Some older lady had discovered the grotesque corpse of the young chef early in the morning and stumbled away screaming. The police arrived at the scene very quickly after that and the entire corridor was immediately cordoned off for their investigation.

In this technological age however, the answer to the murder was immediately found in a small camera that Lanise had overlooked. The police reviewed the tape which was like a horror movie before immediately reporting it to their senior officers.

When linked with the illegal ship and Ivan's large group of Celestials, a mass arrest warrant was handed down along with the mobilization of the local military force en masse. The Galactic Fleet battleships also sent a signal that they would be arriving within an hour, so the main military force arranged their plan to coordinate with that.


Ivan's group was heading back to the Kraken when several police hovercars broke out of the traffic and flew beside the railing of the walkway Ivan and the others were on.

[Sirs and madams, you are all under arrest under suspicion of assault and murder. Immediately raise your hands in the air where we can see them.]

The police officers spoke over a speaker from their hovercars as even more vehicles flew in and surrounded them.

Ivan frowned deeply at this and wondered what aroused this situation. As far as he knows, he told everyone not to kill anyone, at least not anywhere it could be witnessed. All they had to do was drag a person into subspace and they would immediately die, whilst the body would be completely erased with no evidence would remain.

Normally under this scenario, Ivan would have opted to just to move through subspace and leave, but his group was currently carrying a large number of three-dimensional materials which couldn't be taken through subspace as they were.

"Flintlock, go crush their hovercars, knocking them into subspace would probably be the easiest method. No use of fire though, and don't involve everyone else" Ivan commanded ruthlessly with a cold expression. "Everyone else, we are rushing back to the Kraken. We need to get these good put away immediately, feel free to open fire on any other hovercars."

Flintlock seemed to enjoy this command as a glint of enthusiasm shone in his three eyes. He didn't even bother diving down deeper in subspace to leave the walkthrough, he simply charged through the barrier and out into the sky.

The police officers were stunned to see the massive beast flying in the air, but the true nightmare was what followed.

Flintlock, finally getting to release its stress, flew forward and swatted one of the police hovercars like it was a fly. There was an energy barrier which surrounded the hovercar, but it shattered instantly, the entire roof caving in as it flew down like a rocket, smashing into and critically damaging several civilian hovercars on the lower lanes in the process.

The police reacted promptly as a swivelling heavy machine gun rose up from their bonnets and fired at the Four-Eyed Devil Lion. Flintlock treated the bullets as little more than an annoyance but still flew behind civilian hovercars trying to escape the scene and causing the weapons to automatically stop firing.

Flintlock perched himself against the side of a skyscraper before jumping off it with enough force several floors in the vicinity cracked and collapsed amongst screams of terror. The devil lion charged into another squad hovercar, treating its energy barrier as a soap bubble before slamming it into another building.

The police hovercars desperately shot at the devil lion while making evasive manoeuvres, but nothing was effective as the devil lion mercilessly crushed them with its claws, teeth, or even tail.

Plumes of smoke filled the sky between the buildings from all the damaged cars and also a gas line in one of the buildings that had broken and been ignited from stray sparks.

Some hovercars tried to flee, but the devil lion bounded between buildings as it chased after them like toys. In the meantime, Ivan, Valeria and the guards had already left.

Ivan lead the guards as they raced back to the Kraken, flying out of the other side of one of the buildings and directly toward the spaceship dock.

Once they neared the spaceship dock, two police cars arrived at the area before them as their machine guns emerged from their bonnets. Ivan suspected these may be automated hovercars, but wasn't entirely sure. This was a highly developed planet, but there were plenty of others more technologically advanced with the latest equipment.

"Permission to freely open fire," Ivan commanded.

The guards immediately protected him from the front as they raised their energy spears in the third dimension before firing them at the two police cars.

Including Valeria, eight beams of white light half a foot in diameter appeared to fire from in front of the guards. The beams of light pierced through the police hovercars and continued to travel unhindered for several kilometres before dissipating, two of which even pierced through several buildings along the way.

