, and there is no sign of regeneration in her body, but Mireniya who came out of the darkness has the same look and tone, even if the soul fluctuates. Mireniya is the same.

"You... are not human," Night Eclipse raised an eyebrow.

"Mother each other, you are not a human," Mireniya glanced at herself, who lost her head on the ground, and lifted the blindfold of her left eye. The sticky alien darkness overflowed from her eyes and dripped onto the ground. She swallowed something and spread towards the direction of the night eclipse.

"The legendary King Solomon ruled over the seventy-two pillars."

"That's not me," Night Eclipse frowned, "but it may not make any difference to you, right now, tell me who is behind you? At least you can guarantee that Lukiah will not be destroyed."

"Do you think that if I am not a human, I would care about the life and death of humans?" Mireniya shrugged and said the opposite of her appearance.

"That's what I said~" Night Eclipse nodded and waved his left hand forward, and the pitch-black shadow blade cut through the darkness of the otherworld like a swamp and split Mireniya into two.

"Then do you think I will show mercy to you?"

"You can't kill me," Milenia walked out of the darkness again.

"It is true that from the current situation, it is probably impossible to destroy the life named Mireniya whether it is fire or electric shock," Night Eclipse retracted the shadow of the dragon and looked down at Mireniya indifferently, "but the method is absolutely There is."

"If you are going to cut me into a stick, I'm afraid you can't do it," At this moment a Mireniya came out and looked at the night eclipse with a smile.

"Hey~It's really interesting, so what would happen if the spirit named Mireniya died?" The cross golden pupils in the eyes of the night eclipse burst out with dazzling light, pure and real killing intent entangled around him.

"It's useless, even if you can really kill us all here, Mireniya is still fine," Mireniya shrugged.

"This is the capital you dare to challenge my bottom line again and again~" Night Eclipse lowered his eyes, and the killing intent gradually disappeared, "I admit that I can't kill you, you can't even count as a single life. exist."

"Is this a compliment? If it is, I will accept it unceremoniously," Mireniya's mouth raised unconsciously.

"Yes, it's praise," Night Eclipse smiled coldly.

It is true that even if this Mireniya dies countless times, countless Mireniya will emerge. At first glance, it is really disgusting. It is useless whether it is mental or physical damage, but!

"You have no use at all except disgusting me. It should be said that you can't even disgust me. You just made me unable to kill." Night Eclipse leaned on the throne and raised his right hand. "And you This kind of alternative immortality comes from the darkness of another world. For that kind of thing..."

The pale golden light condensed on his right arm, and the golden dragon head slowly condensed.

"I can erase it easily."

Mireniya shrank her eyes and took a step back subconsciously when she saw the golden dragon head.

"But before erasing me, don't you care about Ren Asupel? Maybe she has been knocked down by Gravas now, maybe she is already dead."

"Knocked down? Dead? Stop telling silly jokes," Eclipse shook his head. "She will not lose, even if the opponent is Grevas."

"That might be true. The current Grevas is in the true peak state," Mireniya opened her hands. "The one who liberated the witch's nature is the witch who wiped out the twilight of a country alone!"

"I've said that, I can't help but want to hold my head and laugh when you see the expressions of your self-righteous guys when they find that all their plans have failed."

Chapter One Hundred Fifty Three: Holding the Hope in Despair

"Can you do it?"

On the bridge across the valley, the Dragon King is sitting on a boulder with his feet boring.

"Hey! This is the sword dance of the strongest sword dance girl and the strongest elf envoy anyway, you are too shameless!" Lian Axiubel held the sword that penetrated the truth and was a little dissatisfied.

"Because~" The Dragon King yawned, and glanced at Lian, whose clothes were cut open by a sharp tool to reveal his fair skin. Asupel and the intact Grevas, "You have been talking about it since just now, and you said it before. I’ll try my best to defeat her."

"This..." Lian Axiubel scratched her face with embarrassment.

"Indeed...I can feel that you didn't use your full strength at all," Grevas waved the magic sword in his hand. "It's already a bit boring. If you don't want to fight me, don't stand in the way!"

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