Chapter 14: The Purpose Has Been Achieved

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

Banxia clenched her hands into fists and slowly turned around, her eyes sweeping lightly over them, her face calm.

She didn’t want to provoke them, but it didn’t mean that she would escape when they provoked her.

Ye Youran looked at her relaxed appearance and a fleeting trace of imperceptible haze traversed over her eyes.

Then, she looked up, her eyebrows stained with joy as she said both excitedly and happily, “Second Sister, you’re willing to listen to me now, right? I really know what I did wrong regarding Hanchuan. As long as you’re willing to forgive me, I can do anything!”

“Oh, really?”

Banxia looked at her coldly. What if I told you to break up?

But she quickly suppressed this idea. They were simply not worth it.

Perhaps the slight contempt in her eyes had infected them, for Ye Youran suddenly regretted what she had just said. What if she made some unreasonable demand?

And she had even said it in front of Hanchuan…

“Banxia, ​​scold me if you’re angry. I’m the one who let you down, Youran isn’t in the wrong at all.”

Li Hanchuan’s eyebrows were tightly knitted and he looked at the woman with a fierce coldness. This woman had ignored him time and again, and even after turning around, she had never once looked at him except for when her eyes had swept over him coincidentally!

He was really disgusted with the way she looked at him like he was a stranger.

Banxia’s eyes congealed and her lips curled in an almost undetectable cold arc, making her mockery even more obvious.

“Okay. Since you two were the ones who did it together, then you should pay together.”

“Second Sister…” Ye Youran called her affectionately.

“Don’t worry, I won’t make you break up.” Banxia smirked, but the smile didn’t reach her eyes.

“As long as you two stay away from me in the future, and pretend not to see me when you do…”

She paused and added, “You just have to do that.”

Before she could finish, Ye Youran really cried and once again grabbed her hand tightly.

“Second Sister! I’m sorry, I’m really sorry! I beg you not to say such a thing, ok? How can we just throw away the affection between us sisters that has lasted for more than 20 years? I really know my wrong, don’t do this to me, ok?”

Twenty years of sisterhood.

Banxia laughed abruptly. Did she and Ye Youran really share a sisterhood?

Disregarding the role that Fang Shuyuan had played in the divorce of her parents, this girl in front of her who looked pure and flawless was simply not worth it.

“When I asked Young Master Li to save Hanyan back then, why didn’t you mention our 20-year-old sisterhood?”

She obviously felt the strength on her hand get heavier. Banxia narrowed her eyes slightly, undisguised taunting in her eyes.

“Isn’t Hanyan your sister? You just watched when she lacked one million yuan for her surgery. You even refused to ask Young Master Li for help. You’re truly an amazing sister.”

She deliberately emphasized the words “amazing sister”, causing Ye Youran’s face to fill with embarrassment.

“It wasn’t that I didn’t want Hanchuan to help, it was just that he is my boyfriend. How could I ask him for so much money without any reason…”

Banxia sneered angrily. So she had gone to borrow the money herself, and had begged him herself, what did it have to do with Ye Youran?

If it weren’t for her blocking her from within, Li Hanchuan wouldn’t have lacked that one million yuan no matter how stingy he was!

“Banxia, ​​things are not what you think!” Li Hanchuan’s eyebrows twitched fiercely. “What’s more, I later promised to give you the money and you didn’t want it. What are you being unreasonably mad about now?”

She was being unreasonably mad?

Banxia sneered. She had wanted to leave, but now it was her fault again?

“Yes, you all make sense.”

She nodded arrogantly, too lazy to refute them.

“Anyway, Hanyan is alright now. I don’t want to discuss this with you anymore.”

Ye Youran was startled. “Elder Sister is alright?”

In fact, what surprised her even more was Li Hanchuan’s words—he had later agreed to give Ye Banxia money… When? Why? He had agreed without her knowledge!

“Second Sister, did you…” She frowned as if she found it difficult to say what she was thinking. “Just now, I saw a man with you. In order to save Elder Sister, did you…”

She trailed off and didn’t need to explain herself further, for they all understood her meaning.

Although she had only seen his back view, their relationship was self-evident since she was shopping for furniture with a man.

Li Hanchuan’s expression suddenly sagged and he stared intensely at Banxia as if waiting for an answer, full of danger and inquiry.

Banxia’s red lips sneered. “What does it have to do with you?”

After that, she lifted the force on her wrist away.

She didn’t know if it was just her illusion, but this time, Ye Youran didn’t seem to have any intention of entangling with her further.

In other words, her purpose had been achieved…


Ye Youran’s gaze withdrew from the woman who had already turned away. She clutched on Li Hanchuan’s sleeve with her small hand but saw that his eyes were still glued to Ye Banxia’s body in a complicated way, a trace of indifference drawn across his downcast eyes.

She had stepped forward to stop that woman just because he had been staring at Ye Banxia ​​and his expression had even changed when he saw a man beside her.

But now, he was still watching her?

What worth did a woman he had abandoned have to make him keep noticing her!

Ye Youran eased her emotions and sobbed. “Sister seems to hate me…”

“No.” Li Hanchuan narrowed his eyes and immediately bowed his head to appease her, but his expression seemed a bit perfunctory. “After a while, everything will be fine.”

“But I’m scared… Second Sister will bear a grudge with me over all the things that have happened. Hanchuan, I really shouldn’t have said those things at that time. If I had advised you to lend her the money then, maybe she wouldn’t be like this now…”

As she talked, she looked at him tearfully.

Li Hanchuan felt a sense of inexplicable irritability in his heart and he pulled on his tie. “Youran, Banxia is not sober now, do you want to be confused along with her?”

Ye Youran’s face stiffened. She tightened the hand that was clutched on his sleeves until her knuckles turned pale.

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“Hanchuan, you…”

“No!” The man interrupted her immediately.

He didn’t know why he was so anxious, but he felt afraid to hear what she had to say next…

He lowered his head to wipe the tears off the corner of her eyes. He then lowered his voice and said, “Don’t overthink.”

Ye Youran tried to keep her expression stable as she bit her lip and said, “Then, what do you think that man’s relationship with Second Sister is?”

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