Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 949

"King Solomon is coming!" Milenia narrowed her eyes.

"Yes, but you have to ask for your own blessings. This is not included in the agreement between me and the king," the girl spread her hands.

"Things have really become troublesome," Mireniya said with a headache. "Avoiding him is the best choice, but it is impossible to avoid him if you want to get that thing. It seems that I will lose another me."

"It can only be seen one step at a time," Luliye clenched his fists, "but you can never go back!"

"I don't understand, why are you going to die for? You only have one life different from the mixed product next to you," the girl tilted her head in confusion, "In my remaining memory, King Solomon and future generations There are many differences in the record of discrediting him, but Solomon will not have any hesitation to take your life."

"I want..." Luliye clenched his fists, and the memories of that time came to mind again, the hopelessness, regret, anger and powerlessness that could not be saved, "No matter how I save, it will only cause more sacrifices. , Even if I bet on this sinful life stained with the blood of countless people, I have to change the world!"

Everything is for a world without hatred and struggle!

Chapter 168 The Open World

"His Royal Highness, this is the elf who guards the tomb," Sarati called out her own elf outfit, looking nervously at the giant elf with the head of a kug who had emerged from the desert.

"I know," Eclipse patted the sand on his body and walked to the guardian elf.

"My master," the huge guardian elf knelt on one knee and bowed his head towards the night eclipse, "Welcome back."

"Go away," Eclipse pushed away the visible ripples of the guardian elf spreading in front of him, "I'm back."

"His Royal Highness..." Sarati stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

When we first met, Eclipse said that her value is to bring him to the tomb of the Demon King. Now that she has brought him, her value has been realized, that is to say...


Obviously I should be happy, I finally achieved my goal for the dark night eclipse, but there is an inexplicable feeling in my heart.

"If you want to follow up, please follow up," Dark Night Eclipse walked into the ripples without looking back, "but it might be death that leads to it."

"Okay!" Sarati's eyes lit up and strode forward to follow her. As for the second half of the eclipse, she directly ignored her.

"Welcome back," the huge guardian elf knelt before the night eclipse and bowed his head respectfully. "My master."

"It's my devil! The elf guarding the grave directly agrees with you!" Shera cheered enthusiastically. Just now she wanted to be the guard elf to prevent the night eclipse from entering, so she could use the blood of Kahn Dynasty. Small means used.

"This is not approval," Restia floated behind Lin. Asupel, looking at the back of the night eclipse intricately, "it is the ending as it should be."

Because this world is left by a person named [Night Eclipse], the Night Eclipse can naturally enter easily.

"You don't need to specifically remind you of this kind of thing, hurry up," Night Eclipse exhaled and walked around the guardian spirit into the waves.

"Here, here comes" Lian Asupel pulled Restia into the waves.

"Originally, my mission is over now, but!" Sheila's eyes lit up, "My Lord Demon asked me to follow, so I will definitely follow to the end!"

After speaking, Shera also rushed into the waves.

Of course this is definitely because she thinks too much.

At the same time, the girl who was piled up with sand in front of the huge sand boat suddenly shrank her eyes and stood up, and the castle just piled up was deemed to have collapsed because of her excessive movements.

"Come on! If you only have a chance to be enlightened in a moment, you can rush in!" The girl raised her hand and waved forward. The endless sea of ​​fire condensed in mid-air into a beam and bombarded the space in front, waves of waves followed the bombardment. The location spreads around.


A crack appeared in the space under the fierce attack of the girl, and then quickly spread to the surroundings.

"It's now!"

"The others retreat!" Lu Liye shouted, grabbing Mirena's hand and hitting the crack directly and squeezing in abruptly.

"Lord Luliye!"

"I'm even more tired than I thought," the girl retracted the flame and wiped the non-existent sweat on her forehead. "Don't scream, kid, it's useless except for dragging your legs."

"Why..." Luminalis squeezed her fist unwillingly, but as the leader of the knight order, she couldn't do anything but wait.

The crack in the space has long been restored, and it is no longer possible to open it a second time.

"Hey, Xiao Guigu has fulfilled your wish. Shouldn't you fulfill my wish?" The girl raised her right hand, and the red lotus flame burned above her palm.

There is no room for rejection at all.

Luminaris swallowed, and the girl's expression was a little impatient. She was sure that as long as she shook her head, the girl would definitely throw the flames over, and they would not be able to resist beyond the norm without Mirena. Teenage girl.

"Of course, as long as it is your wish, we will naturally go all out." A drop of cold sweat slid down Luminalis's face to the ground.

"Very fascinating~" The girl retracted the flame and looked in a certain direction, showing a confused look, "I always feel that there is a familiar breath there."

"You mean..." Luminalis looked at the girl cautiously.

"Take me there," the girl pointed in the direction of breath.

"But Lord Luliye and Mireniya have not returned yet," Luminaris looked tangled.

"80% of them can't get back, even if they can come back, it will take a long time, and..." The girl raised her brows, "Do you want to reject loneliness?"

"Don't dare," Luminaris lowered her head, "but if Your Excellency Mirena comes back..."

"Don't worry, loneliness is inseparable because of the covenant," the girl waved her hand. "Anyway, you still have a spare ship here, don't you? You only need that ship to send loneliness there, and loneliness has been relaxed. There are many conditions."

"Okay." Seeing the girl's serious expression, Luminaris nodded, knowing that the girl had already given in to the limit, "then I will take you there myself!"

"Then it will be easy," the girl raised her mouth.


"I should have guessed it long ago," Night Eclipse sighed helplessly.

"Super awesome! No! A miracle!" Lian Axiubel stared at the surrounding buildings sluggishly, "After a thousand years it has been kept so intact!"

"It's worthy of the king's bedroom!" Sheila looked at the palace not far away with a look of admiration, "What a luxury!"

"This is not my bedroom," Night Eclipse said slowly in an extremely complex tone, "This is the place I should protect-the empire."

But the place he protects has never been so quiet.

"The Demon King's city is actually the world created by King Solomon. Everything here is his memory," Restia sighed a little in the way. "The empty place is the best proof of his hollowness. "

"'s so deserted," Lian Ashubel opened her eyes wide, no matter how exquisite the surrounding streets, but there is no one, it is extremely empty. "The tomb of the undevil is this empty. Kingdom."

"How is it possible?" Restia shook her head. "We are only in one of five areas."

"Is it such a big one!" Lin Axiubel's eyes widened, "Then how do we get to the Demon King's Coffin? Not to mention whether there is a second princess who has come in!"

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