Senior Brother Zhao laughed, "Insufficient heat dissipation capacity leads to insufficient sewage treatment capacity. Do you know how much water each of us has on average?"

Zhang Yuan shook the head.

Zhao Qingfeng stretched out a hand: "5 tons, the entire spaceship only has more than two million tons of water. On average, each person only has 5 tons of water. And how much does the Earth people have on average? 0.13 cubic kilometers , Which is 130 million tons."

"One person owns fifty times our total!"

"You think, we have such a little water, our self-purification ability is almost Zero. Used water is divided into several levels for treatment, drinking water, industrial water, domestic sewage, etc. Among them, drinking water needs to be re-distilled. How much energy does it use?"

"Energy itself It’s not a problem. Nuclear fusion brings too much energy, but if the heat generated by these industries is not released in time, it will cause heat accumulation that the heat dissipation capacity is completely insufficient."

"Ai, what I said." Zhang Yuan nodded, he understood that the industry in the spaceship is intertwined with each other.

Single sewage treatment unit is not complicated, but when linked with other things, it becomes quite troublesome.

Any error in any link will cause the collapse of the entire system. A spaceship must retain a fairly high fault tolerance rate.

He said: "So, the heat that we can't handle at present, should we simply throw it away by discharging substances?"

"That's it, reach Europa again Replenish material once...but after reaching Jupiter, there are no more resources to replenish, and everyone has to hibernate. When the time comes, the population has dropped sharply, and the heat dissipation capacity is completely sufficient."

Just in the process of chatting. , The rail car arrived at the first stop, which is the core industrial zone.

This is a vacuum zone, and there is no gravity, and no external force can be used. It is extremely troublesome to move.

For the convenience of the astronauts, electromagnetic generating devices are placed on the road. As long as it is aligned with the infrared probe on the spacesuit, after a signal is emitted, it will generate a certain amount of electromagnetic force, which will attract people.

Zhang Yuan is no stranger to these devices, and quickly mastered the tips for using them, flying leaps and bounds in the corridor.

There are many workers working in the production room with a thin layer of glass.

Zhang Yuan saw an old acquaintance - Ye Kaifu was focusing on something on an electronic screen, but he didn't run over to say hello.

In fact, there is no need for so many people in the production room, but in order to increase everyone's proficiency, the management decided to train them in a way that saturates their work. It's always right to cultivate it anyway.

The whole set of industrial processes was visited in a casual manner, and there were not many machines in operation.

The space industrial production in spaceship has both advantages and disadvantages.

Let’s talk about the shortcomings first. First of all, the very conventional process of "extraction" cannot be achieved directly.

For a simple example, water and oil are placed in a bottle and shaken vigorously. Different solutes have different solubility in water and oil to separate and extract the solutes. This process is called "extraction". Implementation on Earth is very simple. But it takes a lot of effort in space. Because of weightlessness in space, water and oil cannot be separated.

Similar principles, rectification, absorption, precipitation, bubbling and other chemical processes cannot be simply realized in the gravity-free zone.

However, because of the absence of gravity, the centrifuge is beginning to shine.

Just use a centrifuge, equivalent to artificial gravity, rectification, absorption, precipitation, bubbling can be completed.

Furthermore, the centrifuge in space is no longer disturbed by the gravitational environment. It can build a larger land and separate purer substances.

Senior Brother Zhao asked: "This supergravity rectification machine can generate 500 g of gravity acceleration, how many times its separation speed is that of the rectification tower on Earth? Do you know the formula?"

Zhang Yuan frowns, thinking about one minute.

What is the packing tower correlation...

"7.9 times!"

Zhao Qingfeng was slightly surprised, didn't expect this kid to be so unpopular Know the formula.

But I was only slightly surprised. For geniuses, there are naturally expectations for geniuses.

"Very good, the speed of rectification is proportional to the 13th power of acceleration. As long as the rotation is faster, the speed of chemical purification is also faster."

" On the moon, there is a very complete silicon purification industry, but unfortunately you can’t see it now. Through repeated acidification and distillation, extremely pure silicon ingots can be extracted with a purity of about 99.9999……%, which is about 15 9 , And the industry on Earth can only extract the purity of 11-12 9s, and because of various reasons such as oxygen, it is difficult to go further."

Pure silicon ingots are the basis of chips.

The higher the purity, the higher the yield of the chip will naturally be. So the moon became the center of cutting-edge manufacturing.

The two continue to move forward.

If I remember correctly, the previous machine is the famous YS-3D lithography machine.

It is about the height of a floor and looks a bit like a large oven.

It's just that this guy was left out for the time being, because "Earth Era" couldn't produce any chips at all. Zhang Yuan couldn't see the subtle structure inside.

"After 3000 years, will it be broken?"

"No, you think it is a TV set at home, it will break if it is not used for a long time?"

Zhao Qingfeng said with a smile: "We have already dealt with it specially beforehand. This is the universe. There is no oxidation and corrosion of oxygen. Although there will be some quantum motion, it is not a problem to keep it for thousands of years."


That’s true, vacuum environment coupled with ultra-low temperature, almost anything can be stored for a long, long time.

Even the dead bodies of humans and animals can be preserved for a long time.

With the development of the aviation industry, there are more than 50,000 human corpses floating in the solar system. Some return safely, and some die without seeing them. They just hide quietly in a certain part of the solar system. In the corner.

A few years ago, Zhang Yuan once witnessed with his own eyes that a drone brought back an astronaut's corpse.

He shrivelled like a mummy, surrounded by frost.

There is still no dissipated panic on his face, telling what happened at the last moment.

This is a worker named "Carter Bradenwald" who died in a crash during the construction of the space elevator one hundred years ago. One hundred years later, the fallen leaves finally returned to their roots and returned to the embrace of the Earth mother.

In the past, people raised their eyes to the Milky Way, depicting heroes in the constellations.

And now, we still look up, but the hero is already driven by the cold.

If a civilization wants to develop, it will inevitably be accompanied by sacrifices. Zhang Yuan just hopes that the years will be quiet, and in the future, mankind will be able to suffer less of such disasters...

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