Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 938

"How did you talk to the Dragon King? Although I really want to ask..." Rubia pointed to the Dragon King who was standing by the night eclipse with a hood biting on the meat roll. "Who is she?"

"Dragon King," the night eclipse lifted the hood on Dragon King's head.

"Emmm..." Rubia turned and leaned against the wall, holding his forehead.

"What's wrong with her?" Dragon King licked his fingers after nibbling the meat rolls, looking curious.

"I don't know, maybe the brain can't handle it for a while," Night Eclipse shrugged.

"Isn't this of course!" Rubia raised his voice, "How long is this! After two days without you, I abducted the Dragon King and took her to the street."

Rubia glanced at the light and fluttering lower body of the Dragon King, blushing, "Also...don't wear her...underwear!"

"Well... Indeed, it didn't take long for me to meet you and I developed this way with you, isn't it a bit unreserved~" The Dragon King touched his chin and fell into thought.

"You are not a human being, why should you use human rules as the premise," Night Eclipse curled his lips.

So the most important part was simply ignored by the two of them.

"Yeah," the Dragon King nodded and looked at Rubia, "Guren's Maiden of Guren~ Our elves are meant to be submissive."

"Yes," Rubia lowered her head, she couldn't treat the Dragon King like a night eclipse.

"By the way, Rubia, are you wearing underwear?" Night Eclipse suddenly showed a malicious smile.

"You're already considered a harassment," Lian Ashupel stuck out her tongue.

"What do you want?" Rubia stepped back against the wall, clutching her clothes.

Seeing this reaction should be worn.

But this is of course taken for granted. After all, Rubia is also a normal girl, even if she keeps saying anything except righteousness, it doesn't matter, but in fact she will still be shy, but she is better at suppressing her feelings.

After all, she can't pick up people without wearing underwear.

"What do you want? You are in front of the Dragon King!" The Night Eclipse put her hands under the Dragon King's arms and raised her up, "In front of the Dragon King, Ji Witch is not allowed to wear underwear!"

"That's right!" The Dragon King nodded earnestly with his arms around his chest, "Are you the maiden of Red Lotus testing my bottom line? This makes me doubt your sincerity!"

"Um..." Rubia's face stiffened. It seemed to her that this should be done, but she really didn't dare to bet whether the night eclipse and the Dragon King were playing with her, or even if the Dragon King and Eclipse played with her, she had no other choice but to be played by them with her teeth.

"This is indeed my rudeness," Rubia took a few deep breaths and then unbuttoned the top button of his uniform, and said calmly, "I will take it off now."

"That's right," Dragon King nodded in satisfaction.

"Take it off," Night Eclipse smiled.

"Uh..." Rubia's movements became stiff, and a layer of crimson appeared on her neck.

"Don't look at it!" Lin Ashbel jumped from behind the night eclipse and covered the night eclipse's eyes, and at the same time shouted to Rubia, "Take advantage of this time!"

"Thank you!" Rubia nodded with gratitude.

"Huh? The mere slave dared to resist me!" Night Eclipse shook his head vigorously and tried to shake Lian Axiubel off.

"No! Only this absolutely can't work!" Lian Ashubel clasped the head of the eclipse very simply, and clamped her legs tightly between the waist of the eclipse to fix herself firmly on the body of the eclipse.

"Oh~ this is still interesting~" The Dragon King who was thrown away was not unhappy, but a little happy.

"Are you still?"

"Alright!" Rubia hurriedly burned his underwear to ashes.

"Restia!" Night Eclipse called out suddenly.

"Okay~" The sword of reality that hung on Ren Asupel's waist suddenly disappeared, and Restia with its black wings spread out behind Ren Asupel.

"Eh? Eh eh!" Before Ren Asipell could react, she was hugged by Restia from behind.

"Len~ I know those parts of your body hum," Restia grinned and touched her hand...

"Wait...Wait a minute! Yeah!" Lian Asupel groaned like a mournful groan, her body softened and flew up by Restia.

"Len is really cute~ I haven't heard a voice like you for a long time~" Restia rubbed the reddish Ren Asupel's hair.

"That's it for you?" Lian Ashubel grinned helplessly.

"I just subconsciously...hey~" Restia stuck out her tongue.

"I am your master!" Lian Axu Belha breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't do this next time, or I will really doubt who you signed the contract with."

"Okay," Restia nodded.

"It doesn't matter what this kind of thing is," Night Eclipse raised his head and looked at Lian Ashbel in midair, "It seems that I'm still too kind to you."

"This is a matter of principle! My master, you just overdone the ghost animal!" Although the words were awe-inspiring, Lian Axiubel still glanced at Rubia behind the night eclipse with a guilty conscience.

It's your turn!Procrastinate for me!

But Rubia turned her head away unnaturally when she met her eyes.

She couldn't do the same way as Lian Ashupel. After all, she had already taken off her underwear. If she really did such a posture, she would be gone.

So... Although I feel sorry, sacrifice for the good...

"Lestia bring her down," The Eclipse put the Dragon King on the ground and stretched out her right hand towards the sky.

"Okay~" Restia hugged Ren Asupel before the night eclipse without thinking.

"Huh? Restia, you just promised me!" Lian Ashubel looked desperate.

"Len is for your own good. Anyway, you can't escape, it's better to just surrender." Restia rolled her head with some guilty conscience. In fact, she was instinctive when she saw the eclipse reach out to her. Go down.

"I want to run~" Ye Eclipse ignored Lian very coldly. Ashubel's begging gaze pinched her face and rubbed it hard.



A very explicit and chilling gaze stopped the night eclipse.

"What trouble did you bring back," Night Eclipse said calmly.

"I told you at the beginning, there is a troublesome thing. Although I don't want it, it will be very troublesome if it doesn't bring it back." Rubia looked to the side of the pillar in distress and raised his voice, "Sarah, you agree. Passed."

"Cough, cough, cough, it's really rude," Sarah walked out from behind the pillar with a light cough and gave a very standard princess ceremony. "I am Shera Kahn, the first princess of the country. It's been a long time since I saw the night. Your Highness Eclipse."

Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Seven

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