Deep Sea Boxing King

Chapter 382: The eagle eats tender chicken (4,200 characters)

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Xiaojian did not expect that Q coins accumulated to 100 billion, and the Xiao Q system could be upgraded again!

The system has been upgraded twice, this is the third time.

Among the previous two upgrades, the first upgrade was to provide system skills and spiritual power recovery.

The second upgrade is to provide mental power upgrades.

Although Xiaojian hasn't felt the benefits of mental power upgrades, he has always listened to Jiang Henian, Leng Hongyu and others.

There are a large number of Sixth-Rank Pinnacle Yuhai Masters, all of which are stuck at the Sixth-Rank Pinnacle due to insufficient mental power, and cannot be promoted to the seventh-Rank Grand Master.

Therefore, the upgrade of spiritual power is still very important. It can be said that after Xiaojian is promoted from the sixth-rank pinnacle to the grandmaster, this threshold has disappeared directly, and he can be promoted directly and smoothly.

So now that the system is upgraded again, Xiaojian suddenly became a little curious and excited.

After the upgrade of this system, what new system skills will it bring to him?

At this time, the system interface is the same as the previous two times, the interface is completely black, and only a white progress bar is left in the middle.

Now the progress bar crawls a little bit by 1%...2%...3%...

When watching the system upgrade, it is estimated that you will not be able to see it until tomorrow.

Xiaojian immediately walked out of the secret room and returned to the barracks tent.

At this time, everyone is still in the excitement of victory in the war, the entire Second Underwater Great Wall, except for the soldiers who are still patrolling on duty.

The others celebrated in excitement, and the entire defense line was singing and laughing.

Xiaojian's face couldn't help but show a smile.

This time, Yan Guo was able to fight back the First Underwater Great Wall, which is really a huge piece of good news.

It was even more exciting for the high-ranking powerhouses who had also severely damaged the King Kongyu tribe and killed the two Ninth-Rank Demon Venerables, Jin Lei and Jin Mu!

There are only nine Ninth-Rank Demon Venerables in the entire King Kong Fish Tribe, and two of them have fallen today. This is a pain in the bones!

Coupled with the fall of the seven or eighty demon kings and the great demon king with bonuses, after this battle, the Diamond Fish Demon Clan must at least well cultivate for a while!

The entire southern border line of defense should also be peaceful for a while!

However, the King Kong Fish Demon Clan will certainly not let it go.

After all, this time, beheading a character of such an important status as General Jin Lei, the entire Diamond Fish tribe is afraid to cause a lot of turmoil!

Back to the barracks tribe.

Xiaojian immediately saw a familiar figure walking out of it, rubbing his eyes.

I saw this man, it was the next-day master of Imperial Capital University, Lin Yan!

Looking at Zhang Xiaojian, Lin Yan also brightened his eyes and walked over quickly.

"Hey, brothers, aren't you fighting?"

"Why do I think everyone seems to be very excited, this is a celebration party?"

Xiaojian was stunned, and then suddenly thought of something, looking at Lin Yan with a little shock: "Brother, how long have you been sleeping?"

Lin Yan rubbed his hair and replied, "It doesn't seem to be long, it's only about three days."


Xiaojian was completely speechless: "Well, we have finished the fight."


Lin Yan was taken aback for a moment: "If I just take a nap, you have already finished playing?"


This was Xiaojian observing Lin Yan, and suddenly discovered another miraculous thing.

Lin Yan, broke through!

When he came to the front line before, he was the pinnacle of the third rank.

But now, he has actually broken through to the early stage of the fourth rank!

"I haven't seen you practice, how did you break through?" Xiaojian was shocked, calling out impossible!

After coming to the front line for nearly a month, Lin Yan either ate or slept, or slept and ate, and had never seen him practice or fight.

However, with such a decadent life like a pig, he actually broke through!

This...this simply subverts Xiaojian's three views!

"Well, did I break through?" Lin Yan was also taken aback at this time, and then carefully felt his body.

"Oh, I really broke through!"

"..." Xiaojian.

That night, the whole celebration banquet was held very late.

Even some middle and high-grade Yuhai Masters clinked glasses and drank, but the low-grade Yuhai Masters and soldiers were not allowed.

For middle and high-grade Yuhai masters, ordinary alcohol is difficult to get drunk even if you drink it all day and night.

So getting drunk is just for fun and ignite the atmosphere.

The entire second line of defense is lively and lively, and of course there is one difference.

In a corner of the warship, I saw Leng Hongyu drinking by herself.

Xiaojian approached, and saw that Leng Hongyu was not drinking ordinary wine.

It's the wine after soaking some Lingzhi fruits, that is, Lingjiu.

Ordinary wine is useless for Yuhaishi, but spirit wine is different. Yuhaishi and martial artists will be drunk if they drink it.

