He Wanning was completely confused. In other words, she was still worried that Huo Jingxiao scolded her for being nosy and prying into the secrets of their Huo house.

But the next second he kissed her and confessed?

Should his mind jump like this?!

But just say it. Why do you say she's a stupid woman?! Is he a true confession or a false confession?

She was about to push Huo Jingxiao away. He stared at her for a few seconds and kissed her again.

He Wanning had been on guard this time. Although she couldn't break free, she stubbornly clenched her teeth and wouldn't let him in.

Huo Jingxiao pried a few times and didn't open it. He frowned slightly, stretched out his big hand, grabbed he Wanning's waist, and picked her up for a few minutes.

He was too tall for her. Even if she wore high heels and kissed him, she had to look up. With such a hug, he Wanning's feet were off the ground.

There was a feeling of losing her balance, which made her cry out, but he took the opportunity to pry open her teeth and invade into it.

Suddenly, there was another storm. It was so strong that people had no power to parry.

However, his feet didn't step on the ground. He Wanning had to hold Huo Jingxiao with his arms to find the sense of security she wanted.

For a long time, Huo Jingxiao let her go. He Wanning only felt that she had a sense of recovery to suddenly see the light of the sky tomorrow.

"Hold me tight, you must have accepted my confession!" Huo Jingxiao looked at he Wanning with great satisfaction, and his voice was somewhat emotional and hoarse: "Feifei, are you very happy that I like you too?"

Wait... Did he use the word 'also'?

He Wanning suppressed all doubts and felt that he should first rehabilitate himself: "what do you mean? How do you know if I like you?"

"Stupid woman, I knew you would be shy, so I don't care about you for the time being!" Huo Jingxiao carefully put he Wanning down: "you will be my official girlfriend in the future. I allow you to laugh for a while now!"

He Wanning's chest fluctuated. He didn't ask her if she would like to be his official girlfriend. He didn't ask her if she liked him, so he labeled her as she also liked him. Isn't it too human rights?

She wants to know how his brain circuit is built about feelings!

But at the moment, Huo Jingxiao has let go of he Wanning, and then slowly walks to Jingran.

"Don't come here..." Jingran is still afraid. She covers her face and looks like she wants to run at any time.

He Wanning put away all the emotional fluctuations, went to Jingran and comforted her: "Jingran, don't be afraid, he doesn't mean any harm."

Huo Jingxiao looked at the woman who had become the original appearance and opened his mouth: "Jingran, it's me, I'm Jingxiao!"

Jingran looks at Huo Jingxiao blankly for a long time. It's like looking back. She mumbles, "Jingxiao..."

Huo Jingxiao's pupil shrinks and there is a huge surprise at the bottom of his eyes. He strides over and hesitates for several seconds. Seeing that Jingran doesn't seem to be afraid of him, he stretches his arm and hugs her tightly: "Huo Jingran, do you know how much his grandparents and us miss you?"

It's also Huo's last name. Is it Huo Jingxiao's sister or something? He Wanning guessed

At the moment, Huo Jingxiao holds Huo Jingran. He just feels that the woman in his arms is so thin that it hurts. It's really far from what he grew up with in his memory!

He felt that his heart was picked up, his hand clenched into a fist, and his anger rose!

What happened to her to make her look like this?!

In recent years, the Huo family has been tracking down. They can't find out where Huo Jingran went ten years ago and what happened in the year she disappeared.

Why is she not only timid and afraid of people, but also intermittent insanity?!

And her eyes, the beautiful eyes that once looked forward to Shenghui, are now not only blind, but also diagnosed by the doctor as hopeless. Who made her like this?!

However, they asked her this question too many times before. Every time they asked her, she would injure herself or even commit suicide. Therefore, they dare not force her again.

After that, Huo Jingran almost kept everyone away.

Her head seems to be very afraid of water, so every time she washes her hair, she is in great pain, as if someone wanted to hurt her. They watched her suffer, and she suffered herself.

Today, it's really the first time that Huo Jingran is so quiet. Is it true that Li Xiaofei has magic, which can not only cure her cleanliness, but also calm Huo Jingran?

"I......" Huo Jingran said, suddenly startled: "don't hurt me!" and pushed Huo Jingxiao violently!

Huo Jingxiao didn't dare to really scare her. He quickly let her go and said, "Jingran, it's okay. I won't force you. Don't be afraid..."

Huo Jingran began to talk again, and then walked into the room.

Seeing this, he Wanning hurried over and said softly, "Jing ran, are you tired? Let's go and have a rest!"

After that, she accompanied Huo Jingran to the bedroom, watched her lie down and covered her with a thin quilt. Then she came out.

"She's asleep." he Wanning said. Seeing Huo Jingxiao smiling at her, he suddenly felt a little hairy.

