Chapter 3: It’s Impossible for Her to Not Care About Hanyan

Translator: Atlas Studios

Editor: Atlas Studios

After speaking, she didn’t even look at the reaction of the people behind before withdrawing from Mo Chenyan’s embrace. She looked at him with embarrassment. “I’m a little tired and I want to go straight home, is that ok?”

“I’ll see you off.”

Ye Banxia had no room to refuse.

She just wanted to leave this place, but as soon as she left his arms, he held her hand. He didn’t use too much strength, but it was with a trace of overbearing dominance as he took her away strongly.

Li Hanchuan clenched his fists fiercely.

If Ye Banxia had really come with him as Mo Chenyan said, then why was she wearing the night waitress uniform?

But if not, why did the man suddenly appear?

The Mo family’s second young master wasn’t the kind of person who would come up casually as the “hero who saved the beauty”.

Li Hanchuan stood in place for about half a minute, then he opened his long legs, put his hand in his trouser pocket and took out his mobile phone. After connecting his call, he said directly, “Check when Ye Banxia and Mo Chenyan met.”

Outside, Ye Banxia felt like her strength had been drained and the thunderous wind was about to blow her over.

She closed her eyes and turned to say “thank you” to Mo Chenyan, but before she spoke, a black blazer was already on her body. “Wait here, I’ll drive over.”

Ye Banxia politely refused. “Thank you, Young Master Mo. You have helped me many times tonight. I can go back by myself.”

Since this man had come out to help her just now, he must have heard some of the conversation between her and Li Hanchuan. Any memories regarding that incident made her feel uncomfortable, so she didn’t want to see anyone now.

Mo Chenyan glanced at her cooly. “You are penniless now, are you planning on walking back with your high heels?”

Ye Banxia: ​​”…”

She watched the slender back of the man turn and had to walk to a nearby post to wait for him.

In the night scene, the transparent rain was hazy under the light and shadow. The neon lights flickered, making the night more and more lonely.

She had been with Li Hanchuan for two years, which wasn’t a long or short period of time.

They had always been the perfect match in the eyes of outsiders. Their natural relationship had not experienced any ups and downs, and Ye Banxia had always been good to him. If it wasn’t because something had happened to the Ye family, she had thought that they would stay together peacefully.

So when she was left alone and he stood idly by, she experienced much pain.

It turned out that the two-year relationship had been nothing but dust in his eyes. From the beginning to the end, it wasn’t even worth a mere million yuan.

Maybe it wasn’t “merely” a million yuan, because that amount of money to her was considered sky-high…

When Li Hanchuan came out, what he saw was her side face leaning on the porch and looking at the sky, breathing deeply and faintly. His footsteps slowed a little as he experienced unexplainable suffocation in his heart.

But when he looked at the blazer on her body, his eyes suddenly became gloomy and cold.

He walked straight towards her and said coldly, “Why, have you been left here?”

Ye Banxia’s back stiffened at the sound of his voice.

She paused, turned her head back and smiled lightly. “Young Master Li is really leisure to still care about me everywhere.”

She was cold and indifferent.

This was the only thing Li Hanchuan could see in her eyes.


The car honk sounded, interrupting Li Hanchuan’s words.

Ye Banxia’s long eyelashes trembled.

The black Bentley slowed down and stopped in front of them. The doors opened, and the handsome face of the man came into view.

There was only a white shirt on his body. It was neat and tidy, and it was obvious where his coat had gone to.

Mo Chenyan glanced over the man beside Ye Banxia dully, without any special emotions. Then, he glanced back at her and smiled lightly before walking towards her with his long legs.

“Let’s go.”

“Okay.” Ye Banxia nodded and followed him obediently.

Li Hanchuan stepped forward subconsciously, a chilly smile twitching at the corner of his mouth.

Fine, Ye Banxia!

Mo Chenyan drove very steadily, but Ye Banxia’s hand clenched her seat belt unconsciously. He glanced sideways at her, frowning slightly. A deep and profound light flitted across his gloomy eyes.

“Ye Banxia.”


Ye Banxia waited for a long time and he still didn’t speak. She glanced at him suspiciously out of the corner of her eyes, then the car came to a halt all of a sudden. Her face turned pale and the black Bentley stopped at the roadside.

Mo Chenyan’s hand was very casually placed on the steering wheel. Like him, the defined bones of his big palms were clean and his fingers were long and slender. Ye Banxia couldn’t find an adjective for them, but she simply felt like it was very good looking.

“Young Master Mo?” She frowned.

Mo Chenyan was silent for a while. Then, he lit a cigarette and the white wavy smoke gradually diffused in the car, making his defined features appear less cold and a bit unreal.

He sat quietly for a long time, and when Ye Banxia thought that he wouldn’t speak again, the man’s beautiful thin lips parted slightly and he finally broke the silence.

“Do you have a source for your sister’s surgery cost?”

Ye Banxia froze for a moment, not expecting him to care about her. “I… I’m still preparing it.”

“You’ve been looking to borrow money from people, but the Ye Firm has gone bankrupt, so who would risk lending money to you?”

He said this lightly and expressionlessly, spitting out a mist of smoke.

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“A million is nothing, but not everyone is so generous.”

Ye Banxia knew that what he said was true, but her face couldn’t help but turn pale.

With closed eyes and a dry voice, she asked, “What does Young Master Mo mean?”

Was he persuading her to give up?

Impossible, she could never stop caring about Hanyan.

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