Leng Hongyu lifted up a wine bottle and poured it into her mouth, and in the blink of an eye, she dried a whole bottle of spirit wine into her belly without taking a breath.

It can be said that the drink is crisp and neat, and the drink is bold and unrestrained.

When the night breeze came, the short black hair of cold red jade and purple was dancing around, lightly floating in the wind, like a black elf.

Leng Hongyu was drunk with dim eyes, watching the deep night in the distance, while constantly making some unexplained mumbles in her mouth:

"Grass mud horse!"

"My horse..."

"Leng Yuan, you beast, don't fall into Lao Tzu's hands, or I will hack you to death!"

"No, it's not right, it's too cheap to hack to death!"

"I want ten knives, a hundred knives, a thousand knives!"

"The grass mud horse is a bastard, beast!"

Xiaojian: "..."

Xiaojian silently wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. Even in the drunk mode, Leng Hongyu is still very powerful!

Xiaojian thought for a while, and approached the past cautiously.

"Cold... Brother Leng?"

"Brother Leng, how about we drink together?"

Xiaojian walked over and said with a smile on his face, cough cough, this is a rare opportunity to promote feelings!

Leng Hongyu heard the call and turned around slowly.

On Leng Hongyu's three-dimensional and exquisite facial features, two cheeks were flushed, eyes blurred.

I have to say that in this state, Leng Hongyu is a bit less heroic, and a bit more feminine.

Because of this, Xiaojian's heart jumped in the heart of the little sword who was glaring like a silk at this time!

As expected of Brother Leng, whether he is domineering or gentle, he can completely control it!

Seeing Zhang Xiaojian came, Leng Hongyu was slightly startled, and then blurted out: "Oh, it's you, you shameless scum."

Xiaojian: "..."

"Brother Leng, are you misunderstanding me?"

"Oh, that's a shameless scum, shameless and old-fashioned criticism."

Xiaojian: "..."

"Ahem, Brother Leng, I'm here to accompany you for a drink!" Xiaojian walked over and said with a smile, and then couldn't help sitting beside Leng Hongyu.

Looking at it up close, Leng Hongyu's delicate face was even more attractive.

The appearance is beautiful, the facial features are three-dimensional and profound.

A pair of long and narrow Danfeng eyes flew slightly upwards under the cover of long eyelashes, naturally there was a special aura.

Her short purple-black hair fell straight down her ears, soft and beautiful, and could be seen as a reflection of others. With Leng Hongyu's body swinging, it flew neatly up and down.

The graceful and toned body is wrapped in black leather jacket, and it outlines a concave-convex curve, which makes people can't help but think about it.

This beautiful and heroic woman, with a rare pride on her body, is completely different from ordinary women.

Xiaojian couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. To be honest, even if you can't get Leng Hongyu's money, the people who get her are pretty good...

"If you dare to look at me with squinted eyes, I will dig out your eyes!"

At this moment, Leng Hongyu's cold voice suddenly rang in Xiaojian's ear.

"Ahem..." Xiaojian quickly retracted his gaze, instantly embarrassed.

Brother Leng doesn't seem to be drunk yet!

She even noticed when he peeked at her.

Seeing Xiaojian's honesty, Leng Hongyu snorted in satisfaction, and drank the spirit wine in self-consciousness.

Drinking and drinking, Leng Hongyu seemed to think of something again, glanced at Xiaojian and said:

"I see you squinting every day. There seem to be a lot of girls in the school who take the initiative to show you good things, but you don't seem to touch any of them."

"You can''s not good in that way?"


Half of the spirit wine in Xiaojian's mouth was sprayed out!

A mental power barrier appeared out of thin air in front of Leng Hongyu, blocking all the wine spewing out of Xiaojian's mouth.

"Am I wrong?" Leng Hongyu's slightly drunken face looked at Zhang Xiaojian with contempt.

"In school, you always peeked at me and Ouyang Xiangling's **** and buttocks. Don't think I don't know."


Xiaojian was choked by the wine in his throat this time!

Xiaojian looked at Leng Hongyu with embarrassment and blush... This woman had known it a long time ago!

Huh, that's not right!

She has cultivated to the pinnacle of Rank 6 and has a strong mental power, so she can find his small movements, which seems quite normal.

"Hurry up, you haven't answered my question yet."


It was discovered by Brother Leng a long time ago, and Brother Leng was so confessed that Zhang Xiaojian, a big man, has nothing to tick!

"It's actually quite simple," Xiaojian said, scratching his head, "I don't want their eagles to eat tender chicken."

"Huh?" Leng Hongyu was startled with her right hand holding the wine bottle.

What eagle eats tender chicken?

What do you mean?

