As like as two peas, he took off the child's hat and identified the child's eyes as if they were the same eyes of the women in his memory. He asked him directly, "who are you from?" whose little eyes were turned to "I think there is something delicious here, so I went in to get something to eat."

He had taken advantage of his beautiful mother's absence to go out to earn some extra money to support his family. However, he didn't expect to see his beautiful mother come in outside the gate of the party. He followed in without thinking, but he didn't know what was going on and got lost.

Just looking for the way out like a headless fly and looking for a beautiful mother, I accidentally bumped into an adult who looked so fierce.

Thinking that he could not be found beautiful mother, he told a lie unambiguously.

"My family is poor. I just want to steal some delicious food. Uncle, you won't give me to the police uncle, will you?"

The boy's innocent eyes burst into bright tears. His poor appearance was really like that woman.

Obviously he didn't like children, but Huo Jingxiao's heart softened. "I'll ask someone to bring you what you want to eat."

"No, I'm full, but I'm lost. Uncle, can you take me out?"

Huo Jingxiao snapped his fingers behind him, and his accompanying driver came forward from a distance: "President Huo."

"Take him home."


"Wait a minute." Huo Jingxiao raised his hand slightly and stopped the waiter pushing the pastry dining car.

He picked up the big schoolbag behind the little boy and opened the zipper. There was a valuable laptop in it. After reading the configuration instructions of the computer, he frowned. This configuration is a professional configuration for programming, which is better than the computer in the Technology Department of his company.

Huo Jingxiao looked at the little boy who was not tall enough for one leg. He wondered, can such a small thing program?

He had some doubts, but it was not surprising that he had started to participate in family business at this age.

The little boy's schoolbag was big enough. Huo Jingxiao put more than half of the cakes in the dining car, zipped it up and gave it back to him.

"Take it and eat it. Let's go."

The little boy jumped on Huo Jingxiao happily and grabbed his hand: "thank you, uncle. You are a good man!"

good person?


Huo Jingxiao smiled. No one who had contact with him would praise him as a good man.

Seeing the little boy away, Huo Jingxiao's eyes deepened, and the place where the boy touched his palm was still warm.

He didn't take any measures that night seven years ago. If the woman didn't take post medication, would it

In the banquet hall, he Wanning couldn't avoid Jane Shanshan's aggressive, so she had to admit: "I did go to the Charity Night of the United States that day, but I'm not entertainment. I went with pianist mu Qingge."

"Mu Qingge?" Jane Shanshan looked at her suspiciously: "Mr. mu, the famous pianist, will you be accompanied by such goods?!"

"I went as Mr. Mu's assistant that day. If you don't believe it, you can go to the organizer at that time to check the admission registration information."

"What's there to check about something that can be fake at will!" Jane Shanshan said: "It's said that Mr. Mu seldom brings people to important occasions, but as long as he plays with him, all his peers with high piano attainments. I say, miss, even if you want to make an excuse, you can find someone who can stand. Why don't you go up and play a song? Everyone at the scene knows the piano. If you really play well, we'll believe you."

Jane Shanshan is determined that the stiff woman in front of her can't play the piano!

When she just handed the bag to her, Jane Shanshan found that he Wanning's hands had a thin cocoon. At first glance, she often did rough work! Pianist's hands are extremely expensive. Such hands can never play the piano!

He Wanning was neither humble nor haughty: "with Miss Jane's empty teeth, she said that I was an entertainment record. I was an entertainment record? Being able to play the piano can prove that I was not an entertainment record. I really don't understand the logic. According to Miss Jane, there were so many people who couldn't play the piano that night in the United States. Were they all entertainment records?"

"People who can go to the Charity Night in the United States are either rich or expensive, only you..." the word "cheap" almost said. Jane Shanshan keenly noticed Qiao Zihang's displeasure and quickly changed her mouth: "only you, a lowly person, mixed in, so you are the most suspicious person!"

"Either play the piano, or admit that you are entertainment, or you ruined Lou's great future!"

With such a big hat buttoned down, Jane Shanshan firmly believes that this Li Xiaofei can't leave here today. One mouthful of saliva is enough to drown her!

She wants this woman to know that the man who dares to seduce him is tantamount to death!

He Wanning also knows that she has become the target of public criticism. If she can't prove herself, it will be difficult to get away today.

Play the piano, don't you?

He Wanning's eyes swept to the people. Everyone was waiting to see her "inferior" joke. Even Qiao Zihang looked at her suspiciously.

Originally, she knew she shouldn't stand out. She was already Li Xiaofei, an ordinary woman who was left in the crowd and no one would look more

However, there is something whistling in my heart. In the tumbling mood at the moment, I have run away.

Her life shouldn't have been like this. She shouldn't have suffered so much and suffered so many sins. She has become a mole ant that everyone can step on!

She forbeared, she repressed, not to let these people press on her step by step!

Step by step, she walked towards the piano next to the rest area.

Sitting in front of the piano, he Wanning's back is straight.

Raise her hands, fall gracefully and slowly, and press the keys. At that moment, she seems to have suddenly changed a person. The whole person's temperament has changed from ordinary to amazing and powerful.

Originally indifferent eyes also seem to be injected with light, concentration and investment.

The slender fingertips beat gracefully on the keys, and each sound was controlled properly. The progressive emotions seemed to bring everyone to that wonderful scene.

Those who were still watching the excitement were attracted by the plain looking woman in front of them. Obviously, she was just wearing an ordinary shirt, but it was like wearing an extremely luxurious dress, shining in the light of the ceiling lamp.

It's Blue Danube. Someone recognized the song and whispered.

"The focus of this song is not the difficulty, but the player's understanding of the song and the player's own realm. People in different realms play the same song and devote different feelings to it. Some people play it rigidly, others play it elegantly and affectionately. Obviously, this woman is the latter. How can such a person be just an entertainment."

Huo Jingxiao has already returned to the rest area. His position is facing her piano.

Huo Jingxiao, who was originally bored and ready to leave, changed his mind at the moment the piano sounded.

He stared at her as if he had finally found something interesting.

He Wanning threw himself into playing the piano. As soon as he looked up, he found a pair of eyes looking at her.

It's Huo Jingxiao. His eyes are vast and profound.

I don't know why, as soon as she came into his sight, she began to feel uneasy. The unbearable past seven years ago seemed to be forced to press the play button and pass by again.

Her fingers trembled and suddenly ran away.

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