Deer Demon Race

Chapter 139: Fuyun

The wood ghost cursed in a low voice: "Luer is bold, how can he dare to add chaos to the ancestors? And if there is a clone of Yuan Ying, how dare to go and die!"


As the demon ancestor, the conversation was interrupted by a little demon. Mrs. Xiwang was naturally unhappy. She didn't have a good temper. Instead, the fox demon Tianxiang took her arm and said coquettishly: "Old ancestor, this deer king is all over. It's a pity that the essence and blood are cold, so I gave Brother Baibao, he promised to teach Xianger to read, lest you always scold Xianger for being illiterate and an idiot!"


Mrs. Xiwang hadn’t expressed her position, Zhang Yifu’s divine mind avatar first sneered: “Every day, the demon king who has been in love with you for a few days will be the demon king who has been in love with you for a few days. !"


Tianxiang blinked and replied: "My monsters, eating meat and drinking blood is not normal? It was the ancestor who ordered Xiang'er to go to the Deer Deer King, and he didn't really want to serve. He should have died and sent his blood to Brother Baibao. What's wrong?"


Yuan Ying Xuying wanted to say it again, and the fox demon said again: "Abiao serves the Demon King in a male form. You are attached to A Biao. Are they not disgusting when they are in love? Or is it just for A Biao to get close to the Demon King? Your idea, you two take turns to accept?"


   was asked fiercely by the fox demon, the monk Yuan Ying couldn't hold back his cheeks, and he coughed hurriedly.


   He is just a avatar of Dao Shen Nian, and he has no entity. Where can he be choked?


After Tianxiang snatched the monk Bai Yuanying’s Divine Mind clone, she shook Madam Xiwang’s arm to act like a baby, and then Madam Xiwang nodded: "Since I can teach you to read, tell him to come over, this Divine Mind clone can’t hurt anyone, my mother is here. Don’t even think about attaching another one!"


   With this turning point, the ancestor spoke, and the wood ghost no longer stopped. The deer demon ran over quickly, pulled up the huge deer carcass of the Tiger King, and cut open the belly with the deadly hook next to the corpse, and went in to search for blood.


   Tianxiang squatted outside the corpse, and whispered: "Brother Baibao, Tiger Eater only needs 20 drops of your blood, and the extra is Tianxiang's apprentice Shuxiu, don't forget!"


Even if the fox demon didn’t say that the Tiger King was dead and had a chance to drink the blood, Lu Bao didn’t plan to drink only 20 drops honestly. She owed a bit of demon, and heard that she claimed to be "Tianxiang" again, and was confused, and asked in the belly of the Tiger King: "What is your name?"


The fox demon replied: "When the slave family turned a demon, he had a strange fragrance on his body. He named him Tianxiang. Later, his ancestor took him as a maid and changed the name to Tianxiang. Kongjiao slaves!"


I guessed wrong before. Since this fox demon is not a monk's internal response, teaching her to read is no big deal. If it can have some relationship with the ancestors, it will be even better. Xue, staring at her coquettish face, squeezed and replied: "If you want to learn well..."


  The fox demon "chuckled" and said, "My brother is really ugly."


   When she was so bluntly speaking, so shocked, the deer demon was choked with a mouthful of blood, and just like that Yuanying clone, he coughed dryly.


Over there, Zhang Yifu looked at the charming fox demon and slowly said, "The day the fox demon worshiped the mountain gate and went up the mountain, Pang Dao suspected that she had the blood of a celestial fox, and she was kind and charming to the creatures, but the tiger-eating king was already Fascinated, refused to give it to the poor road!"


"You don't hide it at all," Mrs. Xiwang sneered again: "The old lady is looking for a maid, not only needs a different species, but also a mother beast to become a demon to get close. After searching the surroundings, I only got two. Isn't it useless? When the Deer King was affectionate with her, she was overwhelmed, and the old lady sneaked in to see his soul, so she wouldn't notice it, she didn't want to be a curse!"


Zhang Yifu sighed and said, "It's that the four families who went down to the door did not succeed! Two hundred years ago, Pang Dao possessed this tiger demon, and secretly investigated the terrain of this place and the different species of monsters, and later took advantage of him to get along with the Deer King I planted a thought curse on the demon king, and first thought that the four families control the star picker, and the poor road is here to help him wait, and first can kill the two here! I don’t want the jackal to have an accident, Ziyun thinks about it. This waste is extremely unbearable, turned into a demon's use, and shocked you. Sooner or later, you will be exposed, so you will have to use your plan to help you kill the opponent first.


   As he talked more and more frustrated, Mrs. Xiwang laughed. This time it was a real smile: "Little miscellaneous hair can recognize the twenty-one in the west?"


The 21st demon ancestor in the southeast of Holy Ape Mountain, and the three-seven grass turned into a demon. It is the face-to-face enemy of the Xuantian Sect. Tell me? Twenty-one couples, children will grow up under the care of my old mother, so you really can't figure out these local trash demon kings, what are they worth? But the old lady speaks, ten and eight demon kings, and a hundred demon kings. Will always be able to ask, how many more people will you move in, will they have enough for the little demons? Can you force me to leave?"


   Hearing what Mrs. Xiwang said, Zhang Yifu's phantom shook for a moment: "You have never been with Ximen for more than nine hundred years..."


   "There will be no contact for 10,000 years, and if my old lady speaks, he doesn't dare not listen!"


Seeing Zhang Yifu’s divine mind avatar go down in distress, Mrs. Xiwang said again: "The five houses in Sacred Ape Mountain who are guarding your house have settled down, can it be worth the trouble? If it weren’t for that... the one who killed that day did not show up, twenty-one was timid. , I am afraid to provoke your old miscellaneous hairs, really led dozens of Demon Kings to fight out, let those five families settle down, and then kill the mortal monks in this way, and connect the land to Lingtao Peak!"