"Feifei, I suddenly feel like I've found a treasure." Huo Jingxiao said, "Jingran is my sister-in-law and my father's sister, two years younger than me, because we all call our names when we grow up together."

"But why did she...?" he Wanning asked.

"We also want to know!" Huo Jingxiao said, with a murderous look in her deep eyes: "ten years ago, she just turned 20, was still in college, disappeared for a year, and came back like this! She didn't even want us close, and moved here by herself..."

His fist creaked and his tone was cold: "if we find out who caused her this, I will make his life worse than death!"

He Wanning thought of Huo Jingran's poor appearance just now, and felt a little sad: "yes, it's really cruel to treat a young girl like this."

"Feifei, it's not easy for her these ten years. Now, it's difficult for us to get close to her." Huo Jingxiao held he Wanning's shoulder and stared at her seriously: "but I don't think she rejects you, so can you spare time to come here with her every week?"

He Wanning was the first time to see Huo Jingxiao talking to others in such a consultative tone. She nodded: "not to mention that she is your aunt, even if she is an ordinary person, I will certainly agree to such a request if I can help!"

Huo Jingxiao listened, paused for a few seconds, then looked down at he Wanning: "Feifei, you are so kind. I like you more and more. What should I do?"

He said, lowering his head and kissing her again.

This kiss was very gentle. Gently rub it on her lips and trace her outline with his lips. I don't know why, but it makes people blush and heartbeat more than before.

Huo Jingxiao slowly opened his eyes. When he saw he Wanning opening his eyes, he was dissatisfied: "close your eyes when kissing!"

He Wanning thought of his words before and began to argue for himself now: "didn't he agree that he can't be intimate?"

"That's done, I has the final say!" Huo Jingxiao said very naturally. "Where are men and women friends who are not intimate?"

"Abolished?!" he Wanning opened his eyes: "Mr. Huo, do you always change orders when you sign contracts with customers and when the company issues new regulations?"

"Call your name!" Huo Jingxiao's eyes suddenly deepened a little: "I need to remind you again with action. Are you my woman?"

"Ha ha, no..." he Wanning knew that she couldn't wring her legs. He was powerful and powerful. She'd better adopt a circuitous policy!

Besides, Huo Jingxiao may have forgotten his enthusiasm for her just because he was moved.

The more she theorized with him now, the more side effects it had.

Therefore, he Wanning smiled: "Jing Xiao, what you say is what..."

"Good!" Huo Jingxiao bowed his head and rewarded he Wanning with a MEDA. Then, he wrapped his hands around her: "go back to the banquet hall, grandma is still waiting for us!"

"Oh, good." he Wanning was pulled by Huo Jingxiao. He walked fast. It was more difficult for her to walk in high heels.

Just trying to make him slow down, Huo Jingxiao seemed to realize it and turned to look at he Wanning: "I almost fell when I walked. I'm so stupid."

Then he picked up he Wanning.

He Wanning's back skirt is quite long and slides down from his arm like silk. Huo Jingxiao is itchy. He can't help hugging he Wanning in his arms.

She was not used to such a embrace. She pulled the tail of her skirt with one hand and hooked Huo Jingxiao's neck with the other hand for stability.

"Feifei, it's still too light." Huo Jingxiao relaxed: "it doesn't seem to have any weight."

"Maybe I'm not tall, only 164..." he Wanning said.

"That's just right, I like it!" he said directly, and the corners of his lips hooked. He just felt that this woman satisfied him everywhere!

When they arrived at the door of the main house, he Wanning hurriedly said, "Jing Xiao, please put me down, or it will be bad for others to see..."

Huo Jingxiao was about to say who else dared to say, but he realized that his woman's shy appearance could not be shown to others, so he put down he Wanning and took her hand and walked in.

At this time, he Wanning's mobile phone vibrated slightly.

This touch has become somewhat familiar in the past two days. He Wanning knows that it is a reminder of microblog private letters.

No one will send him a private letter except Qiao Zihang.

She hesitated and took it to her ear.

Only listen to the familiar voice: "evening lemon, goodbye."

Her heart sank slightly. What did he mean by sending this message?

However, Huo Jingxiao took her to the restaurant area: "although the food here is not very good, the fruit is good. Don't you women like to eat fruit? Several of them are sent by air. It's not easy to buy them outside."

He Wanning couldn't help looking up: "OK, thank you!"

"Thank me for what?" Huo Jingxiao said, "tell me what you like. I'll let the servant buy it when I get home."

"Why are you so nice to me suddenly?" he Wanning was flattered.

"You're my woman. No, you're not. Are you good to Jane Shanshan?!" when Huo Jingxiao mentioned Jane Shanshan, he couldn't help wondering why grandma didn't know she wasn't he Wanning?

It seems that he has to check this matter carefully when he is free!

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