Su Shijin trembled and took over the red book. When she saw that the names of Shi Jinyan and Yan mujin were indeed written, she just felt that she had won the first prize in the lottery! Yan Qingze was much calmer: "Jin Yan, are you serious about our Mu Jin?"

When Jin Yan smiled and said, "Dad, when did you see me not serious?"

Then he said, "that day, little Mu Jin said she was lovelorn again, and the other party dumped her..."

Su Shijin's face changed when she heard this: "how dare you dump my daughter? What's wrong with my little Mengmeng?!"

"In order to prevent her from meeting bad people outside, I can only advance the marriage plan." Shi Jinyan said seriously: "parents, don't worry, I will take good care of her!"

For so many years, he has been coaxing her since she can speak. Coax for a long time, gradually become a habit, but also on the heart.

I thought she was still young, but she was so stupid that he was dumped for falling in love like a family. After all, he was still worried. He had to marry home to save his heart.

Yan Qingze listened to Shi Jinyan's words and said happily, "Jin Yan, we believe you." he looked at his wife and deeply felt that if he could be like Shi Jinyan, maybe they wouldn't miss several years.

At the moment, Yan mujin, who is locked out, is worried that her brother Jin Yan will not be punished? She's so worried about him!

Just, but more than ten minutes later, the study door opened.

Su Shijin took the lead in coming out of the room. She hugged Yan mujin and bowed her head and gave her daughter a smada: "my good baby, why are you so cute? Now, I see how Fu Yuchen's father is crying in front of me!"

Ah? Secretly married without being spanked? And praise?

Yan mujin raised her eyes: "Mom and Dad, aren't you angry?"

"Marry others angry, marry Jin Yan how can you be angry?" Yan Qingze patted his daughter on the shoulder: "yes, you have eyes!" well, it seems that you don't have to worry about her daughter's bad luck in the future!

When Jin Yan pinched Yan Mu Jin's face: "Mu Jin, I didn't lie to you?"

Sure enough, what brother Jin Yan said was always right! Xiaomeng sister quickly nodded and worshipped: "brother Jin Yan, how did you tell them?"

"Secret." Shi Jin said mysteriously.

Yan mugun pouted.

Shi Jin said, "Mom and Dad, I haven't informed my family yet. They are all here today. I'll take little Mu Jin to see them."

"OK, we'll be there soon." Yan Qingze nodded.

"OK, let's go first." Shi Jin said and took his little wife away.

When they went outside, Yan mujin began to worry: "brother Jinyan, will Godfather and godmother be unhappy? Will they prefer sister Yubing?"

When Jin Yan heard this, he rubbed Yan mujin's hair: "they all like it."

"Ah? All the same?" Yan mujin looked down at her toes: "what about you? Brother Jin Yan, who do you like better?"

Little girl seems a little enlightened?

When Jin Yan narrowed his eyes and said casually, "they are the same."

"Ah?" Yan Mu Jin pursed her lips, raising a dull mood. So, he really does charity? For everyone?

When Jin Yan bowed his head, he saw Yan mujin's low mood, so he suddenly stopped and looked at her: "mujin, do you want me to like you more?"

Yan mujin bit her lip and felt a little embarrassed.

"Well, from now on, I prefer you." Shi Jin said, bowed his head, kissed Yan mujin's lips and looked at her: "what about you? Still like what you knew before..."

Yan mujin quickly interrupted him, waved her hand and said, "no, no!"

She raised her eyes and looked at him: "brother Jin Yan, you are better than them. I only like you!"

When Jin Yan heard this, he suddenly took a step forward, clasped the back of Yan mujin's head, bowed his head and kissed it.

For a long time, Shi Jinyan let go of Yan mujin. He looked down at her with unstable breath in his arms: "good, I only like you in the future!"

After saying that, Jin Yan took Yan mujin's hand and continued to go home.

Her cheeks turned red and her heart beat faster for a long time. However, she was sweet and had a little joy.

It turns out that although he has done charity to her, she will be his good wife, and he will like her more and more!

When Jin Yan took Yan mujin into the villa and opened the door.

His parents, Mu Chen and LAN Xiaotang, were at home. When they saw Yan mujin, they immediately raised a smile: "is xiaomengmeng coming?"

"Godfather and godmother!" Yan mujin cried sweetly.

"Xiaomengmeng, come and sit down!" Lan Xiaotang boasted, "your skirt is very beautiful today!"