"These unused things in the local area have merged with each other. I don’t care if I can just use my brains, but if the outsiders want to show off their cleverness and prestige, do they really think that the old woman is muddy? Knowing that you waited for the monks to catch a lot of internal responses, the old lady. Check, the three families over there are fine, the Deer Demon King here clearly killed some people who were cursed by thoughts, but the Demon Tiger still hides psychic papers and communicates secretly with the outside world. How many words does he know? It was the demon king who was close to him, and then I suspected that the deer demon king had been cursed. Previously, it was just a fake investigation of the spy’s internal response, so I sent Fox Meizi to give him a good luck. The old lady took the opportunity to see clearly in her soul, but by coincidence, she caught you again. This shameless little miscellaneous hair goes peeping!"


"Knowing that you are there, the old lady has the interest to respond. Anything you plan will always be bad. Save the raccoon monster first. I thought I was too scared to move anymore. I don't want you to be too courageous. Dare to order the Deer King to take action!"


   Zhang Yifu sighed and said: "Even if you know that your wife is suspicious, there will always be a break in this matter, and the avatar of the poor Dao will be destroyed at the first thought. I don't want to waste another two hundred years!"


   Madam Xiwang caressed Yun's temple before saying again: "With my old mother's natural temperament, how can I be patient to tell you so much, I squeezed it early and made you feel uncomfortable, but I want to ask..."


The words after    were spoken in a secret language, and no monster in the room could hear it.


   After asking two sentences, she smiled and said, "Haosheng said to my old mother, I will allow you to go back with this spiritual thought!"


   Zhang Yifu smiled bitterly: "The old man, poor Dao, has been cautious all his life, and has been too steadfast. How dare to give him the slightest grievance, just restraint, don’t go out!"


   "No going out for half a step?"


   Xuying explained hurriedly: "The place is not small, so I shouldn't be wronged!"


   Mrs. Wang looked a little bit cold on her face, she gritted her teeth and asked, "Where is your old miscellaneous hair?"


   Xuying shook his head without answering.


   Madam Xiwang immediately rose up savagely, and it took a long time before she stamped her foot and said, "Get out of here!"


   The phantom Zhang Yifu tried again, and a lot of yellow light emitted from the phantom and gathered into a cloud of yellow clouds. He wanted to take him to the sky, return to the martial arts to complete the body's consciousness, and by the way, bring back today's matter.


   A Biao and the two corpses of the Tiger King, one tiger and the other deer were not far away. After being hit by the fox demon, Lu Bao stopped talking, and sat aside looking over the body of the Tiger King demon, and found out and sucked all the blood.


   The blood of this kind of demon king is indeed a great tonic for Lu Bao, and I can clearly feel that every drop of his belly blends better than other blood, and the physical changes are strengthened more.


The vitality of the essence and blood was very strong, and the antler flew up uncontrollably, and when it grew quickly, it would harden into horns when it grew. Lu Bao cut it off again, but what he drank was pure essence and blood. Does not contain evil spirit, self-cutting deer antler consumes the existing evil spirit.


   Then, blood will grow again, and the antler will grow longer, and the "regeneration" magical power will improve a little bit.


   After the third self-cutting of velvet antler, the bone that has started to be tempered will be reduced by one piece.


   Secretly weighing the pros and cons, because the Moon Essence is too little tempered, the demon energy is currently not the key to advancement. On the contrary, it is better to strengthen the physical body and enhance the current combat effectiveness.


Eat Tiger King’s half-body essence and blood, had Lu Bao cut off the antler seven times before and after he had begun to temper the vertebrae. The four impenetrable elixir had no choice but to keep for the little demon or give away to Zhang Meigu.


   Tian Xiang squatted beside him, smiling as he watched him drink blood and cut the velvet.


   It is a pity that it was delayed for a while. Most of the ordinary blood of Tiger Eater has been solidified, and the essence of blood contained in it has dissipated, otherwise the deer demon would all want to drink it.


   Here is sucking the blood, Lu Bao's ears are actually erected high, and the two high-level spiritual practitioners are reluctant to let go of the conversation.


   Finally, Madam Xiwang called Gun, and Xuantian sent Yuan Ying's divine mind clone to think he was going to leave.


   Thinking of this, the deer deer suddenly felt a slight itching on his back.


   My old deer has turned into a Mosquitoes can no longer get close, how can I feel itchy?


   I felt it, and it turned out that it was the "Robe" across the layer, and the itch was on the right back waist.


   To be precise, is the word "瑞" moving? This word was a little weird when it was generated. Why does it move again today?


   What happened behind?


   The deer demon turned his head and saw an extra yellow cloud next to the avatar of Yuan Ying's Divine Mind. The phantom looked at the yellow cloud, and his face was full of consternation, confusion, panic and other complex emotions.


   was so close that Lu Bao could see clearly that this phantom figure is actually short and fat, and the name Yifu is indeed correct.




The phantom roared with a low roar, and the cloud of yellow clouds really moved, "swish" and floated towards the deer demon, covering the deer demon, floating behind the deer demon, and then it seemed, as if, probably got into the "rui" In the words!


   The word "瑞" on the back waist moved greatly, swallowing down the yellow mist, and the font strength became a bit stronger before it settled down again.


   You..." Zhang Yifu's avatar pointed at the deer demon, first trembling with difficulty in uttering words, and then let out a tearing roar: "Have you taken the blessing of the poor?" "


Opposite him, Mrs. Xiwang was full of doubts at first. Seeing that he was furious, she couldn't help but laugh out "Haha": "Little miscellaneous hair, the blessing cloud of the condensed human virtues, how can you abandon you in the root of your avenue? ?"



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