Deer Demon Race

Chapter 146: Creatures

   More than 20,000 miles east of Jingping Mountain, above the hundred peaks, there are mists and mists, the Taoist palace is majestic and magnificent, and there are countless rare and exotic animals, exotic flowers and weeds.

   In front of the side door of a certain room, a Taoist boy stumbled and ran up the steps, slapped the door hurriedly, and shouted: "Master, Master Eight is here! Master! Master! Open the door soon, Master!"

There was no sound from inside   , Xiao Dao Tong did not give up, and continued to pat: "Master! Master!"

   "Go away!"

   A shout came from behind, and Dao Tong shrank his neck in fright, and then a strong force came and swept him away.

   Dao Tong flew four or five feet away, fell off the steps after landing, and turned into a rare black cat. After a scream of "meow", he quickly fled.

   A thin, purple-robed Taoist had arrived at the door, lifted his foot, and kicked the door open with a "bang".

In the room, a short, short-bearded Taoist dressed in a small dress was lying on the couch, humming the market tune with his legs folded, and the door was kicked open. He only glanced at it, stopped singing the tune, and shouted: "Kick Broke my door, can you fix it?"

   The skinny Taoist changed the viciousness in front of the door, and approached with a smile: "Senior Brother, but there is less luck on the road, so I just lie down and wait for death?"

The pudgy Taoist hummed, "No one is willing to help me go to Lingtao Peak to find Fuyun. Everyone is afraid of looking west, and even more afraid of provokes the Great Sage, I don’t hold my urine in my crotch. What else?"

In my own door, I didn’t even bother to use the “poor Dao” claiming to be. The skinny Daoist seemed to expect him to say so. He smiled more hippiely and sat down on the couch: “My brother, which one wants to see you suffer? But the master is not here. Senior brother should be more cautious!"

   "Huh, brother, I didn't know which calculation Luo Yijie was?"

"Brother, it’s even more boring to go far. Brother Luo has something to do with us? So the master came back and asked. My old man Dou said the same way! Senior brother said, he moved out of Mount Xumi four years ago. Three million households have settled down, even if it’s almost here, Menli would have to fight each other with Yuxiaomen and others, but now the Three Senior Brothers Dadao is important. In addition to the 200,000 households that should have been dropped before, let’s recognize it more. The 800,000 households are exactly what you are going to handle. Once this is done, you will have a lot of merits and virtues, and you will be able to make up for it!"



   In the moonlight, a hornless stag, which is not slipping away, ran across the ridge next to a certain market town.

   If you have good eyesight, you can see that its left earlobe is underneath, and a small human head sticks out, looking curiously at the quiet human market town in the distance.

The stag quickly ran across this field and rushed into the forest in front. The branches in the lower part of the forest had been cut down as firewood and could not completely obscure the line of sight. There was still a path in the forest leading up to the mountain, and the stag was strayed away. The path only goes under the trees, and the figure is looming in the forest.

The stag hasn't completely disappeared. There is another snake with a bowl-thickness on the ridge swimming over. It looks dark from a distance. The ground swim walks forward, and finally enters the forest. After pulling the grass away, you can see the weeds swaying along the edge of the forest.

After    the green snake, another wolf with black and gray hairs passed through the ridge. It landed silently and trot all the way. When it entered the woods, the movement was smaller than the previous snake, and no trace was found in the blink of an eye.

   Tonight is lively on the ridge, and then there is a fragrant roe. After running for a while, it will stop, watch the two sides vigilantly, and run and stop into the forest.

   Halfway through the incense stick, another fat wild boar ran over the ridge. It was completely different from the incense stick in front. He lowered his head and looked only at the ground without looking aside.

After the wild boar rushed into the forest, after the ridge, he trot to a bison. He kept a constant speed, stepped on the hard soil as much as possible, leaving as few footprints as possible. If you observe carefully, you will find that the tail of the cow is hanging tightly without shaking at all. At the end of the drooping tail, he was still holding a mountain frog whose eyes kept turning.

   After the buffalo ran past, the ridge had to calm down, until some clouds covered the crescent moon, and it was dark for a while.

In the middle of the night, the stag that first dashed across the ridge had reached the top of this mountain, then stopped and waited for a while on the top. Green snakes, black gray wolves, incense deer, wild boars, and mountain frogs on their tails The bison arrived one after another, all of them stopped staring, and understood why the team stopped.

On the opposite side of this mountain is a taller peak. In the canyon between the two mountains on this side, there is a campsite. Now there are two dead wind lanterns, both of them glowing brightly, which are very conspicuous at night. .

The camp with lights at the foot of the mountain is not the whole reason for these seven or eight creatures to stop. The mountain on the opposite side is also strange. Now only half of it is still left, facing them, all exposed with white flowers and gravel mud. Sand, I don't know why I missed it.

  The leading stag looked at the surrounding terrain again, tilted his head to indicate that he could not make a sound, and led down the mountain from the left, far away from the half-less high mountain, taking advantage of the starry sky to locate, and then marched southwest.

After daybreak, these creatures stopped again in a lush forest. What you saw below was a large open area. I was afraid that it would not be dozens of miles around. Now all the open areas have been reclaimed into fertile fields. In the early autumn, there were so many fields. The heavy ears of wheat have to be harvested for a month, and there are still few busy farmers.

