Hearing Huo Jingxiao's words, he Wanning said he was immobile. It was false. However, he was also right. She really had no sense of security. She was always afraid of losing and was alert not to rely on anyone or anything.

She hid in the solid shell she had made for herself and dared not let anyone in. It seems that if someone gets close, she will be in danger and lose her ability to protect herself.

Hearing he Wanning's silence, Huo Jingxiao said again: "on the way to work today, I heard Jingran say what she wants to do in the future. She may need your help, using her own appearance and identity."

He continued: "I believe that as long as you appear in front of the media again, there will be similar doubts about the negative news about you. However, if you believe me once, these will not become a weapon to hurt you, but will help you stand at the top!"

When he Wanning heard this, she couldn't help raising her eyes and looked at Huo Jingxiao in surprise.

"Night Ning, believe me, there will be me in the future. No one or anything can hurt you!" Huo Jingxiao said seriously: "I will protect you and spoil you all my life!"

He Wanning looked at Huo Jingxiao quietly, and many pictures were replayed in her memory.

It seems that, indeed, since they first met, until now, except that he had to give up her once because of her other identity, he was helping her even when he didn't know who she was.

Save her from Shen Nanfeng, unconditionally help her prove her innocence when everyone says she stole Jane Shanshan's things, protect her when billboards fall down in the square, and take her away from the center of public opinion when Huo's propaganda

After she fell ill, he took care of her. She doesn't have time to pick up the children. He'll pick them up.

It seems impeccable and irresistible.

So, can she really try to trust him once?

"Evening lemon, OK?" Huo Jingxiao asked again.

He Wanning's hand tightened unconsciously. She looked at Huo Jingxiao's exceptionally bright eyes in the dark and finally nodded slowly.

She wants to be brave again.

Bravely try to trust someone again and be brave to do that he Wanning.

Not only for herself, for her missing parents, but also for her children to grow up healthily and happily with her biological father

Huo Jingxiao saw he Wanning nodding and gave him a severe shock. After several seconds, he felt happy and suddenly came crazy!

That feeling is much stronger than the first time he talked about a big contract completely on his own, and than being recognized by all shareholders and becoming the president of holly group!

Is she finally willing to believe him? She wants to be with him?!

For the first time, he likes a girl and seriously wants to spend his life with a person. Even if he only gets some response, as long as she doesn't reject it, his pores are bubbling with joy!

Huo Jingxiao found his heart beating very fast. He looked at he Wanning for several seconds. Then he immediately took her into his arms and kissed her with his head down.

The heat in the car gradually heated up, the co driver's seat was slowly put down, and he leaned down.

He Wanning seemed to hum. He felt that she was resisting, but he couldn't stop.

"Wanning, thank you for believing me!" Huo Jingxiao said, reaching out to unbutton he Wanning's clothes.

With the buttons beating and opening between his fingers, Huo Jingxiao's eyes burned wildly like a night beating with fire.

His chest fluctuated violently, and he couldn't see anything in the fundus of his eyes except he Wanning.

When the last button was opened, he Wanning felt a sudden chill all over her body.

The sudden temperature change made her react at once. She suddenly opened her eyes and stretched out her hand to hold Huo Jingxiao. Her voice was much more charming than in the past: "don't..."

Although her voice was small, Huo Jingxiao could hear it clearly.

He stopped and looked down at he Wanning: "Wanning, I really want to..."

He Wanning looked up at Huo Jingxiao's eyes and felt that his eyes seemed to suck her soul in. She was a little afraid, a little excluded, and more wronged: "so what you said just now is for now?"

Huo Jingxiao was stunned and blinked: "evening lemon, no! I don't think so!"

"Then why did you immediately..." he Wanning was ashamed and annoyed.

She was angry and stretched out her hand to beat Huo Jingxiao's chest. However, she found that her behavior seemed to be just scratching, or worse than scratching.

"You are!" she said wrongly.

Huo Jingxiao found that he didn't know how to explain.

In other words, he really wants to. As long as he is with her, he will burst into hormones and want to fit all the time.

But it seems that his little wife misunderstood him?

He was a little anxious: "evening lemon, no! I like you, and it also likes you! One is spiritual, the other is physical, so..."

What is he explaining?! He Wanning gathered water mist at the bottom of his eyes: "you, you deliberately lied to me!"

"Really not!" Huo Jingxiao didn't dare to force he Wanning. He could only explain: "because you are so beautiful, I actually just wanted to kiss you, but I couldn't help it once I kissed..."

"How did you spend these years?" he Wanning said immediately.

"These years..." Huo Jingxiao blushed: "without you, only with your hands..."

He Wanning was stunned and suddenly found that he had asked such a question. For a moment, his heart beat faster, blood poured into his brain, and his cheeks were red.

"Wan Ning, really, I haven't touched other women. If I hadn't met you, I would have been single all my life!" Huo Jingxiao's EQ came back again.

He saw he Wanning's bright eyes and his heart moved. He continued to bow his head and kiss her: "Wanning, I love you."

She hummed softly, but he already hugged her tightly. His low voice was like a plucked cello string: "this sentence will be effective for a lifetime."

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