Chapter 10: This Young Master Mo Is So Handsome

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

The handsome three-dimensional face of the man came into view, and both of them looked stunned.

Ling Nian was stunned because she had never seen him before… no, no, it was because she was looking at a man come to life from the television and magazines.

Ye Banxia was staring at the insulation box in his hand. He said he was going to the parking lot, but he went to buy food as well?

After a brief moment of silence, Ling Nian reacted first. “Banxia!” She turned and winked at Ye Banxia: Introduce me to him!

Ye Banxia blinked, then quickly got up and smiled at the man standing there. “This is Ling Nian, my best friend.

“Nian Nian, this is Mo Chenyan, my… husband.”

“It turns out that this is Young Master Mo! Hello, hello!” Ling Nian nodded at him with a smile, her eyes squinting deeply.

“Hello.” Mo Chenyan nodded, his face emotionless.

He strode over to the table with his long legs and opened the insulation box to take out the meals. Then, he looked at Ye Banxia, who was staring at him in a daze, and said, “The surgery is in an hour. Come here and eat.”

Ling Nian’s eyes almost bulged out of her eyes.

She had heard that Banxia’s marriage partner was the Mo family’s young master last night and had been very shocked. She had even thought that Ye Banxia was simply daydreaming. But after calming down, she was clear that Banxia wasn’t someone who would make a joke of such things.

Then she had grown apprehensive.

Why did this distinguished and extraordinary man want to marry a woman in dire straits? Wasn’t it more normal to marry a prestigious family as well? Was he playing with Banxia’s feelings, or did he have other intentions?

But now that she saw the real person, she felt like Young Master Mo was very pleasing to the eye and handsome as compared to Li Hanchuan, that scum.

Not only was he handsome and grand, but he was also powerful and rich. He was even so gentle and considerate to bring food just when she needed it!

Ye Banxia walked slowly towards the man. Although she didn’t feel hungry, she couldn’t say no to the food specially bought for her.

But she was puzzled. Where did he go to find a thermal insulation box in such a short time?

Banxia glanced up at him. “Have you eaten?”

“Yes.” Mo Chenyan nodded and handed her the chopsticks.

The operation was performed one hour later, for a total of five hours.

In fact, the risk of surgery wasn’t big. The tumor was benign and Dr. Gu said that the success rate was 80%. But for some reason, Ye Banxia still felt extremely nervous. Her heart trembled and she was icy cold and nervous all over. Even her heartbeat was disorientated.

She wouldn’t forget how, a few days ago, grandpa had gone into the surgery room without coming out…

Her heartbeat suddenly missed a beat and Ye Banxia slowly closed her eyes.

At the same time, a warm touch landed on the back of her hand. Immediately, her entire hand was wrapped in warmth, giving her a sense of comforting security.

The man’s low voice sounded, “Don’t worry, nothing will happen.”

Five hours passed very slowly. Ye Banxia felt like she had waited half a century before the lights in the operating room went off.

She stomped up from her chair and looked at the doctor who came out of the room.

Mo Chenyan and Ling Nian also stood up.

“Doctor, how is it?”

“Young Master Mo, Ms. Ye, the operation was very successful. The tumor on the patient’s brain has been successfully removed. We will continue to observe her for a period of time. If the recovery is good, there will be no sequelae.”

Ye Banxia sighed deeply in relief, her clear eyes turning misty. “Thank you, doctor…”

Her tight body suddenly slackened and all her strength seemed to have been drained out of her.

Mo Chenyan glanced at her and took two steps calmly towards her as if he was afraid she would suddenly be unsteady.

After Hanyan came out, he stayed with her for a while in the hospital before sending her and Ling Nian back.

A phone call was made on the road to his secretary, Chi Yu, and he spoke in a cold voice in the silent car. “Go to Jingrong Pavilion and prepare dinner for two. Make it light and send it over in 20 minutes.”

After hearing this, Chi Yu immediately understood what he meant. Clear Water Bay, the specific address was naturally Ms. Ye’s friend’s home.

“Okay, Chairmain Mo. I understand.”

Ling Nian blinked, and Ye Banxia cast an ambiguous glance at him. This Young Master Mo was so gentle and considerate, so unlike her previous pursuers.

Ye Banxia’s cheeks were faintly hot as she stared at him. Fortunately, the car was very dark and she couldn’t be seen.

She and Ling Nian had been friends for so many years and she naturally understood her meaning.

To be honest, she was quite surprised. A man as authoritative as Mo Chenyan actually took care of everything for her to carefully as if it was only natural for him to do so.

However, she didn’t know him before…

When they returned to Clear Water Bay, Chi Yu’s car was already waiting there.

Seeing the familiar black Bentley approaching, Chi Yu opened the door of the car and walked over. He saw them coming out and hesitated for a moment before saying, “Chairman Mo, this is the dinner you wanted.” Then, he politely turned around and greeted the other two. “Ms. Ye, Ms. Ling.”

He thought that Chairman Mo wanted to be with Ms. Ye alone, so why was there a third party?

Ye Banxia and Ling Nian didn’t know Chi Yu, nor did they know what to call him, so they just nodded and smiled at him.

“I’ll pick you up at Shengshi Villa tomorrow.”

Mo Chenyan motioned to Chi Yu to pass her the dinner. He stared at her with deep eyes and whispered, “Enjoy your meal.”


Ye Banxia paused and nodded. “Okay.”

She then added in a gentle voice, “Thank you for today. Eat as soon as you get home.”

Mo Chenyan murmured an “Ok” lowly, then his eyes fell on Ling Nian next to her. “I’ll have to trouble Ms. Ling to take care of Banxia.”

Ling Nian was so satisfied with how he looked that she immediately waved and smiled. “It’s no trouble, no trouble! Banxia is my friend, it’s only right!”

Ye Banxia and Ling Nian returned to the apartment and put the dinner on the table. Instead of moving immediately, they all collapsed onto the sofa.

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Ling Nian said emotionally, “Banxia, what kind of luck do you have to run into such a good man?”

Although she knew that she and Mo Chenyan didn’t match at all, Ye Banxia glanced at her quietly and pretended to be angry. “Am I lacking?”

“Of course not!” Ling Nian’s voice suddenly rose an octave.

She laughed and said, “Banxia, ​​you are so good, you deserve someone like Young Master Mo!”

Ye Banxia frowned. “It’s the first time you’ve seen him, so how do you know how good he is?”

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