Chapter 23: What Happens When She Showers?

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

Banxia blinked. He knelt before her and placed her foot on his knee.

Her ankle was very slender, the sort that was obviously seen on girls with long, fair legs. If one ignored the redness and swelling, it’d look even better.

Mo Chenyan looked at it for a while before sneering suddenly. “It’s so swollen, and you tell me it’s fine? Do you intend to only tell me something’s wrong when you break a leg?”

He grabbed her foot, and Banxia intuitively shrunk back.

She wasn’t a timid girl, but this man really looked like he could break her ankle anytime.

Seeing how tense she looked, he tried to coax her. “It’s going to hurt a little, bear with it. If I don’t rub it for you, it’s going to take a long time to recover.”

Banxia looked attentively at his hand movements. She could barely believe that a respectable man like him could be doing such things for her so gently.

“You know how to do this?”

The man quietly went “Mm”. “I learned this back in the army.”

Initially, Mo Chenyan had only rubbed some ointment around her foot and moved it slightly. Banxia felt the pain but bore with it anyway.

When he suddenly shifted it, she screamed and dug her fingernails into the couch. Her eyes had gone red.

“It hurts?”

The man furrowed his brows as he looked at her.

Banxia nodded with her eyes closed. She was trying to bear with it.

The man frowned even harder when he noticed it. “Just a while more, it’ll be over soon.”

He pursed his lips and continued rubbing, but with less force.


He went to wash his hands before coming back to her.

His hands were just rinsed with cold water, and he placed them on Banxia’s face. She opened her eyes in shock and looked at him.

“Does it still hurt?”

“Thank you.”

They said at the same time.

Banxia was stunned for a moment. She smiled and said, “It’s fine, a lot better than just now.”

He stroked her hair and sighed, as if feeling bad for her. “Are you hungry?”

“Mm, a little.”

Banxia did not bother lying to him. Anyway, he’d already asked this a while ago, and no one really expected to have their fill at a banquet like that.

But she’d expected him to order some food delivery or get Secretary Chi to bring her something. Instead, he glanced at her and said, “I’ll cook you some noodles. Anything you don’t want in it?”

Banxia was tongue-tied. This Mr. Mo was giving her too many surprises tonight.

Mr. Mo really was an all-rounded man…

“No.” She shook her head and looked at him expectantly. “Can you add an egg in there for me?”

Mo Chenyan was a little shocked. Did she expect him to be giving her plain noodles?

He nodded and went into the kitchen.

From where she was sitting, she couldn’t see him at all.

Banxia had wanted to go in and have a look, since this was probably a rare chance. But the thought of him possibly chiding her for it made her give up that thought. She pouted and read a magazine on the couch instead.

When Mo Chenyan emerged from the kitchen once again, he was in an apron and holding a bowl of noodles.

The apron did not seem fitting for his expensive shirt and tailored pants. It seemed weird on him, but it also gave him a homely feel.

Banxia smiled. “Did you learn to cook in the army too?”

The man looked at her. “You need to learn to cook noodles?”

She was speechless.

Banxia felt as if she’d just been despised.

Mo Chenyan handed her the bowl of noodles. It was a full bowl with an egg, tomatoes and even leek. It looked amazing.

Banxia tried a mouthful of it and smiled. “Mo Chenyan, I didn’t expect you to be such a good cook!”

She was really hungry and couldn’t stop stuffing herself. While she maintained her graceful demeanor, her speed of eating was several times her usual speed.

She was done with a little more than half a bowl and was full by then.

But he’d specially cooked it for her and she couldn’t bring herself to waste the rest of it. She ended up just continuing to stuff herself.

But she suddenly thought of something and looked up. “Oh right, aren’t they delivering the furniture today? None of it came.”

“Mm, I was worried that you wouldn’t be able to handle all that on your own. I got them to come by tomorrow instead.”

“You aren’t working tomorrow?” Banxia looked at him in shock.

“I’ll be at home in the afternoon.”

He then glanced at her bowl. “Don’t force yourself if you can’t finish it. It’s not good for your digestion if you eat too much at night.”

Banxia felt touched as she looked up at him, but she didn’t forget to explain herself. “The noodles are really nice, but it’s a little too much for me.”

Mo Chenyan took the bowl from her and placed it in the sink.

Mo Chenyan carried her up the stairs. Banxia felt like she was a handicapped person, completely different from just now.

She felt so fortunate that her foot wasn’t seriously injured.

As he carried her in his arms, Banxia casually counted the number of steps on the stairs. She was so safe and secure in his embrace…

When they got to the bedroom, Banxia suddenly thought of something awkward.

If he insisted on carrying her around, what happened when she showered?

She was just thinking about it when the man said, “You can’t have a bath today, I’ll release the water for you.”

He casually got a satin nightgown from the wardrobe. Banxia looked at him in shock as she watched him enter the bathroom—to release the water for her to shower.

She swallowed her saliva and her heart began pounding rapidly.

When Mo Chenyan came out and saw her playing her game again, he turned a little solemn.

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“This game is that fun?”

“… Pretty much.”

But however fun it was, it couldn’t stop anything from happening.

A while later, the man entered the bathroom once again, and then came out again.

Banxia could feel her heart in her mouth.

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