   There is a small city in the middle of a large fertile field.

  To get around this open land, one has to climb the mountains on the left, but the valley between the mountains on the left and the mountains on the left is a avenue, and there are people coming and going on the road from time to time.

   It is difficult to pass quietly during the day. Retreat to the bushes behind the mountain, and the stag lay down and signaled to spend the day here.

   The team slackened slightly. Seeing the green snake approaching the bison, the mountain frog hurriedly let go of the bull's tail and jumped to the stag in a few steps.

   Green Snake rolled his humanized eyes, climbed onto the back of the bison, hovering around his body to rejuvenate, and the wild wolf, wild boar, and fragrant deer each lay down in a comfortable position.

   Each lay down, and the Bucks whispered: "You can talk, but keep them away. Don't make a lot of noise!"

Several other creatures held back and drove for more than a day. At this time, they had no desire to speak. Only the black and gray wolf asked: "Master, last night, I saw that the mountain was reduced by half. It was caused by the monks fighting and fighting. Huh? I watched the master take all of his care when he took me around, and I went around for two more hours!"

The stag shook his head and replied: "If I guessed correctly, it should be mining in the open air! It takes mortals to dig up such a mountain for a long time. Most of them use monk methods, or there are monks in the camp. Have to be careful to get around!"

  The green snake on the back of the cow sighed lightly: "It's the monk who gathers the heaven and the earth and refining it for his own use!"

   The stag then sighed: "Yes!"

   The wild boar over there hummed and said, "Humans are born intact, and they are the best way to refine treasures. I can't envy you monsters!"

The Bucks replied: "I want to come, because it is difficult for monsters to learn Chinese characters. Human beings have an inexhaustible inheritance of characters. After thousands of years, talents will become more intelligent, and they will be recorded in books. It’s hot! My monsters are not going to be. Since the ancient times, the blood of the sky monsters has become thinner, and I am afraid that their skills are becoming more and more loose!"

   The black gray wolf sighed: "Don't blame me for not being able to live up to it. I look at the word, it's really dazzling, and I want to sleep when I don't see it for a long time."

   The wild boar replied: "Except for the master, who is not so little demon? You have to be promoted to a demon, and the human form is a little complete, so that you can learn to read faster."

   In the buck's left ear hole, another voice came out: "We are weird, learning Chinese characters is hotter than your monsters, but the weirs are different and different in every way, so I learned Chinese characters, and the inheritance is less than a little!"

   The buck cried: "If you want to speak, come out and say that it makes my eardrums hurt!"

   immediately died down, willing not to speak or to come out.

After a few days on the road, I saw the various prosperity of the human race. They had their own feelings. The atmosphere was not good. A few outside did not say anything. After a good rest, the mountain frog next to the stag spoke again: "Master, I have already run away. On the 5th, the King of Filling Water should know that we have fled, and he dare not chase them out, but will he try to kill our lives by another way?"

   The stag shook its head and replied: "No!"

Hearing it so sure, wolves, wild boars, green snakes, and bisons all looked over, and the stag slowly said: "I am in Lingtao Peak, and I have an appointment with the fox demon, and she should also go to Jingping Mountain to find me to learn. Words!"

   They don’t know how the fox demon came to Jingping Mountain to learn Chinese characters and the King of Filling Water did not use other means. Seeing the stag did not say much, the pig demon spoke again, and the topic immediately went away.

   "That fox Meizi is really a sweetheart, so I can't wait to eat the tiger king for the tiger, and be willing to die!"

   It forgot about it, and it splashed on its saliva. The mountain frog hurriedly stopped: "Old Wen, you should be quiet!"

   The wild boar rolled his eyes and replied, "So far from a little louder, where can I be heard?"

   Bucks said, "Biyan is right, you don't care about Laowen, I don't want to die here!"

   "No! Follow my master's orders!"

   The pig demon replied lazily, no longer interested in talking, the pig's head dropped to the ground, his eyes closed and he went to sleep.

   It went silent again, and all slept until dark. There were no pedestrians on the canyon road below. A few small wings passed by, walking along the mountains, avoiding the open land and the small town.


   Jingping Mountain in front of the drill cave.

   Tian Xiang looked at Filling Water B, gritted his teeth and asked, "The Deer Demon Hundred Treasures really escaped?"

Before not detecting the slightest, the deer deer took the small mountain spirits to escape, and the new tea garden was completely bathed again. The estimated annual income was less than half of her. Filling water B was more irritable than her: "I really escaped, I lied to you! If you can get it back, This king must cut off his limbs, cut off his tongue, and then castrate him!

  The fox demon also stomped and cursed: "Damn deer, when he was so proud of the old lady, he ran away after just teaching him a few days?"

   is learning from Mrs. Wang Xiu, claiming to be an "old mother".

   was annoyed on the spot for a long time, the more the fox demon thought about it, the more unwilling he was, and shouted to the sky: "Ancestor, Bai Luer escaped away!".

After a rest, there really was a curling sound in the sky: "Escape and escape. He died only for his bravery. If he can really escape to the Sacred Ape Mountain, it would be a good thing. If you dare to go in, you won’t be able to sleep well afterwards. It’s worth it! Pangolins don’t take care of many things!"

  Filling Shuiyi's face was corrupted, but no matter how bad he was, he could only make a promise and didn't dare to violate half of the points.

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