Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 425: hell coalition

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A poisonous insect fluttered its wings, like a black silkworm with wings, flying at high speed, sending out a terrifying spiritual howl from a long distance, it is actually a sacred object.

Its speed is too fast, shattering the sky, carrying time fragments, the first to hit the front.

"Brain control worm." Wang Xuan recognized it at a glance. It was a murderous object recorded in the book of extraordinary poisonous insects. It was the most difficult thing to deal with.

It is lifelike, like a pitch-black silkworm, its black wings collide, and it is clanging.

However, the grass and vines were suspended beside Wang Xuan, the divine flowers were blooming, and the light and swift swiftness were soaring, making him impenetrable here, and the brain-controlling worms could not kill his primordial spirit.

The flowers of the vines carry the rhythm of Dao, which looks soft, but the way of killing the enemy is very overbearing.

With a puff, the sacred object in the form of a brain-controlling worm was hit by a light and screamed. It was like a real living creature, reversing at an extreme speed and rolling in the void.

The body of the black silkworm was cut off and turned into two pieces, and the dripping blood was the blood of the rules.

At the critical moment, the other three holy relics arrived and helped it block the light rain of the grass and vines.

A stone bowl crossed the sky, with ripples in the bowl, like it was filled with liquid. In fact, it was the rippling sword light, and when it was full, it hung down along the rim of the bowl.

Now the stone bowl hangs in the air, like a sea of ​​swords being drawn, and the dense kendo waterfalls drop down, like thunder covering the sky.

The vines swayed, the divine flower carried the rhythm of Taoism, and propped up a light curtain. Even if the sword light from the outside world was like a rainbow, and it was like a galaxy falling, it would be difficult to get close to Wang Xuan's body.

In addition, a flawless white inkstone also appeared, with jet-black ink on it, surrounded by mist, black and white blended, and countless words flew out automatically, which was the embodiment of Taoism and suppressed Wang Xuan.

Likewise, it was blocked by the grass lotus root.

There is also a meteorite, simple and dull, shattering the sky, reflecting the Dao rhythm of the extreme power, just smashed down, with a terrifying force field, shaking the heavens and the earth.

Where it passed, on the ground, many mountains were shaken to pieces.

With the four kinds of sacred objects coming together, it can be said that they can instantly kill city lords who have broken the limit 5 times. It is difficult for a true immortal to block the four sacred objects alone.

This is much stronger than the seven dead city chiefs!

But now, Wang Xuan was able to resist it by himself, and the four great primordial sacred objects could not get close to his body, and were blocked by grass vines.

Obviously, there is indeed a stubborn stubble at the end of the horizon, even more powerful than the previous city lord.

"It's very strong." Wang Xuan said to himself, the grass and vines glowed, and a sacred object against the four sacred objects did not fall down, and the light and rain fell, turning Wang Xuan's place into a place of no calamity.

Everyone's pupils are constricted, and it is rare to see those who have broken the limit five times in this world, and even fewer have holy relics.

But today, **** has become the master of cloud gathering, and now even the terrifying masters who have sacred objects have arrived. This is the ultimate powerhouse in the realm of the real fairy.

But Kong Xuan was able to block it calmly!

This scene fell in the eyes of many people, and they couldn't help but take a breath of extraordinary factors.

"Would you like to try hitting the holy relic with bare hands?" The strange thing on the mobile phone suddenly sounded, and it was elusive every time, making it hard to guard against.

"There's no need." Wang Xuan said. Although he was not afraid, he didn't want to cause trouble, and even got into a bitter fight.

The strange object on the mobile phone said: "Didn't you doubt the sacred object? Isn't it the time to test your own quality? Don't rely on foreign objects to pierce hell."

Wang Xuan knew that it had no good idea.

"Has your own daughter ever done that?" he asked.

"First of all, she is not related to me by blood. Second, she did kill all the way through **** with her bare hands," said the mobile phone.

"She doesn't have holy relics, right?" Wang Xuan showed a strange look.

"Of course there is, but it's too strong. I don't use it under normal circumstances, and I use it occasionally." said the strange object on the mobile phone.

Wang Xuan nodded and said, "Don't worry, the monster in the depths of **** has mutated, and the prowler has awakened. You should be able to see her soon, but I don't know if she still remembers you."

The cell phone oddities are quiet, no

To provide you with the fastest update of "The Other Side of Deep Space" by the great **** Chendong!

Chapter 425 of the new chapter is free to read: https://,!

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Just ignore him.

"After the vines bloom, they will kill, so cut the silkworm first, whether it is a sacred or a living thing!" Wang Xuan stared at the brain-controlling worm.

