It's just that he Wanning doesn't know what they're talking about. She made Huo Jingxiao's last dessert. When she looked up, she found that there were several more customers. She was surprised.

In other words, I was in such a mood when I opened my own store. Although the first batch of customers really came after a day's opening, it was a good omen.

He Wanning walked up to several girls and said with a smile, "everyone, what do you want to order? Our desserts and milk tea don't have any additives..."

Huo Jingxiao looked at the little woman who was being introduced professionally. He was a little upset. Why didn't he have more than one introduction just now?

The girls sat down at the table next to Huo Jingxiao, each ordered one, and then looked at the handsome man with their heads tilted.

Just then, he Chenxi came back from school.

He came in with his schoolbag on his back and was about to call Meimei's mother when he saw Huo Jingxiao sitting with his back to himself.

The little guy has a grudge! Before Huo Jingxiao dumped his beautiful Mommy, he ignored him!

He Chenxi walked in, put down his schoolbag, saw the milk tea made by he Wanning and asked, "are those sisters?"

He Wanning nodded.

"I'll send it!" he Chenxi said, carrying a tray.

He came to several girls, put the tray on the table and smiled: "beautiful sister, your milk tea is ready!"

When several girls saw such a lovely little boy, they couldn't help but sprout their eyes: "are you from this store, too?"

He Chenxi nodded, his big eyes very innocent: "my mother has no help, so I'll be the waiter when I come back from school!"

One side, Huo Jingxiao took a smoke from the corner of his mouth.

Several girls were interested: "after that, we came to eat dessert after school. Are you there?"

He Chenxi nodded: "sisters, help publicize my shop. If no one comes, I have to close the door. You won't see a lovely child like me in the future!"

The girl couldn't help laughing when she heard what he said.

A girl who had just accosted Huo Jingxiao got up and said, "come on, shall we take a group photo?"

"Yes, yes!" he Chenxi came to the camera and took a group photo with her beautiful sister.

Several other girls saw that he was beautiful and lovely, and they also wanted to take a group photo.

So, when he Wanning made other desserts, he Chenxi had become good friends with the beautiful sisters.

"My mother's food is delicious. The more you eat, the more beautiful it is!" he Chenxi raised her eyebrows: "you see, I know!"

"Can we invite you to be our little model next time we draw characters?" a girl asked.

"Of course." he Chenxi blinked: "but I have principles and don't dew!"

Hearing this, even Huo Jingxiao couldn't help laughing.

In other words, where did the child learn to be so glib?

His mind moved and he looked at he Wanning behind the counter.

Certainly not with this stupid woman, it is estimated that the child's parents themselves are such people!

Huo Jingxiao thought and found that he had eaten all the desserts made by he Wanning unconsciously.

The beauties were also very happy after eating. They told he Chenxi to make another appointment tomorrow. Then they took another look at Huo Jingxiao and left the shop.

When the shop was quiet, Huo Jingxiao looked at he Chenxi to see how he greeted his only guest.

However, the little guy obviously has two attitudes.

He came to Huo Jingxiao and said, "uncle, do you still eat? I'll take it if you don't eat."

In other words, why didn't he sell cute group photos and benefits? Huo Jingxiao looked up at him: "then?"

"Uncle, you've eaten so much and haven't given money yet?" he Chenxi said something that made Huo Jingxiao spit blood.

It's the first time he's been chased by the store for money after eating out for so long!

Huo Jingxiao took out his wallet, took out a few hundred, and then said, "don't look for it."

At this time, he Wanning had typed out the list and put it in front of Huo Jingxiao: "a total of 132 yuan."

With that, she took two hundred and went to the back to give Huo Jingxiao change.

He saw her stubborn back and felt helpless.

He actually wanted to help her, but at this moment, he suddenly realized that she should think it an insult for him to give more money?

So he collected the extra money, went to the counter and received the change handed over by he Wanning.

He smiled at her: "it tastes good. I like it very much."

He Wanning didn't say anything, but he Chenxi mended the knife nearby: "uncle, this can't compare with ordinary food. This contains high sugar. You're old. Be careful to have a long stomach!"

He Wanning couldn't help smiling and smiling brightly.

Huo Jingxiao, trying to refute, saw he Wanning laughing. For a moment, he was in a trance.

How long has it been since he saw her smile so happy and relaxed? It seems that he Chenxi said something in exchange for such a scene, which is also worth it!

So he happily left the store of he Wanning.

Maybe it was really the publicity of the girls in the Academy of fine arts. The next day, he Wanning found that there were obviously more customers and couples came together.

