Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 942

"Huh?" Sarati was stunned, slowly lowering her hand, and the tentacles that would lead her to death stopped in the air as if time had stopped.

"So... you are the blood of the Kahn Dynasty," the voice sounded again, and a dark shadow enveloped Saraty.

"I...I am the second princess of the Kahn Dynasty, Sarah Kahn," Sarah replied cautiously. She could clearly feel that there shouldn't be another person behind her in the empty place. .

"Then you know..." A hand stretched out from behind Sarah and dragged her chin, "Where is the grave of the devil?"

"I...I know!" At this moment, Sarah didn't care about why the secrets that only the royal family knew would be known by others, but the fingers that were obviously normal body temperature made her feel as if she had fallen into the ice abyss.

"Then make a deal and become the second princess in prison." The hand holding her chin slid down and pinched the iron chain around her neck. "You take me to the devil's grave. I will realize your wish."

"Then, your purpose, what is your purpose of going to the Demon King's Tomb?" Sarah swallowed and asked bitterly.

She had to ask that the religious country is a place of belief in the demon king. As long as you go to the demon king’s grave and obtain the coffin of the demon king, you can even become a new king, so she has to confirm whether the person behind it wants to take the religious country into the bag.

"Purpose? I just want to go back and get something. The reason I am looking for you is because the desert is too big and I can't find a way." The person behind Sarati loosened the chain around her neck. Walking slowly in front of Sarati, the ten rings on his fingers were emitting a soft light.

Sarati narrowed her eyes, as if she saw someone who could definitely be here, "You are, impossible, you shouldn't..."

"After all, the only one who can help me find the way is the blood of the Kahn dynasty," the man reached out to Sarah.

"You..." Sarati said hoarsely.

"Don't you believe in the devil?" The man looked at Sarah calmly.

"I see, I'll take you there," Sarati bit her lip and stretched out her hand and took the other's right hand.

"Then... the contract is established."

At the moment when his voice fell, the tentacles that seemed to have stopped time moved again, but they were not attacked but shattered by some power distortion.


The chains that had been strengthened by elves and magic that had been bound to Sarati were broken.

"You can go by yourself."

"But..." The moment Sarati stood up, her legs softened and fell to the ground.

Sarati closed her eyes subconsciously and waited for the pain caused by the collision between her face and the ground.

But what greeted her was not the cold floor, but the warm embrace. The pain in the imagination did not come, but an inexplicable feeling that had never been felt before spreading across her chest.

"My... Your Royal Highness."

"Then what is your wish?" He let go of Sarah and looked at Sarah quietly, waiting for her answer.

"I...I want..." Sarah subconsciously thought of the nobles who framed her to jail.

"If you want to take revenge with this wish, forget it," he pointed to the ground, "this city has come alive, and the death of everyone in this city except you is doomed."

"Can you..." Sarah bit her lip. "Let me think about it."

From a rational point of view, she should make a wish to stop Leviathan, but since the people in this city are doomed to death, there is no need to stop Leviathan. Leviathan who has run out of power and cannot be replenished will naturally stop.

"Yes, there should be enough time before I achieve my goal." He raised his hand and waved lightly, and the cell above their heads was exposed to the sky as if it had been deeply shaved off by something.

"It's time to go."

Author's message:

The PS hunting armor is out of help...

PS's speechless plot is awkward and deadly dubbing, as expected, only Yanlong and Xingtian are armor warriors!

Chapter 161 Hope Like Soap Bubbles

[Undead] Conference room——

"Our original plan was to assemble the rebels and use the identity of the first princess of Shera to establish himself in the name of righteousness," Rubia put his arms around his chest, "but if someone is willing to help, we don't have to be so troublesome."

"Pay attention to the misfortune of your tone!" Before Ye Eclipse spoke, Sheila patted the table and stood up, as if she had received some great insult. "The king standing behind you is the greatest gift to you. !"

As for Rubia's statement that she was using her, this incident was directly ignored.

"I really can't hold back my breath, I've always endured it before," Rubia looked helplessly at the night eclipse.

"But Shera is right. As my trading partner, you can only exchange this. If you keep thinking about taking shortcuts, you will depreciate, and then our transaction will be cancelled." Eclipse raised a finger.

Rubia nodded after being silent for a while, "I know."

"Are you too harsh," Lian Ashupel asked in a low voice, pulling the clothes of Eclipse.

"I just want her to be responsible for her determination to the end," Night Eclipse shrugged.

"Indeed, since you have made up your mind, you must go on unswervingly!" Rubia nodded, "Then I need your help after reaching the goal."

"Huh ~ what do I need to do?" Night Eclipse raised his brows.

"Pretend to be a devil."

"I am the devil and do not need to pretend."

"No, I asked you to pretend to be the demon king named Solomon," Rubia said softly, "It shouldn't be difficult for you, after all..."

"I refuse!" Night Eclipse refused very firmly, "I am not him, and I will never become him!"

"No discussion," Rubia sighed, and Night Eclipse's eyes directly told her that there was no discussion at all.

"Isn't this of course! How can you make him like that!" Lin Axiubel patted the table.

"There is a reason," Rubia rubbed his forehead with a headache. "The church country is a collection of true worshipers of the Devil. If you want the rebels to have hope, you must give a pillar. The best thing is that the Devil is On our side."

"That kind of tiny hope will only lead to despair, because this demon king will not be moved even if you are all destroyed, and will not have any thoughts that will only look at your end, even then you can still Call it hope?" Eclipse looked at Lubia with deep eyes, "You should understand."

Rubia's movements froze, and those eyes once again appeared in her mind.

"But if you have to have a pillar," Night Eclipse looked at Shera, "Shera, you become like me and stand up."

"Is it really okay?" Sheila's eyes lit up, in her opinion, this was what made her speak like her own representative.

"But no more embarrassing performance before," Ye Eclipse looked at Shera faintly, "You should understand."

He could never forget the appearance of being bombed into the sky.


[Devil's Fist]-the gathering place of the rebels.

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