As he stepped forward, the galaxy was dazzling, and there seemed to be an endless sea of ​​stars under his feet. He stepped through a "galaxy" in one step, distorting the space.

Several sacred objects did not stop him, and he broke through!

As he broke the limit 5 times, some forbidden methods in the "Xinghe Body Washing Sutra" could be used. Every time he took a step, it was like a galaxy was born and destroyed, and his body was disillusioned.

The four sacred objects showed their power at the same time, but they didn't hit him. He shuttled through the twisted void and came to the vicinity of the black silkworm with a broken tail.

"Go!" He let go of the vine and left it alone to hunt silkworms.

With a swoosh, the sacred object vacated the sky, the light and rain flew, and the bright and immortal flowers never closed, carrying the rhythm of Taoism, and swept out a dazzling light on the spot.

The black silkworm made a cry that left people, which was more unpleasant than the howl of a ghost, and the black light that slashed the soul.

It has regenerated its tail, like a black lightning, where it avoided the light of Dao Yun, and then took the initiative to kill it.

Sure enough, sacred objects are not simple, they are strong.

With a swoosh, it even deceived itself to the vine, trying to nibble on the leaves and petals.


The grass and vines are like dragons and snakes, and they hit the black silkworm with a swipe, making it **** and flying out.

This scene made Wang Xuan's eyelids twitch. He thought that only flowers can show the power of grass and vines, but it turned out that it was strong as a whole.

The other three holy relics came and wanted to hunt grass and vines together.

In order to solve the black silkworm as soon as possible, Wang Xuan stopped the three sacred objects, stepped forward, and the sea of ​​​​stars appeared, making him disappear with one step, and appeared in another place when he took the next step. He struck the three sacred objects with his bare hands. !


He punched the meteorite sacred object with a force field and twisted time and space, and his fist was not damaged.

With a clanging sound, the starlight outside him, fused with his sword light, and the massive sword light carried in the stone bowl fiercely attacked the sea of ​​swords with the boundless sword energy!

The snow-white inkstone floated into the sky, black ink surging inside, and chaos emerged around it. The text was densely packed, as if there was a supreme scripture being turned, but it was not telling people to listen, but to suppress opponents.

Wang Xuan interprets the no-word formula and expands the spiritual realm, making the supreme scriptures of the translation dim, and the words are broken and blurred.

Afterwards, he kicked up his feet, and slammed his feet **** the so-called elegant sacred object - the inkstone platform.

Siye, people lost their minds, he actually fought against the three sacred objects with his bare hands, and he fought back and forth, which really shocked many extraordinary people.

Wang Xuan fist smashed the meteorite sacred object, the sword split the stone bowl, and the supreme scripture of the inkstone platform was resolved without a word.

Obviously, he wants to blow it up directly!

On the other side, the grass and vines are very fierce, and they take the initiative to catch silkworms. The three leaves on the vine are like heavenly knives, and they cut the body of the worm. The worms died alive and broke into four pieces.

"you dare!"

When the four masters arrived, they were all surprised to see this scene. They immediately summoned the holy relic. At the same time, they also shot at Wang Xuan to block it.

"Why don't you dare?" Wang Xuan raised his eyebrows coldly. He blocked the black silkworm. This worm must be eliminated.

After the black silkworm breaks through, it is a sacred object, and it can be recovered after a period of time.

But the grass and vines are even more miraculous. With a swoosh, the three leaves split into the void, and the rhythm is endless, catching up with it, and the holy light in the flowers swept across.

"Do not!"

One of the four masters' pupils shrank. She felt that the other party's vines were too special and would severely damage her black silkworm sacred relic. She quickly killed it.

Wang Xuan greeted her, kicked in the air, and slammed into her fist, the woman flew out, her right hand shattered, and her arms twisted unnaturally.

Then, the black silkworm let out a shrill scream and was killed by the grass cane.

To provide you with the fastest update of "The Other Side of Deep Space" by the great **** Chendong!

Chapter 425 of the new chapter is free to read: https://,!

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"What?" The heart of the woman who flew out was trembling, because she felt that the sacred object was lost forever and completely died.

Not only her, but the other three masters also lost their minds. The sacred object is hard to destroy. This is the consensus. What I see in front of me does not conform to common sense. What is the other party's vine, is it the ultimate sacred object? They are unbelievable.

"Come here!" Wang Xuan used the word "yes".

After the woman with the abolished arm lost the holy relic, she was still in pain, but now she found in horror that she was blurred and appeared in front of her opponent with a swoosh.

Wang Xuan raised his right hand, and his entire right arm shone brightly, as if a holy sword was reviving. He waved his arm forward and fell directly.