Even, someone asked why her child hadn't finished school.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, he Chenxi returned to the store. Suddenly, everyone talked to him. While he was a waiter, he talked with his sisters. He was too busy.

That night, he Chenxi said to him, "beautiful mom, I want to apply for a welfare."

"What benefits?" he Wanning pinched he Chenxi's small face.

"Mom, you'd better be the most beautiful! Can you buy a computer for your son?" he Chenxi looked up at he Wanning.

"What do you do with buying a computer?" he Wanning said, "children look at computers with bad eyes."

"Ma Ma, people must be useful!" he Chenxi thought of something and said, "all our classmates have it. Their parents have installed teaching software on it, and their children study for half an hour every day!"

He Wanning suddenly felt sad when she heard that other children also had.

All along, she wanted to spend a dollar in half, so other children had a lot of the toys, but he Chenxi only had a few toy cars.

As for computers, they were not considered at all.

Now, hearing that there are teaching software, how could she not support he Chenxi's learning?

So she nodded and said, "OK, but we agreed that we can't play for more than an hour every day! Moreover, it can't be used to play games. If I see it, I'll take it directly!"

"Yes!" he Chenxi saluted.

Now when you buy electrical appliances online, you usually order them the day before and arrive the next day.

Therefore, when he Chenxi returned to the store the next day and found the package, the whole person glowed.

He took the knife, opened it himself and carefully took out the laptop.

However, he really never used a computer, not at all!

He looked out and saw several sisters who often came to the store. Suddenly, his heart moved.

The next minute, he Chenxi came to the girls with the computer.

"Beautiful sister, can you teach me how to use the computer?" he Chenxi continued to sell Meng.

"Of course!" the girls said, "the computer you just bought?"

"Yes, it's not easy to be a primary school student now. There are a lot of homework to learn by computer in grade one!" he Chenxi said pitifully: "my mother doesn't have time to teach me. I can only rely on myself..."

"What a sensible baby!" the girls were very enthusiastic: "come on, we'll teach you!"

Therefore, the responsible girls taught he Chenxi once from starting up to surfing the Internet and installing software until the moon came out.

"Thank you, sisters!" he Chenxi said, "today's milk tea, even if I invite my sisters!"

"What's so funny?" the girl shook her head. "You're so young..."

"It doesn't matter. Everyone is good friends!" he Chenxi patted his chest: "I'm a man. Don't be polite if you invite some beautiful women to eat!"

The crowd was amused, so they nodded: "well, this time it's up to our handsome little boy to ask. Next time, my sister will teach you to draw!"

"I also want to teach! Where can I find such a smart and lovely little apprentice?" other girls stood up one after another.

"Well, I'll be your little apprentice in the future!" he Chenxi learned from TV: "master is on, please accept the apprentice's worship!"

In the whole store, he kept laughing. In the next few days, he Wanning found that the business in his store was getting better and better. He felt that he had to hire another helper.

He Wanning didn't pay attention to the Internet because she was too busy. However, these days, Jane Shanshan didn't pay less attention to the news on the Internet.

Seeing that the negative news of he Wanning is gradually decreasing, and many well-known bloggers are clarifying it, her heart can no longer be calm.

She put down her cell phone and a light lit up at the bottom of her eyes.

It doesn't matter, because she has some of the most important things that haven't been released.

When the time comes, she will publish those things again. At that time, let's see how they can rehabilitate he Wanning?!

These days, she made countless calls to Qiao Zihang, but he didn't answer them. Moreover, she was blacklisted.

She couldn't see him, so she blamed he Wanning for such resentment again.

Finally, when the menstrual period was over, Jane Shanshan went to the hospital for examination.

After a gynecological examination, the doctor said to her, "Miss Jane, your leucorrhea is abnormal and a little inflammatory. You need to cure the inflammation before you can get pregnant."

Hearing the news, Jane Shanshan's chest fluctuated and she just felt like swearing.

It's really not going well these days. Although Qiao Zihang hasn't acted yet, her agent told her that many of her announcements have been cancelled.

Moreover, a previous cosmetics endorsement, which was originally hers, was suddenly taken away by her arch rival. Now, she doesn't want to know who is behind her!

After all, Qiao Zihang did say to avenge he Wanning before, but instead of leaving a big cake to eat, he gave the opportunity to Qiao's rival company!

At the moment, Jane Shanshan drove out of the hospital. Because she was suddenly idle, she wandered to the door of the art academy unconsciously.

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