Chapter 21: You Should Get Lost Instead!

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

She frowned, turned around and saw Li Hanchuan staring at her sternly.

Beside him, Ye Youran was decked out in white elegance, like an angel from heaven. She also had locked her gaze on her.

Banxia pursed her lips. She did not expect Tang Zitong to invite them—they weren’t classmates or close friends.

Withdrawing her gaze, Banxia turned around to the buffet area. She took a piece of cheesecake and sat at a corner alone.

She ate slowly. When Li Hanchuan came over, she had only finished a third of the cake.

Banxia took one look at him and turned towards the cake, looking at it pitifully.

“Where did Ye Hanyan’s surgery fees come from?”

He was so straight to the point, as if they were close friends.

Banxia paused and smirked. “Isn’t Young Master Li caring a bit too much?”


She stood up to leave but was stopped in her tracks by the man. “What about the money for the bracelet? Ye Banxia, you better not tell me that the Second Miss of the Ye family would do those things for money!”

“What do you mean those things?” Banxia self-proclaimed as a mild person. But the man’s words and tone angered her. “No matter what I do, who are you to control me?” Her mocking intentions were written all over her pretty face. “If you’re saying this as my future brother-in-law, let me tell you, you are not of enough seniority.”

“What about as a friend?” Li Hanchuan’s voice deepened. “Ye Banxia, what if I’m saying this as a friend?”

Banxia stared at him for a few seconds. A sense of powerlessness surged into her heart.

It wasn’t the pain like that time at Dim Night Club, where she only felt powerless and even found it a bit funny.

“Young Master Li doesn’t seem like a person who would flatter yourself, did I ever say that you are my friend?”

As she said this, her face was calm and collected. Immediately after, she walked away from him with her chin up.

Li Hanchuan did not turn around to look at her. But at the moment she brushed past his shoulders, he wanted to pull her back.

His heart felt weirdly empty, but he couldn’t pinpoint the issue causing it.

He shut his eyes and he maintained the same posture, standing at the same spot for a long while. From afar, his slender figure looked stiff.

He lit a stick of cigarette. A flickering light similar to that of the cigarette filled his eyes. However, he extinguished the cigarette after just one puff.

Ye Youran was staring at him all the way. But she did not have the courage to go up to him.

Banxia was enjoying the cool breeze at the balcony with a glass of red wine in hand. When Ye Youran came close, she felt someone behind her but was too lazy to turn around.

“Second Sister.”

“There’s no one else here, Ye Youran, you don’t have to put up the act.” Banxia reminded her.

“You’re so boring.”

Ye Youran mocked. “Maybe this is why Hanchuan dislikes you.”

Banxia gazed at her coldly. “Then hurry up and look for your favorite Hanchuan, don’t stay here and make me hate you further.”

Even though she asked her to leave, Banxia was the one who wanted to leave instead. Past experiences had shown her that Ye Youran would not listen to her. However, she forgot about one thing—Ye Youran wouldn’t let her leave as well.

Ye Youran quickly moved forward to block her exit and smiled brightly at Banxia.

“Second Sister, how did you become so nasty after just a few days?”

Right after her words, she reached out towards her.

Before Banxia could react, Ye Youran held onto her right wrist and poured the glass of red wine onto her own face.

Banxia stared at this crazy woman in shock. The maroon red liquid dripped down her angelic face, dirtying her snow-white dress, making her look terrible.

However, a cruel smile emerged on that angelic face.

“Second Sister, I’m so sorry. I know my mistakes now…”

Ye Youran’s voice turned sad. Her delicate makeup was destroyed by the wine, or maybe her tears.

“Please forgive me. You hit me and scolded me. Just this once, please forgive me… I really love Hanchuan. I know this hurts you, but you can’t force love. Second Sister, please…”

The wine couldn’t hide Ye Youran’s pale face. As tears streamed down her cheeks, she looked pleadingly at Banxia. Her hands were still gripping tightly onto Banxia’s left hand. While in Banxia’s right hand, the wine glass was still dripping.

Frustration flared up in Banxia’s heart. “Ye Youran, get lost!”

Before she could shake her off, she felt a strong push on her arms, sending her flying out.

“Ye Banxia, you should get lost instead!”

The deep roar was like an ice-cold dagger, stabbing straight into her heart.

He pushed with a huge force and Banxia staggered backward until she hit the railings. She even sprained her ankle from her heels.

The pain and shock caused her to gasp. However, she didn’t want to cause a scene for herself. Pretending that everything was alright, she straightened herself using the railings.

“Look, the Ye Family is bankrupt, yet she is still so arrogant…”

“Young Master Li and Third Miss of the Ye family are the one true pair. Why is she meddling in their affair, she really thinks she’s so beautiful…”

“So vicious, no wonder Young Master Li didn’t want her…”

The noise from the commotion echoed in her ears. However, Banxia could only stand there and watch the two of them embrace.

Ugh… Ha.

She straightened herself and slowly turned around. Her maroon red dress was still beautiful, her figure as elegant as before.

“Ye Banxia, don’t you need to apologize for what you did to Youran?”

The chattering started again.

Banxia paused for a moment, and her ankle seemed to throb again. This time, the pain could be felt in her heart.

“I don’t think so.”

She answered plainly and continued on her way.

It was hard to find a cab in the obscure area the Tang Family villa was located. Banxia’s foot hurt, but she could only limp her way out. Now that she didn’t have to care about the others, she could limp in a comfortable manner.

After half an hour, her ankle was like her heart, numb without feeling.

Banxia realized that she should have gotten Nian Nian to get a cab for her.

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But she did not need it now that she was in this area of town.

The cars streamed by as loud honking echoed throughout the area. Banxia stood on the pedestrian walkway in a daze.

A black Bentley slowed down by the roadside.

A man walked out, dressed in a fitting black suit. His large figure walked towards her, casting a light shadow beside her. His face was cold, exuding the air of royalty.

“Mrs. Mo…”

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