The woman struggled violently and tried her best to fight against it, but she found that she was suppressed by the opponent's domain, trapped in a static time and space, and extremely passive.

The other two men and one woman rescued very quickly, not only attacking themselves, but also urging the sacred object at the same time.

However, it was too late, they could not change the **** reality.

With a puff, Wang Xuan's right arm was like a holy sword, splitting the woman in half, and severing her soul together, and then in the light of the sword, she was completely destroyed.

At the same time, Wang Xuan slammed into the holy relic with his bare hands.

With a bang, the snow-white inkstone flew horizontally, and the mysterious ink inside spilled into the void, turning somersaults and smashing into the distant land.

Then, Wang Xuan hit the meteorite sacred object, causing it to make a terrible clicking sound, and a terrifying crack appeared.

"How is that possible?" The two men and one woman stepped back and quickly took back the three sacred objects, the meteorite, inkstone, and stone bowl, away from this area.

They returned to the end of the horizon and looked at Wang Xuan in the distance in disbelief.

"The county master is here, who will compete with her? She brought the Juxian flag and attracted a large number of wanderers along the way. No city dared to follow her wherever she went."

The tall knight in bronze armor came back from the end of the horizon, this time riding a golden lion, one man and one beast were ferocious.

He went to meet the county lord himself just now, and the four city lords who fled with him were also by his side.

"Why is there one less..." The tall knight was surprised, and then he felt a little bit at a loss for words, looking at Wang Xuan who was standing in the light and rain like a **** in the distance.

"It's okay, the princess is here, no one can turn the sky over!" After a while, the tall knight sat on the back of the golden lion and opened his mouth, stepping back a distance.

In the distance, the smoke billows, and the suffocating aura is overwhelming. It turns out to be a boundless army of prowlers. There are so many that they are all led by the city lord.

There are at least 10 city lords riding on rotten mounts and walking at the forefront. As for whether there are still city lords in the rear army, I don't know at all.

Those mounts are all wearing secret gold armor, some shining with cold light, some with rust, fine\/hua\/book\/ pavilion... first. release. update. new~~ from scorpion to black tiger, There are all kinds of beasts, such as giant dragons, and powerful prowlers are sitting on their backs, holding spears and halberds.

And the sky is also very terrifying, like the surging of the magnificent dark clouds, all are fierce kilns and giant beasts, such as the golden-winged Dapeng, the black six-winged ape, etc. There are all kinds of monsters and prowlers.

Even Wang Xuan was taken aback, the number of monsters and prowlers "exceeded the class", and there was no end.

If it weren't for the infinite mythological factors behind his life soil, he would turn around and leave, because such an army can pile up the top powerhouses alive.

He was calm now, standing there unmoved.

"Are you crazy? This must be at least a dozen monsters in a giant city. All of them have left the city and obeyed the orders of the county master." Fu Dao Niu felt the corbels trembling slightly.

Leng Mei and Wu Mingxiu stood behind Wang Xuan, the expressions on the two beautiful faces changed.

As for the distance, the scalps of the people in all the great venues were numb, and the momentum was too great. A veritable **** army attacked.

"The shelf is a bit big, so many prowlers are mobilized, isn't it your own daughter?" Wang Xuan asked the strange object on the phone.

To provide you with the fastest update of "The Other Side of Deep Space" by the great **** Chendong!

Chapter 425 of the new chapter is free to read: https://,!

『』, update the latest chapter as soon as possible!

Unexpectedly, although the mobile phone did not respond, it flew out silently, and the screen looked suspiciously at the army of **** that could not be seen.

Wang Xuan said: "No way, it's really possible that it's her? No matter what, she has to be the ruler of the Holy Imperial City, or even higher."

The mobile phone wonders ignored and just watched silently.

"Kong Xuan, the county master said that the most brilliant legion in the outer area of ​​hell is here, do you dare to try again?" he asked loudly.

"Why should I try?" Wang Xuan didn't want to follow the opponent's rhythm.

"To break the record of the old era, you can enter the Holy Imperial City to find the old things you want." On the opposite side, the young man said calmly.

At this moment, the four wilds were shaken, and the people in the major true holy dojos could not sit still. The young man said that it should not be the most mysterious must-see list, right?

"My mind is a little poisonous. If I say it in public, the consequences are unpredictable." Leng Mei whispered.

Wang Xuan naturally understood, he looked indifferent, looked ahead, and said, "What I want, I will go to the Holy Emperor to get it myself, do I need you to arrange it?"

PS: There may be some problems with transcoding in the next few lines, we will see. . .

To provide you with the fastest update of "The Other Side of Deep Space" by the great **** Chendong!

Chapter 425 of the new chapter is free to read: https://,!


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