Yan mujin used to sit down. She used to talk a lot. Today, she was very upset and didn't say a word.

"Mom and dad." when Jin Yan opened the door and said, "do you want me to marry little Mu Jin home?"

Shi Muchen raised his eyes and said faintly, "it seems that this has been decided?"

LAN Xiaotang also said with a smile: "we also like xiaomengmeng very much! Of course I hope!"

Yan mujin listened, lips slightly raised, and secretly looked at Shi Jinyan.

"Then your wish has come true!" Shi Jinyan took out his marriage certificate again: "time is in a hurry, I didn't have time to tell you."

"Jin Yan, you..." Lan Xiaotang was shocked, but after a moment, he smiled again: "why don't you tell us? We don't object."

"It's really improvisation." Shi Jin said and went to Yan mujin to sit down and hold her shoulder: "in the future, little mujin will be your daughter-in-law!"

"I've never regarded little Mu Jin as someone else's daughter-in-law!" Shi Muchen thought for a moment: "Jin Yan, since we're married, let's see if you want to choose your room again. In addition, let's discuss the wedding time between our two families sometime."

"Well, after a while, little Mu Jin's parents will come, and we'll fix the time." Shi Jin said, pulling Yan Mu Jin up: "Mu Jin, I'll take you to see our room."

When she got to the room, Yan mujin realized that Shi Jin was talking about 'US'. They're going to live together? She began to feel uneasy again.

When Jin Yan took Yan mujin to his bedroom, he said, "do you like it here or choose a bigger one?"

Yan mujin asked weakly, "do we want to live together?"

"Have you ever seen a husband and wife who don't live together when they get married?" when Jin Yan touched the tip of her nose.

Her heart beat faster and shook her head, "I haven't seen it."

A moment later, he asked: "brother Jin Yan, will we get married a little early?" she didn't seem to be ready.

God, back to live together, one bed or two?

If it's a bed, do you just lie together or do you do something else?

Yan mujin was more and more nervous. She just felt that Shi Jinyan couldn't, and it seemed that she would

Seeing her tangled expression, Shi Jinyan leaned over and locked Yan mujin's eyebrows and eyes: "mujin, do you know there are more porridge and fewer monks in the market now?"

He said, pinching her face: "there will be no shop after this village. You should think it over."

Yan mujin quickly shook her head: "it's not early. Fortunately, she robbed Shi Jinyan first, otherwise, he would be robbed by other girls! I've seen many girls confess to him!

"Really clever!" when Jin Yan bowed his head and kissed her: "did you move over and live with me?"

"Well," she nodded.

He pinned her broken hair behind her ears: "little Mu Jin, you are very beautiful today!"

Her heart pounded at his praise. God, what does she think? She's starting to like him more and more?


At noon that day, everyone had lunch together in the Huo family's old house.

Originally, he Wanning was worried that Huo Chenxi was not used to it. Unexpectedly, the child was much more used to it than her. Soon, he had become one with everyone, and his mouth was as sweet as honey.

After reading her mobile phone, Huo Jingran turned to he Wanning and said, "Wanning, the same skirt you received that day can be arranged in a month!"

He Wanning smiled: "in fact, that skirt is quite exaggerated. They can really wear it when they buy it back?"

"Maybe this is the star effect. Many women buy clothes not to wear, but to collect." Huo Jingran blinked; "Evening lemon, I drew some more patterns. Will you come and have a look with me?"

"OK!" he Wanning nodded hurriedly and went to her study with Huo Jingran.

They were looking at the pattern, and there was a small figure beside them.

"Beautiful Mommy, aunt, what are you looking at?" Huo Chenxi said curiously.

Huo Jingran touched his little head: "Xi Xi, every time you call me that, I feel at least 50 years old!"

He Wanning also smiled: "Jingran, who calls you high generation?"

"Why don't you call your aunt when there are no outsiders?" Huo Jingran said.

"Good!" he Chenxi followed suit: "then I'll call you beautiful aunt!"

"What a sweet mouth!" Huo Jingran said, "I'm looking at the design drawings with your mother!"

"Beautiful aunt, do you need people in your shop?" Huo Chenxi said: "I'm going to work!"

"You are so young that you have to work?" Huo Jingran smiled.

The little guy nodded: "well, I can help you do the simplest. Anyway, I finish school early in the afternoon and my homework is also simple."

"Well, from Monday on, come to my studio to help!" Huo Jingran patted the little guy on the shoulder: "be my studio assistant."

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