The hovercars were completely wrecked, their energy barriers activated but the beams travelled through them as if they didn't exist in the first place. Their sirens stopped instantly as soon as they were shot through, the hover units halting and causing the hovercars to drop out of the sky like stones, causing chaos through several skylanes before crashing into the distant ground.

Ivan wasn't hindered after that as they flew toward their ship, ignoring the stunned onlookers who were recording or watching the scene from a safe distance.

The area around the Kraken was currently peaceful, but Ivan anticipated it would become very busy soon. Two of the guard flew into the ship and returned shortly afterwards with a large metallic box. This was a special four-dimensional box used to isolate the energy of subspace from any three-dimensional matter inside it.

The box was pushed against the surface world before the lid was opened. The box appeared normal at first, but items placed inside appeared to vanish as they were pushed through the four-dimensional coordinate.

Once all the items were secured inside, the box was sealed again and taken back into the ship. Ivan rapidly entered the bridge of the ship and watched the surrounding field of land. Just as he anticipated, a large military convoy approached and rapidly surrounded the ship.

[Illegal ship crew, you are all under multiple charges of murder, battery and assault against law enforcement, possession of an illegal spaceship, significant damage to public property, terrorism, and many others. Immediately power down your spaceship and surrender yourself or we will be forced to use lethal force.]

The on board computer relayed the orders a military officer shouted toward the Kraken.

"How many Celestials are still unaccounted for?" Ivan asked Valeria who rapidly checked the ships computer.

"There are still 32 Celestials as well with Flintlock."

"Hmm, they are taking too long. If things get too complicated, we will submerge the ship into subspace to wait for them. There is no need to reveal our weapons system over something as simple as this."

"Understood," Valeria bowed in salute and returned to monitoring the external cameras watching the surface universe.

The military forces surrounding the Kraken were annoyed due to the lack of response. The officer in charge sent a hand signal before a several vehicles mounted with SAM systems drover to the forefront and deployed an array of missiles designed to penetrate and disable vehicles. They couldn't see anything that appear to be thrusters, so they spread out the attack to do as much hull damage as possible.

The explosions were extremely violent and a ship made of standard materials would have suffered significant damage, but once the smoke cleared, the Kraken didn't have a so much as a single scratch.

The military forces used several other weapons, but the Kraken remained without any damage, not even welders could cut through the hull. They were still determined as two Galactic Fleet battleships descended from space and relayed a similar message to what the military originally did.

Ivan frowned upon seeing this and said to the crew, "Descend into subspace, just below the surface universe. Don't bother responding to them."

The local military forces and two Galactic Fleet battleships watched the color of the Kraken appear to darken, but otherwise completely unresponsive. Notices were sent out to the registered parties of nearby ships to immediately remove them from the area as the two battleships prepared to launch a ship disabling attack.

The spaceship port entered a silent stalemate between the present parties. Every news crew had hover vehicles and camera crews stationed in the distance reporting on the incidents while several of the Absent Celestials along with Flintlock, the Four-Eyed Devil Lion, returned to the Kraken through subspace.

Soon all the ships in the vicinity had been evacuated and the two Galactic Fleet battleships launched a swarm of armor penetrating HE torpedoes at the Kraken. The result of said attack however left both the Galactic Fleet and local military at a loss of words.

Rather than colliding with the Kraken and exploding, every single torpedo passed through the ship like it was a mirage, exploding upon the surface of the planet without having any influence on the Celestial's spaceship, or as Ivan had taken a liking to call it, subspaceship.

As this was broadcast live by the nearby news crews, the news stations and internet instantly exploded into activity. Nobody had seen such kind of technology before and were constantly guessing what it is or searching for the answer. The entire Andromeda Galaxy had truly witnessed the Celestials for the first time.

The Galactic Fleet tried several other methods of communication which appeared to fall upon deaf ears. The Kraken still floated in the sky regardless of their efforts, and they could only watch helplessly as once evening arrived and the remaining Celestials returned to the ship, it slowly fading away from existence as it dove deep into subspace.

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