"The ceremony is over!"

After the ceremony was over, with the loud roar of the clerk, all the soldiers put down their salute and stepped down. Walk neatly back into the cabin.

The baptism of a war, let all soldiers understand the cruelty, abandoned the original illusion, retreated the immature faces, and allowed them to grow into real men...

One by one, men who can carry the thickness of civilization!

Just like that, in this heavy atmosphere of crying, mourning, silence, and pain, Kunlun Mountains restarted and gradually left this piece of Star Domain, The goal is-187j3x2.

Expected time, 11 years!


After the Kunlun Mountains re-started, the restoration of the entire spaceship and the hibernation rotation of the people are also proceeding in an orderly manner.

The long-term sober population has increased from 800,000 to 2 million. In this way, after reaching the target Star Domain, Kunlun Mountains can basically be repaired.

After assigning all the work tasks to various departments, Zhang Yuan finally had a chance to breathe. At the urging of Lin Xuanxuan, he first went to the hospital for an all-round physical examination. He didn't find any major problems before he felt relieved.

He is so tired. After so many days, the daily rest time has been compressed to four hours. The whole person is like a clockwork, working without stopping.

Suddenly the pressure was shared, as if she fell apart.

Unconsciously, lying on the desk, squinted for a while.

"What a happy time."

When he regained consciousness, he couldn't help but shook the head with a wry smile, lamenting the contradiction of human beings.

Zhang Yuan couldn't help but look away: "If this kind of leisure is busy, it can be regarded as happiness, this World is too simple...This kind of happiness is only a short moment."


Now there is more important thing to do, that is, the knowledge review submitted by those Budit people.

He has enough free time to take care of these guys.

Soon, Zhang Yuan called Wang Junpeng, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to learn about the situation.

Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of these surviving Badit people are soldiers, and only a small number of them are scientists. In order to survive, they are frantically collecting papers.

As a result, the things posted recently have been mixed.

"Hey... the knowledge of overwhelming majority is meaningless to us. I will select some effective reports to send to you, and these seem to be pretty good." Wang Junpeng said on the other end of the video call.

There is a small amount of knowledge that is indeed very important to humans. For example, the common sense of the interstellar civilization. If two interstellar civilizations meet on the cosmic string, how should they contact and how to communicate, the two sides Principles of transactions and so on. For these contents, all have detailed descriptions.

In this starry sky, the trading unit commonly used by various civilizations is amoeba points.

Amoeba civilization, as a Level 6 civilization, has maintained a neutral attitude for a long time, and its reputation is of course excellent. The liquidity of this currency is quite high. With this common sense, people will have a higher degree of confidence in the interstellar voyage.

Another example is the detection method and prevention method of the digital virus "ten thousand years bug". Like Amoeba Points, it is also a digital life, one is currency, the other is weapon.

"so that's how it is, this kind of digital life bug, is a common weapon of war in the interstellar battle millions of years ago, which can be purchased on the interstellar market...large-scale Electromagnetic waves can easily infect the machinery of a planetary system. If the Earth civilization is infected with this virus and all the electronic chips are destroyed, then there's no resistance. Earth has a population of hundreds of billions, and it will be extremely difficult to clean up. "

"Yes, most interstellar civilizations now take precautions against it, and conventional civilizations have no ability to improve it. Therefore, this digital virus can only be used to deal with some rookies. Civilization, or some civilization that does not communicate with the outside world." Wang Junpeng gave an example: "There are some civilizations, and because of their high racial potential, they have developed to a high level of technology alone."

" However, due to the poor geographic location, or the belief that the universe is a Dark Forest, or the fear of the universe, there are always some civilizations that are unwilling to communicate with the outside world and indulge in their beautiful hometown..."

"You know, the Milky Way galaxy is also in constant motion. Sometimes the planet with a poor geographic location will also move to the side of the cosmic string and be discovered by the rest of the civilization."

A civilization without common sense of the universe, after being discovered by other interstellar civilizations, can be dealt with and plundered by worms for ten thousand years. Even Level 2 civilizations can easily defeat Level 3 civilizations, and even Level 4 civilizations! "

Zhang Yuan seriously nodded, this is also the biggest disadvantage of shutting down the country. A civilization develops on its own. Impossible knowing that there are so many weird things in the outside world, how can it be defended?

Wang Nian Worm, but the residual technology of Level 6 civilization, is it possible that a civilization can develop to Level 6 in isolation?


As for this kind of digital virus, the specific prevention methods are also very simple, and there are even many kinds.

The low-end ones, some special recognition small programs, and the high-end ones, can develop special hardware. If these hardware Kill.

Wang Junpeng sighed and was a little dissatisfied: "But it is limited to this. The Badit information is a good supplement to the common sense of the universe, but most of them are submitted. Our experts think that there are not many refreshing scientific papers. The Badit people’s knowledge of the universe is not much higher than that of human beings."

"It is possible that these so-called experts, It is a second-rate sub-level in itself...their fleet is not like us, and they have brought 8 million people with their families...and it is possible that they are still hiding and tucking."

Zhang Yuan said with a smile "It’s really possible. We don’t need to be discouraged, and we don’t have such hope."

True science must be a great theory similar to the Standard Model and General Relativity. It is about The cognition of the universe itself can derive more and more things.

Science equivalent to is the main pole of a big tree, and technology is the branch next to the main pole. Only the main stem grows, the branch can continue to grow. But it is a pity that the Badit people have not crossed over some of the problems concerning the great desert.

Even if there is no epoch-making science, it would be good if there are some new technologies, but the problem is that humans think of things that are easy to develop, and have developed them. Most of the technologies that are not easy to develop are The crystallization of a lot of wisdom. For example, the principle of nuclear fusion engineering is known to even junior high school students, but how difficult is it to realize it? How many fifty years did it take?

This kind of giant project simply cannot be done by one person. In particular, humans require all the derivation process, not a mere result. By relying on dictation alone, these Badit people have a good memory, How can it be written silently?

Wang Junpeng is constantly complaining: "Also, the Badit people don’t know what humans need, and they don’t know what information is useful to us. Due to different technical standards, their We don’t use patents at all. In the materials they submitted, even Newton’s laws of motion came out, and they solemnly vowed that this is the origin of science, absolutely great formulas, etc."

Zhang Yuan smiled and said: "I don't believe it. There are no real experts among these two thousand people? There are no epoch-making big papers. Smaller papers that specialize in certain aspects are also good, such as interstellar ramjets. Related things. Let them write slowly and remember slowly. In five years, what is the urgency? Even if it is labor reform, it is impossible to get rid of the body of sin immediately."

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