At this time, he Wanning had arrived in the white building of the manor. The hall space is very high, gorgeous and warm. Uncle Cheng took he Wanning to the sofa and sat down. He asked, "Miss He, what would you like to drink?"

"Just boiled water, thank you." he Wanning knew he couldn't go for the time being, so he just calmed down and saw what this Qing Shao had to do.

The attendants quickly poured water and red wine, gave he Wanning and Qing Shao respectively, and then retreated silently.

Uncle Cheng also left. In the big living room, only he Wanning and Qing Shao were left.

The room is quiet. He Wanning looks around. Finally, he slowly falls on Qing Shao.

After seeing this, she found that he had been looking at her all the time. The eyes behind the mask are deep and quiet, without a trace of waves, but they seem to pass through time.

He didn't speak. She didn't want to lose the first chance, so she didn't speak.

He Wanning took back her eyes and looked down at her hand to see how long the man could hold it.

Who knows, she really underestimated his patience. He looked at her for a while, then leaned against the back of the sofa and drank the red wine slowly. He seemed to enjoy the tranquility of such coexistence.

At this time, the cango dog came in from the outside. He Wanning instinctively shrank in the moment he was close to the sofa.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Ning. It won't hurt you." Qing Shao said initiatively.

With that, he reached out and patted the head of the cango dog. Sure enough, the dog that looked particularly fierce immediately lay on the ground and sold Meng to Qing Shao.

Although he Wanning knows that the canker will not hurt herself, she still has some concerns.

Moreover, an idea suddenly sprang up.

At that time, she ran away in a hurry and didn't study deeply. Now in retrospect, Jane Shanshan seems to say that let the man come and let her revisit her old dream?


Her eyes opened wide. Is that man really the one seven years ago?!

She remembered that at that time, she thought the man was very tall, with good muscle lines and no fat.

The one I saw in a hurry today has an average face, but seems to have a good figure

He Wanning felt excited when she thought of it.

She suddenly looked up at Qing Shao: "what happened to the man bitten by it now?"

If it was the man seven years ago, although she hated him, she was he Chenxi's biological father after all.

How could she watch that man die? So, how will she face he Chenxi in the future?!

"That man?" Qing Shao frowned. Obviously, he didn't expect that he Wanning would ask an insignificant person, so he casually said, "maybe he's dead!"

The blood color on he Wanning's face suddenly faded and fell into the sofa.

Seeing this, Qing hurriedly asked, "Xiao Ning, what's the matter?"

She looked at him: "really dead? Can you help me make sure..."

In fact, she should want to get the man's hair and do genetic identification.

Qing Shao didn't ask he Wanning why. Seeing that she was serious, she immediately picked up her mobile phone and made a phone call. The gorgeous voice line was a little fierce: "how's the man bitten by Xiao Gao?"

The other party replied, "Qing Shao, he was bitten on his leg, but the police arrived, so we left and should be sent to the hospital."

"Check which one you sent to." Qing Shao said.

The other party said, "OK. In addition, Jane Shanshan was also sent to the hospital."

Qing Shao hung up the phone and said gently, "the man wasn't dead. He was sent to the hospital by the police."

He Wanning breathed a sigh of relief. Anyway, she had to secretly get a little DNA sample and confirm her identity!

The room was silent again. He Wanning seems to have nothing to do, so he asks his entourage.

Seven or eight people, each holding different things.

There were magazines, flower arrangements, jewelry and clothes, as well as some snacks and other snacks. They lined up and stood in front of he Wanning.

"You can choose what you like to do." Qing Shao said to her.

He Wanning smiled at him: "Mr. Qing, thank you for your kindness, but I should leave here!"

His pupils contracted, and there was an injured expression at the bottom of his eyes. Then, he asked those attendants to put everything on the tea table, and then let everyone back down.

"Don't call me Mr. Qing." Qing was silent for two seconds and looked at he Wanning: "Xiao Ning, can't you really remember me?"

He Wanning was stunned: "have we met before?"

Although she can't say how good her memory is, she should be impressed with almost everything from primary school to now.

The man in front of him looks naturally noble and has good facial features. If she has seen him, how can she not be impressed?

Hearing what he Wanning said, Qing Shao looked at her for several seconds and said, "do you remember a boy named Qing Shao?"

She shook her head: "sorry, I may have a bad memory..."

Hearing this, Qing Shao suddenly stood up and quickly left the room.