"Ahem, that's it,"

Xiaojian coughed lightly and said in a low voice, "I'm actually in one place..."

"Then I certainly hope that for the first time, my first partner can also be a good place."

"My request is not too much, right?"

Leng Hongyu only reacted at this time: "Well, it doesn't seem to be too much."

"That's right," Xiaojian shrugged: "Those who approached me actively, like the goddess of my kindness."

"Secretly, I also inquired about it. They are almost all socialites in each class."

"If it's a game, it doesn't matter, just take safety measures."

"But for our first time, it's always a little grander, a little more ceremonial, right?"

Leng Hongyu sighed: "I didn't expect that your old-fashioned critic is quite principled."

"Brother Leng, don't look at me in my usual wandering form. In fact, I am a very shy and conservative man in my heart!"

"If you are still shy and conservative, then there are no shy and conservative men in this world."

"Brother Leng, do you take pleasure in me hurting me!"

"I'm not so free. I'm telling the truth."


While chatting, the two kept drinking the spirit wine in their hands.

Drunkenness slowly climbed onto the hearts of the two of them, making the two of them gradually intoxicated.

Finally, Xiaojian couldn't help it anymore, and fell drunk on the side of the ship's side.

Leng Hongyu held the wine bottle in her left hand, and sneered disdainfully at the corner of her mouth: "Smelly boy, still want to get me drunk?"

"Really naive!"

Early the next morning.

Xiaojian got up from the bed with a headache.

I don't know when, he actually returned to the barracks tent.

Xiaojian tried hard to recall last night, and finally some scenes sounded.

Obviously he wanted to get drunk Leng Hongyu, but he was drunk by Leng Hongyu.

Then he was controlled by Leng Hongyu's mental power and sent back to the camp.

Xiaojian immediately gave a wry smile, chasing Leng Hongyu such a smart and strong woman, it was too difficult!

Looking around, he was the only one left in the entire barracks tent.

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At this time, it was about 10 o'clock in the morning, and the sun rose high.

Xiaojian did not rush out, but opened the system interface.

Sure enough, the system upgrade is complete!

【system interface:

Q currency: 100 billion

Spiritual power: 22000 (+)

Spirit: 1000 (+)

Spirit Skills: Sky Eyes, Cannon Fist, Colorful Armor, Floating Snow and Cloud Steps, Power of Ice and Fire

Martial Skills: Hundred-step Shenquan, Intermediate Taiji Health-preserving Boxing (Gray), 56% of the Second Entering Strength (+)

Spiritual martial arts: Kaishan Cannon Fist, King Kong Heavy Cannon Fist, Body Cannon Fist, Artillery Fist, Ice Cannon Fist, Eight Cannon Fist (+), Blue Lotus (500+)

System skills: spiritual power recovery (1 time / 10 million Q coins)

Demon incarnation (1 minute/10 million Q coins)

Mental power recovery (1 time/100 million Q coins)]

Xiaojian looked down carefully from top to bottom.

After the upgrade of the XiaoQ system, the other data have not changed.

However, in the system skills, there are two more skills.

The first one is the incarnation of the monster race.

The second is recovery of mental power.

The meaning of mental strength recovery can be understood literally.

The effect of this skill is the same as spiritual recovery.

Once the mental power is exhausted, you can use the system to recover.

This is a good skill, because after hearing about Gaopin, the most important strength of Yuhaishi is mental power, not spiritual power.

So with this system skill, the effect is still great.

Seeing this skill, Xiaojian looked suspiciously on the "Demon Race Incarnation".

What does this monster incarnation mean?

Xiaojian thought for a while but still didn't understand it, so he decided to take a look.

Anyway, it only consumes 10 million Q coins in one minute, and he still uses it now.

"Ding, you need a drop of blood of the monster clan to activate the demon clan incarnation skills!"

Just when Xiaojian was about to launch, another dialog box popped up on the system interface.

Do you still need monster blood?

Xiaojian was stunned for a moment, UU read after thinking about it or opened the storage shell, and took out a drop of blood from the body of a kingfish.

Essence blood is the blood essence of the demon race, generally only a few drops of a demon race body.

With this drop of blood taken out, Xiaojian again activated the demon clan incarnation skill.

Immediately, a spiritual force quickly rushed out of Xiaojian's body and wrapped his whole body, as if some kind of magical change was taking place.

After a few seconds, the spiritual power disappeared, and Xiaojian took a closer look, and saw that the entire world seemed to have undergone tremendous changes!

The whole world has turned into a round, 360-degree world!

Xiaojian was shocked, just about to stretch out his foot, but suddenly he lost his weight and fell to the ground.

Xiaojian was taken aback, and when he looked down, he was completely shocked!

He... his hands and feet turned into two pairs of fins!

He has become a King Kong fish!

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