During this observation, language experts tried to import data into the computer, and decipher the language of this alien civilization based on the manners and actions of these Riley people. It should not be too big. Problem.

It's not the first time anyway, all scientists are familiar.

Professor Li Zhendong, who specializes in this area, even issued a military order, "The language of the Riley people is not particularly complicated. After all, it is just a primordial civilization, without that many complicated vocabulary. It's just about religion. It’s a little bit more difficult, and more information is needed to be able to translate more accurately."

It was so busy all night, and after the relevant scientists compiled the data, they used a deciphering software Transmitted to Wang Junpeng and the others’ transport aircraft.

"Is the translation software coming out so soon? Our civilization is really full of talents and strength."

After a night of rest, Wang Junpeng's mental state is very good. After seeing this translation software, he felt even better.

"This dialogue software is not perfect yet, it can only achieve preliminary communication functions...More content needs to be improved."

Zhang Yuan said in the video call, "It's enough to establish a preliminary transaction relationship, and we don't expect to get too many things in this civilization. Do you know all the tasks?"

"Understand, a preliminary translator is enough. "Wang Junpeng said confidently.

The next thing becomes even stranger...

When human beings drive a car and come to the base camp of the Riley people, they use the native language to face the two sides on the battlefield. After explaining their intentions, all the Riley people were surprised.

"Humans...he said, they are human...kind? Humans? What do you mean?" A nobleman stumblingly spit out this strange word, "Isn't it a Spiritual God messenger?"

"Spiritual God is elusive...Perhaps the word itself means Spiritual God messenger."

"Yes, yes, that's it!"

Tighten Then, at the price of a few metal knives, mankind exchanged a large number of religious classics and historical books in the two countries. When these Riley people saw the metal knives, they were surprised that all the slaws flowed out!

Faced with the native behavior of a frog in well, all human diplomats maintained a good culture and did not ridicule or make other actions.

Then the human diplomatic team, under the kind invitation of Native, first watched the execution of the "blasphemer", and those gods were hanged.

The people who listened to the miserable dry howling were frightened.

This time, a few female diplomats really couldn't stand it anymore, all of them turned blue, and they kept complaining about the barbarism and backwardness of these natives.

On the contrary, the headed Wang Junpeng did not stop this farce. Anyway, it is the internal affairs of the other party's civilization. Why should human beings be nosy?

Finally, the diplomatic team was divided into two groups and went to the capitals of these two countries to experience a witty journey of different civilizations...


"Exquisite, so exquisite... Our most perfect metal is less than one ten thousandth of it!"

"What kind of forging technology is this? Let our skilled craftsmen come Take a look and let them know what is the real Spiritual God encephalitis!" The king of the Kingdom of Leon, playing with this stainless steel knife, really likes it.

"You mean, they used a rare beast called a'car', and they would return to the capital from the border in just one day?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, our general said it himself... They even have a giant bird called'spaceship', which takes only an hour to return to the capital from the border, but we don’t have a suitable'giant bird' here. Where to stay..."


The king was already a little delirious, and even excited, accidentally cut his tongue. A little bit. According to his IQ and insight, there is no way to understand these things.

He can only understand the beautiful knife in front of him!

He slashed lightly with a knife, and with almost no effort, this tenacious "World Tree" leaf was cut in half.

"It's so exquisite, it's really a gift from Spiritual God..."

The rest of the nobles sitting down are also jealous.

After a while, several specialized forging Masters rushed over, and took the knives one by one trembling in fear, "God! God!" expressing his emotions.

Various countries in the Riley civilization can also produce very small amounts of copper metal, but the smelting process is extremely troublesome.

Because the atmospheric oxygen content is low and it is difficult to burn, the Riley people will grind some special oily plants and nitrate minerals into powder and dry them, and then use a convex lens to gather the sun's rays. Ignite these powders. The flame produced in this way can forge a small amount of metal.

The cost of flame is extremely high. The metal smelted by this primordial method is so expensive that only a few nobles can use it.

How can its quality compare to human metals... even the most commonly used stainless steel?

After all the forging craftsmen left, one of the officials prostrated on the ground and said: "King Your Majesty, they denied their identity. They are not messengers of the god of money, but claim to be Humans..."

"Hey, it’s not right, Spiritual God’s messengers don’t want to disclose their identities, so why should we care about them... What are their requirements? Do they need sacrifices?" The king put away the shiny little knife and carefully put it in a scabbard.

This matter has both advantages and disadvantages.

If you make good use of it, your kingship will undoubtedly be more stable.

But he also deeply knows the richness and power of these messengers...He is secretly wary of him that he must not offend them, otherwise, even if he is a king, he can easily be overthrown.

One of the nobles suddenly said: "It seems that in our Ancient Times, there are also such messengers who suddenly appeared in the sky, but they soon left. This messenger named human seems to More moderate, they want to make a deal with us. After the deal is concluded, they should also leave."

"So, can we ask them to destroy our hostile country? In this way, we can Get a lot of territory with no difficulty..."

As soon as this sentence came out, all the nobles felt a little commotion.

The king hesitated, more territories, more population, mostly the desires of the nobles. He just wanted to ask for more metal devices to increase the wealth of the Royal Family, and that's it...

If the strength of the nobility is too strong, the Royal Family will become very dangerous.

He opened the mouth and said: "The other party follows the principle of equivalent exchange. These few metal knives have already exchanged many of our cultural classics. In order to let the messenger destroy the hostile country, we What price do we have to pay? Can we afford it? Have you ever thought about this?"

A nobleman quickly said: "At least let our wishes be passed on to They...even more how, the messenger should also be dealing with our hostile country."

"What if our hostile country proposes such a transaction?"

These words caused all the nobles to panic slightly, and they began to care about them incessantly.

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