Under the sofa, the candog quickly disappeared when he saw his master leave.

He Wanning was the only one in the living room. She recalled again that she really couldn't remember any words related to "Qing".

She shook her head reluctantly and reached for her pocket. Only then did she find out when her mobile phone had disappeared.

It's estimated that it fell down when climbing the wall and was picked up by that Qing Shao? So what about her? How to ask for help?

Time soon arrived at noon. A servant came and invited he Wanning to dinner.

She came to the restaurant and saw Qing Shao sitting opposite.

The lunch was full, but she had no appetite at all.

Today, he Chenxi came back from school early. Although she didn't have to pick her up, if Huo Jingxiao couldn't get through on the phone, he would definitely find her. And how to explain when she got away?

He Wanning only felt her head was big for a while, so she picked up the dishes and chopsticks, took a few symbolic bites, and put it down.

Opposite, Qing Shao raised his eyes: "Xiao Ning, not to your taste?"

She smiled reluctantly, "I didn't eat much."

He looked at her thin cheeks and pushed a dish in front of her: "if you eat well and behave well, I'll let you out."

He Wanning looked up in surprise at Qing Shao: "really?"

When he saw the light from the bottom of her eyes, he couldn't help shrinking. However, he nodded: "HMM."

So he Wanning had a good meal for freedom.

They sat opposite each other and ate silently. He Wanning saw that the sun outside seemed to begin to tilt slightly. She said, "Qing Shao, thank you for your hospitality. I really should..."

Before the word "gone" was finished, Qing Shao took the lead in getting up: "go out with me."

Then he stood up and went out.

The Canco dog followed him faithfully. However, he took only two steps. He glanced at he Wanning, who was afraid nearby, and turned his head and said, "Xiao Gao, don't follow, go and play!"

The big dog was very clever. He stopped at once and watched his master leave.

They walked to the gate of the manor together. Qing Shao crossed the grass and took he Wanning to a rockery.

The rockery is a little simple and old-fashioned. It seems to be incompatible with this beautiful manor.

Qing Shao stopped here and looked at the small fish in the pond. He was slightly distracted, as if he was remembering something.

He stood for a long time. He didn't react until he Wanning sneezed. He took off his windbreaker and put it on her.

At the end of his nose, there was a fresh and strange smell of mint. He Wanning quickly shook his head: "it's all right, I'm not cold, thank you!"

But he had stopped, and did not take the clothes she had returned.

They were in a stalemate until another cool wind blew. Qing Shao said, "if you catch a cold, you can't go."

He Wanning had no choice but to put on her clothes.

He looked at the girl in his clothes, slightly in a trance, and gradually fell into memory.

All along, he was born into a rich family, but he was a very silent child and was not liked by his family.

He is used to playing alone and being spoiled by his family. His brother doesn't like him.

However, even the most lonely children will have a desire to be concerned, but that desire will be buried deeper than other children.

I remember once, when he was about to eat, he hid himself in the wardrobe and waited silently for his family to find him.

However, he waited for a long time, but there was no movement.

It was not until he was so hungry that he found that it was dark, and everyone had already finished dinner and played on the grass outside the villa.

Since that time, he has never done anything similar to what he expected.

He was like a child who was forgotten and disliked by the whole world. He watched his brothers running wildly outside. Adults revolved around them, while he was alone in the room, doing things they would never pay attention to.

When he thought he might always be alone, he encountered an accident——

Remember, it was a snowy day. He went to Sucheng with his family to meet a friend of his parents.

He was still playing outside alone, but he accidentally lost his direction and was covered with snowflakes.

At that time, a four or five-year-old girl saw him wandering outside without an umbrella, so she took the initiative to ask, "brother, did you not bring an umbrella?"

He always ignores others, especially the little girl who is several years younger than himself.

Therefore, he did not answer, but continued to look along the street according to his memory.

The girl seemed to be going away, but she turned back, looked up at him and pointed to the opposite way: "big brother, otherwise, I'll give you my umbrella! My house is opposite there and will be there soon!"

With that, she really stuffed the little flower umbrella in her hand into his palm.

Afraid that he wouldn't answer, she stood on tiptoe and pressed his hand. Then she looked up and smiled at him.

At that moment, he was shaken by her smile. He saw the snow falling on her hair because she suddenly didn't hold an umbrella. He suddenly stretched out his hand to help her brush it away.

For the first time, he asked her, "how can I get to the he family?"

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