Deep Love For You

Chapter 55 - The Sun Has Risen from the West

Chapter 55: The Sun Has Risen from the West

Translator: Atlas Studios  Editor: Atlas Studios

Looking across the burning stares, she saw a man immaculately dressed in a suit striding towards her. His suit and trousers were tailored and he looked elegant and expensive from head to toe.

 There was no expression on the man’s handsome face. He ignored the wide-eyed stares and walked forward without looking at them. He was also followed by two secretaries. One of them was Chi Yu, and Banxia did not know the other one.

 Banxia could not help but stare at his tall figure for two seconds.

 She really thought that Mr. Mo would not come to the employees’ cafeteria to eat, which was why she joked about it in the morning.

 The man seemed to notice something and glanced at her direction indifferently.

 Banxia’s face suddenly turned hot. She immediately looked away like a little girl who blushed in embarrassment after the boy she liked looked at her.

 After creating her own metaphor, her cheeks became warmer.

 When she looked at him again, the man was already sitting down at a free dining table not far away from her. He was in a good position to look at her discreetly without making people realize that they had an unusual relationship.

 “Banxia, Banxia…”

 Shen Qingyan had to call her twice before Banxia took her eyes away from him and responded in a daze. “Yes, what’s wrong?”

 Shen Qingyan frowned. “Do you know who he is?”

 “Who?” Banxia did not answer her directly. Her eyes flickered and she smiled secretly.

 “He’s the famous President of the Mo Corporation. Don’t tell me that you don’t know him!” Shen Qingyan was shocked and then shot her a look of disgust. “Even if it’s your first day of work, you can’t be so ignorant that you don’t know the Second Young Master of the Mo Family?”

 Before Banxia could think of a reply, she heard an echoey voice from behind. “Good afternoon, President!”

Everyone only realized that their President was eating in the employees’ cafeteria after Mo Chenyan sat down.

 This was a rare event that only happened once in a thousand years!

 They always thought that important people like their President would never eat with them in the employees’ cafeteria, and what happened in the past proved them right.

 However, it seemed that the sun had risen from the west today because they actually saw the President’s figure here…

 Mo Chenyan did not say anything but nodded slightly at them.

 Chi Yu already had his eyes set at what Banxia was eating a long time ago and realized that the President was getting a similar meal.

 Although there were few opportunities for the average employee to meet the President, it was especially difficult to witness the President eating. They were afraid to stare at Mo Chenyan’s noble and cold presence and could only steal glances at him from time to time.

 Shen Qingyan did not even bother to continue eating. She only continued chatting with Banxia.

 “Banxia, don’t just focus on your food. Since this is our first day at work, it’s a rare chance to see the President. We should seize this opportunity to look at him because we might not have such a good chance in the future.”

 Banxia smiled faintly. She could see Mr. Mo for more than half a day every day. If she looked at him, she might get bored of him.

 Well… she might not be bored. With Mr. Mo’s features, he was not the type that she would get bored looking at. In fact, the more she looked at him, the more good looking he was.

She used her chopsticks to slowly stuff herself with a mouthful of rice. “We work in the same office every day. Isn’t it easy if I really want to see him?”

 Shen Qingyan gave her a strange look.

 “Banxia, do you have the heart of a girl? A handsome, rich and smart man is sitting eight meters away from you. How can you continue to eat indifferently?”

 Banxia bit her lip in amusement. “No matter how handsome, rich or smart he is, I won’t get full by staring at him.”

 Besides, when this man was at home, she could look at him at any time. Why would she care about this fleeting moment?

 Banxia told herself secretly.

 Shen Qingyan sighed. “You really aren’t normal.”

 She picked up two strands of pasta using her cutlery. “Since this morning, I already knew of your situation with Liu Hua. After being messed with by others, I can’t believe that you’re just sitting here and doing nothing. Your tolerance is really impressive.”

 Banxia did not take it to heart. “If I just ignore her, won’t she also look bad? Since this is the case, why should I bother?”

 In the twenty-four years of her life, she met many people like Liu Hua. They all had their chins high up in the air and were filled with jealousy because they did not have something she had. As a result, they used all kinds of ways to spread their vicious message and thought that they could gain recognition by bringing others down. However, they did not know how ridiculous their behavior was.

 When she was in the mood, she would rebuke with a few words, but most of the time, she had no interest.

 Grandpa often said that everyone had a balance beam in their hearts. It did not mean that people would think you were right if you talked more.

Shen Qingyan gave her a thoughtful look. “From what you’ve said, it does make some sense.”

 Just as they were about to continue eating, a sudden shadow appeared behind them. It blocked out the bright light and gave both of them a shock.

“These two ladies, do you mind if I ate with you?”

 Shen Qingyan choked. What day and age was it? Who would use such a messy old-fashioned way of talking?

 “If I say no…”

 When she looked up, she saw a man’s gentle smile. With golden frame glasses on his handsome face, he looked elegant and graceful.

 Shen Qingyan’s words abruptly stopped.

 Nowadays, few men wore golden frame glasses, and even those who could wear them with such a temperament were even fewer. With this in mind, Shen Qingyan admired the man in front of her even more.

 “Sit.” She got up and moved to a seat beside Banxia, leaving the seat opposite her empty.

 “Thank you.”

 Light flashed past the man’s deep eyes behind the lens of his glasses which concealed a faint smile.

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 “You’re Miss Ye, right?” Lu Sinian put down his plate opposite Banxia and smiled. “Nice to meet you, I’m Lu Sinian.”

 Banxia politely nodded. “Nice to meet you.” After that, she lowered her head and continued eating. Since the other party voluntarily came over and knew her surname, he probably knew her full name as well and she did not need to introduce herself again.

 However, suddenly, she felt a cold gaze from behind her.

 Banxia frowned. Coincidentally, Shen Qingyan naturally stood up and smiled charmingly. “Banxia, I’m almost done eating and I suddenly remembered that I have something to do. You can continue eating with Mr. Lu. I’ll be leaving first.”

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