Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 953

"An Xin, that is just a remnant of memory," Yae Sakura's figure disappeared as the dark night eclipse spoke, and the calm emperor sword began to restlessly. "The emperor sword is like a nail of fate that fixes everything that should exist. Location, but it is not allowed to be noticed by anyone, so there must be such a person who is not remembered to hold this sword."

"So..." Eclipse clenched his fists.

"It will find its true owner by itself. It should have fallen in your hand, but someone held it before you and locked the sword with himself as a scabbard." Dark Night Eclipse glanced in the air The vacillating Emperor Sword said, "Then died. It should have been like this, but she appeared again. This is probably our difference."

"This is also the reason for my victory!" Night Eclipse grinned.

"Really?" Eclipse's eyes condensed, "I also have a reason to win!"

At this moment, the emperor sword suspended in the air plummeted like a good choice.

"It's not you who decides!"*2

Night Eclipse and Dark Night Eclipse simultaneously slammed their fists on the Emperor Sword's sword.

"We are the one who decides!"*2


The emperor sword that pierced the destiny of the past, the present and the future, as if it had been hit hard, the light dissipated, and it fell to the ground like an ordinary sword.

"Get in the way!" Night Eclipse kicked the emperor sword and kicked it flying.

"Indeed," Dark Night Eclipse nodded.


The whole space was trembling, and the field began to grow larger to the naked eye.

"Really caring, enlarge the venue," Night Eclipse shook his hand.

"It's not magnification," Dark Night Eclipse lowered its eyes, "It is expansion, taking everything we have experienced, and then proving who is right."

"Expansion!" Night Eclipse's eyes shrank, passing the Dark Night Eclipse and rushing towards the wall that was expanding outward.

"Sure enough, where did we come from?" Dark Night Eclipse does anything but raises his head and quietly looks at the dark ceiling.

"Remember to throw out the extra people."


"What the hell!" Lian Axiubel stared blankly at the dark space that began to enlarge.

"I don't have time to answer you now!" Shera shouted while flying the magic elves who broke through the chaos hunting song with elven magic.

"Almost!" Sarati's face was pale, but she still held the Arabian Nights firmly in her hand, as if she wanted to grasp that fantasy-like fantasy.

"Don't fight! This doesn't look right anyhow!" Lian Axiubel was a little worried.


Cracks appeared around them.

"The space is... ah!" Sheila didn't react for a while and fell into the huge crack.

"Sister..." Sarati narrowed her eyes and subconsciously stretched out her hand to pull Xuela's hand. As a result, her feet were already overstretched and she fell into the space crack.

Lu Liye just raised his head and was sucked into the crack.

"You...Hey!" Lian Ashbel was dumbfounded.

"Don't feed it," a hand pressed from behind on Ren Asupel's shoulder.

"Did you win!" Lian Ashubel's eyes lit up, even if there was a spatial crack spreading in her direction, it seemed invisible.

"Although it is destined, it is still quite difficult," Night Eclipse curled his lips. "So I decided to ask you one thing first."


As soon as Lin Axiubel felt a force pushing her gently, she fell directly into the space crack.

"Liar!" Lian Ashubel turned and stretched out her hand toward the night eclipse.

"From today on, you are the devil." Night Eclipse showed a gentle smile.

"Create the world you want on this land instead of me."

Lin Asupel opened her eyes wide, and a pulling force came from her back and dragged her directly into the crack.

When she opened her eyes again, her surroundings turned into the desert she was familiar with. Lullier, Sheila and Sarah were lying not far away, obviously not awake yet.

"That..." Lian Ashbel clenched her fists, "Liar!!!"

"Len..." Restia appeared next to Lian Ashubel and looked at her worriedly.

"When he comes back, I must send a righteous iron fist in his face!" Lian Ashupel waved his fist angrily and then reached out to Restia, "Lestia gave me the Give me your coat."

"Did you say this coat of night eclipse?" Restia took out a black coat and handed it to Lian Axiubel.

"Well," Lian Ashupel took the jacket and put it on her body, with her long hem fluttering in the wind, "Let me go all out to execute his orders."

"Create the world we want on this land."

"I want his return to be the last step in the fulfillment of the wish."

"starting today……"

"I am the devil!"

⑦ Moving towards the future

Same starting point in Chapter 1

Hakata is unnamed, no, it should be said that a huge cherry blossom tree stands in the stronghold of Arcadia very conspicuously. Because of the willfulness of a certain demon king, the cherry blossom tree is watered by various gifts. Fu This cherry tree has never shown signs of withering.

"It's about to begin," [Mirai] fell on the branch of the cherry tree and dangled his feet.

If the night eclipse sees [future] now, she will definitely open her mouth. At this moment, she is no longer the young posture she used to be. She has grown up, and she, who was once in bud, has completely bloomed.

"Ah... it's going to begin," Yae Sakura, who was sitting against the cherry tree, lowered his eyes, "I already knew when I saw your posture, you have grown up, and he has also reached the real trial. It's time."

"But..." [Mirai] slid down from the cherry tree and landed in front of Yaesakura, "Why are you not worried at all?"

"Then why are you so indifferent?" Yae Sakura raised her head and asked.

"Because the Emperor Sword will definitely choose him, he is invincible holding the Emperor Sword," [Future] shrugged.

"But he will not choose the Emperor Sword," Yae Ying smiled lightly.

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