"Well, I don't have anything to ask."

"Stay well in the hotel these days, and don't go out for anything important."

"Good my lord bishop."

The younger brother got up and agreed, and the bishop led the believer out of the room.

After confirming that the bishop had left, the younger brother breathed a sigh of relief.

The inspection this time was much easier than he had imagined. After all, there were more than 2,000 people in the church. If everyone had to cross-examine them carefully, it would be too much work.

"I don't know what's going on with the captain."

The younger brother wanted to go to the captain's room very much at this time, but he didn't know what was going on with the captain.

And the squad leader also told him, try not to meet each other.

To be on the safe side, the younger brother still calmed himself down.

He went to the toilet sink and took out the contact phone that the Trey Bureau gave them.

I looked at the time, it was already six o'clock in the morning.

It was still dark outside, and the younger brother was lying on the bed and sent a message to the Special Affairs Bureau with his mobile phone.

"The leader has already noticed that there may be people from our church in the Special Affairs Bureau."

"Now they are investigating the undercover agents of the Special Affairs Bureau one by one, and I have passed through here."

"But last night my companion was killed by you, and there was a vacancy. The leader said that he would send someone to find them."

"If you can't find it, something might go wrong."

"You guys better think of a way to solve it, otherwise the situation of the captain and I may be very dangerous.

After the news was sent out, he received a feedback from the Special Affairs Bureau not long after.

"We know, we will discuss countermeasures as soon as possible, and we will report back to you in the evening."

"Continue to keep in touch, pay attention to safety, and report immediately if there is any situation."

After seeing the reply from the Special Affairs Bureau, the younger brother got up and put the phone back in the toilet sink.

Then, he lay back on the bed.

Too many things happened today, mental and physical torture made him exhausted.

At this time, in the room on the other side of the corridor.

The team leader was talking with a roommate in a dormitory when the door of the room was suddenly opened.

The two turned their heads and saw a bishop walked into the room.

"My lord bishop!"

The team leader and roommates got up quickly.


The bishop's attitude was very arrogant. He went straight to his seat and sat down without looking directly at the team leader Erzheng.

"Did you two go out last night?"



The team leader's roommate has been staying in the hotel, and the team leader told the bishop that he went out last night.

Everyone's entry and exit are registered, and the team leader knows that if he lies here, it will be troublesome if he is found out.

"What did you go out for?"

"Take the newcomers to hunt, and prepare to show them the power of our Golden Wheel.

"But luckily, I didn't meet anyone where I went, so I came back."

After hearing what the squad leader said, the bishop didn't care.

"Now the Special Affairs Bureau has started to guard against us, and it's a good minister if we don't meet anyone in such a remote place.

"When you came back, did you encounter any suspicious people?"

Listening to the bishop asking himself, the squad leader first pretended to be thinking, and then replied firmly:

"No, there are only me and the two newcomers on the road, and I haven't met anyone else."

"Did you come into contact with strangers after you went out?"

"No, teach the great witch."

After hearing the captain's answer, the bishop nodded.

Then the bishop got up, and ordered the congregation who had followed him into the house:


The believer nodded and rummaged through the captain's room.

The bags and drawers of the two were opened, and the contents inside were rummaged through.

Fortunately, the team leader is much more cautious, he has already hidden the monitor and mobile phone.

"Bishop, nothing suspicious was found.

After confirming that there was nothing missing, the believers said to the bishop.

"Okay, I've been honestly staying in the hotel recently and don't go out if I have nothing to do."

After speaking, the bishop led the believer out of the room.

Seeing the bishop leave, the squad leader secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Also (caca) I don't know if the kid has dealt with it or not."

The team leader is now very worried about the situation of the younger brother, but he doesn't know that the younger brother is already lying on the bed and falling asleep peacefully.

"Okay, since the inspection is over, there should be nothing to do today.

Seeing the bishop leave, the team leader's roommate stretched himself.

"Finally able to sleep, the meeting was so early, I didn't have a good rest at all.

"I'm not allowed to go out for a few days, so I can rest well."

"Yeah, I can finally rest."

The squad leader agreed.

"Go to bed first, I'll go to the toilet."

"Okay, then I'll turn off the light."


After the team leader made sure that his roommate was lying down, he locked the door of the toilet, and then took out the mobile phone in a waterproof bag from the floor drain.

This location is safer than the toilet sink.

Fortunately, the mobile phones left by the Secret Service Bureau are very small, so they can be placed in the floor drain.

Turning on the phone, the team leader told the Special Affairs Bureau about today's situation.

What he said was very different from what the younger brother said, and there was no useful information.

At the same time, he also knew from the response from the Special Affairs Bureau that the younger brother also passed the inspection.

"I will report as soon as possible if there is any new situation."

After confirming that the little brother is safe now, the team leader turned off the phone, put on a waterproof bag and put it back in the floor drain.

"It should be fine these days."

"In three days, I have to find an excuse to ask the leader for leave."

"I hope that when the time comes, everything goes well."

Relieved temporarily, the team leader pressed the flush button of the toilet, then opened the door and returned to his bed.

When a person suddenly relaxes after a long period of tension, fatigue will hit quickly.

After lying on the bed for a while, the captain fell asleep in a daze.

When Lin Mu woke up again, it was already afternoon.

When I woke up, I felt a little dizzy and mediocre.

Reaching out to touch Xiaobai, Lin Mu found that Xiaobai was not on the bed.


Lin Mu rubbed his eyes, then got up and got out of bed.

Walking to the living room, Lin Mu found that there were several fried eggs on the table in the living room.

"This is?"

"Xiaobai did it?"

Looking at the few fried eggs that looked good on the table, Lin Mu was dumbfounded.

After all, in his eyes, Xiao Bai has always been a lazy fat cat. When he is not on duty, he basically only turns over when changing the TV channel.

Today, Xiaobai suddenly cooked, which caused Lin Mu's brain to shut down for a moment.

At this time, Xiaobai was holding a piece of cooked bear meat in his mouth, and walked out of the kitchen with elegant catwalks.

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